The Platinum Collection. Maisey Yates

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The Platinum Collection - Maisey Yates Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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work on it,’ Cesare promised, smoothing her hair back from her brow, wondering whether or not he should admit that he had worked night and day to get back to her within a week. He missed his family more every time he left them behind and planned complex travel schedules that minimised his absences.

      ‘I shouldn’t be whingeing,’ Lizzie muttered guiltily, drinking in the familiar musky scent of his skin, her body quickening with the piercingly sweet pleasure-pain of desire that made her slim body quiver against his long, lean length.

      ‘It’s not whingeing. You missed me...I missed you, amata mia,’ Cesare said huskily. ‘We are so lucky to have found each other.’

      They walked slowly back up the slope, Max swiftly overtaking them, Archie lagging behind. Cesare stilled to turn Lizzie round and curve loving hands to her cheeks to gaze down at the face he never tired of studying. ‘I’m crazy about you, Signora Sabatino.’

      ‘And me...about you.’ Beaming in the sunshine, Lizzie linked her arms round his neck and tilted her head back invitingly.

      She slid into that kiss like melting ice cream, honeyed languor assailing her in the safe circle of his arms. Cesare was home and a rainbow burst of happiness made her feel positively buoyant.

      * * * * *

       The Platinum Collection: An Australian Conquest

       The Incorrigible Playboy

       Emma Darcy

       His Most Exquisite Conquest

       Emma Darcy

       His Bought Mistress

       Emma Darcy

       The Incorrigible Playboy

      Emma Darcy

      Australia’s most incorrigible playboy...

      Billionaire Harry Finn’s reputation is legendary; formidable in business, charming to beautiful women. What he wants, he gets, and top of his list is secretary Elizabeth Flippence.

      Seeks very personal assistant!

      One month working together on the luxurious Finn Island resort is more than enough time for Harry to sweep this uptight office beauty from behind her desk and into his bed, on the beach and wherever else he decides!

      Elizabeth isn’t content to be just another conquest. But there’s an unknown side to her incorrigible playboy boss that’s even more dangerous than his devastating smile....

      Initially a French/English teacher, EMMA DARCY changed careers to computer programming before the happy demands of marriage and motherhood. Very much a people person, and always interested in relationships, she finds the world of romance fiction a thrilling one, and the challenge of creating her own cast of characters very addictive.



      The big three zero.

      If ever there was a birthday to inspire the determination to make a change in her life, this was it.

      Elizabeth Flippence assessed her reflection in the mirror with a mixture of hope and anxiety. She’d had her long brown hair cut to just below her ears and layered so that it fluffed out around her face in wild waves with bangs across her forehead. It was a much more modern look and softer, more feminine, but she wasn’t sure she should have let the hairdresser talk her into the vibrant auburn colour.

      It was certainly striking. Which was probably what she needed for Michael Finn to really notice her today—notice her as a woman instead of taking her for granted as his superefficient personal assistant. She desperately wanted their relationship to shift from its consistently platonic level. Two years was long enough to pine for a man who seemed fixated on not mixing business with pleasure.

      Which was ridiculous. They were so well suited to each other. Surely Michael knew that in his heart. It couldn’t be more obvious. Her frustration over this stand-off situation had been simmering for months, and Elizabeth had decided that today was the day she was going to try smashing down his guard. This makeover should at least capture his attention.

      And the hairdresser was right about the auburn tones making her dark brown eyes look brighter. The new hairstyle also seemed to put her rather long nose in better proportion with the rest of her face. It highlighted her slanted cheekbones in a strangely exotic way and even her slightly wide full-lipped mouth looked more right somehow.

      Anyway, it was done now and she fiercely hoped it would promote the desired result. When Michael commented on her changed appearance, she would tell him it was her birthday present to herself and maybe...please, please, please...he would suggest celebrating the occasion by taking her out to lunch, or better still, dinner.

      She didn’t want to be his Girl Friday anymore. She wanted to be his every day and every night girl. If that didn’t start happening... Elizabeth took a long deep breath as she faced the unavoidable truth. Thirty really was the deadline for a woman to give serious consideration to finding a life partner if she wanted to have a family of her own. Michael Finn was her choice but if he didn’t respond to her differently today, she’d probably be wasting her time to hope for any change from him in the near future. Which meant she would have to move on, try to meet someone else.

      She quickly banished the downer thought. It was imperative to be positive today. Smile and the whole world smiled back at you, she told herself. It was one of Lucy’s principles and it certainly worked for her sister, who invariably carved a blithe path through life, using her smile to get her out of trouble. A lot was forgiven with Lucy’s smile.

      Elizabeth practised her own as she left the bathroom. She was just slipping her mobile phone into her handbag, ready to leave for work when it played her signature call tune. Quickly flipping it open she lifted it to her ear, anticipating the caller would be Lucy, who had spent the weekend with friends at Port Douglas. Her sister’s voice instantly bubbled forth.

      ‘Hi, Ellie! Happy birthday! I hope you’re wearing the clothes I bought for you.’

      ‘Thanks, Lucy, and yes, I am.’

      ‘Good! Every woman should look bold and beautiful on their thirtieth birthday.’

      Elizabeth laughed. The beautiful butterfly blouse, basically in glorious shades of blue and green but with the wings outlined in brown and enclosing a vivid pattern in red and sea-green and yellow and lime, was definitely eye-catching, especially teamed with the sea-green pencil skirt. The outfit was a far cry from her usual style in clothes, but under Lucy’s vehement persuasion, she had let herself be seduced by

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