Tempting The Best Man. Tanya Michaels

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Tempting The Best Man - Tanya Michaels Mills & Boon Blaze

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asking for volunteers. She and another performer with great comic timing did a parody of a magic act, full of tricks that “failed” and innuendo-laden explanations.

      It wasn’t long before his undisciplined gaze scanned the crowd for the dark-haired waitress bustling between thirsty guests and the bar. He still hadn’t caught a clear look at her face, but her curves were evident even in the dim lighting. Black shorts cupped a generous ass, and although she was probably only average height, the seamed fishnet stockings she wore with sparkly stilettos made her legs appear endless. Anxious to see the purple brocade corset she wore from the front, he considered walking to the bar just to cross her path.

      Don’t be sleazy. Let the woman do her job.

      But then he saw Terrence approach her on unsteady feet. Daniel bolted toward them as Eli’s cousin gripped her elbow. Everyone else’s attention was on the stage. As Daniel got closer, he heard the man remark in slurred speech on how cold she must be in her outfit and offer a vulgar suggestion of how he could keep her warm.

      “If my choices were you or frostbite,” the woman said in a low, don’t-fuck-with-me tone, “I’d happily freeze to death. Now let go of me before I knee you so hard your dentist will be giving you your next prostate exam.”

      Daniel was struck by shock and recognition. “Mia?”


      NO WAY. THAT DEEP, rich voice slid up Mia’s spine like a caress and she whirled around, temporarily forgetting the dipshit she’d been about to neuter. Finding herself eye to V with the unbuttoned collar of a black suit shirt, she lifted her gaze to a chiseled face that had only grown more arresting in the last decade. Her breath caught. “Ta—Daniel?” She’d almost called him Tall, Dark and Disapproving, her private nickname for him in college.

      “Glad you remember.” He gave her an uncharacteristically warm smile before his expression hardened as he glanced past her to the guy who’d finally released her arm. “You are taking a cab home. Immediately.”

      “What the hell business is it of yours?” The man thrust out his chin belligerently. “I don’t even know you. And—”

      Daniel took a step forward, his silvery eyes glittering with menace. “Would you like to step outside where we can get to know each other better?”

      Mia was impressed despite herself. Damn, he’d grown up well. Not that they’d been kids when they’d had Psych together. She’d been twenty, and he’d inspired a few very adult fantasies. Swallowing hard, she stepped away from both men to regain her composure.

      Daniel gave her an assessing look, his gaze sliding over her in a way that made her shiver. Then he turned and led the dipshit away, either to hail him a cab or to pummel him in the parking lot. Either option was okay with Mia. She could take care of herself, but the more she thought about what had happened, the angrier she got. If one of the waitresses who routinely worked for her hadn’t called in sick at the last minute, the younger woman would be here now, harassed by unwanted attentions. There was a risk that Mia’s hostile words to a guest could get back to the client and upset him—although Mia had more faith in Eli than that—but as a self-employed party planner, Mia could take that risk without fearing reprisals from a boss. Would the waitress have felt free to stand up for herself, or would she have tolerated the pawing because she needed the job? Mia’s anger surged higher.

      When she saw Daniel return, she abandoned the empty bottles she’d been collecting and strode toward him. “Did you beat him up?” Wishful thinking. Rigid rule-follower Daniel Keegan in a fight? Never. Yet he’d looked so deliciously sinister when he’d challenged the guy.

      “Of course not. I got him a taxi. Although...” He pursed his lips, unexpected mischief lighting his eyes. “While I was helping him into the car, he may have hit his head. Twice.”

      She grinned up at him, and when he returned the smile, her pulse fluttered. The pull of attraction was even stronger now than when he’d given a presentation on social motivation and she’d spent the class wondering what it would take to motivate him to misbehave. She’d concluded he wasn’t capable of it. Yet here he was enjoying an evening of strippers and booze. Promising.

      Had he changed over time, or was he only in attendance because he was a friend or colleague of the groom-to-be? Another thought struck her. Was Daniel married? Her gaze slipped to his left hand, and she felt something ridiculously similar to relief when she didn’t spot a ring there. Daniel Keegan hadn’t been in her life in years—and, even when he had, his role had mainly been judgy classmate—so who cared if he was single?

      When she realized the silence between them had become officially awkward, she blurted, “I can’t believe I ran into you here.”

      “Same. I’m surprised you ended up a cocktail waitress. Although, I suppose you—”

      Her hackles rose; he’d always been too quick to judge based on superficial appearance, too arrogant in thinking he knew a damn thing about her. “You suppose what?”

      “Well.” He shifted uncomfortably. “Even with your grades, the idea of you in the business world...”

      Was what, laughable? Ridiculous? He didn’t think she could cut it. Given the hours she put in, sacrificing the last few years of a social life to make her party-planning business successful, his offhand dismissal was infuriating.

      “Same old Keegan,” she snapped. “Still leaping to the nearest conclusion based on cursory observation. What a shame. For half a second, I was thinking about how much fun we could have had if you’d changed.”

      * * *

      What kind of fun? The unspoken question kept Daniel rooted to the spot even as Mia spun on her heel and abandoned him to deliver another round of drinks.

      Mia Hayes had always been sexy, but tonight—in that outfit, with those glinting amber eyes that alternately threatened and promised—she was lethally seductive. When she’d smiled up at him after he’d admitted Terrence had bumped his head, Daniel had been struck with sheer lust. He’d rarely been on the receiving end of her smiles; he might be willing to bust a few more skulls to see it again.

      Unfortunately, based on that final glare, the head she wanted to see bashed was his own. He hadn’t meant to insinuate she couldn’t be more than a waitress...or that there was anything wrong with waitressing, for that matter. But he’d obviously put his foot in his mouth.

      Not the first time.

      When she’d knocked on his door in college, looking for his roommate, Daniel had made some assumptions based on the women his roommate usually dated. During small talk while they’d waited, Mia had made a comment about majoring in business and, taking in her blue-streaked hair and controversial fashion choices, he’d legitimately thought she was kidding. Laughing had not endeared him to her.

      Twice before the dancers’ finale, he tried to approach Mia to apologize, but she evaded him, moving with impressive speed in her high heels. He didn’t want to make a scene by cornering her, but as he and the other men boarded the party bus for their next location, he regretted not having the chance to say he was sorry.

      “Saw you escort Terrence from the building,” Eli said quietly. “Thanks.”

      Daniel nodded. “Your cousin was having trouble taking

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