Modern Romance June 2017 Books 1 – 4. Maisey Yates

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Modern Romance June 2017 Books 1 – 4 - Maisey Yates Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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that plan. They had weathered the first storm, learned that for both of them Bella was their main focus. That had to be enough, she told herself urgently, a strangled sound escaping her convulsing throat as he pinned her under him and plunged into her with raw, hungry energy.

      Pushing for more would only strain their relationship, which meant that she had to learn to settle for what she could get. And if that meant forgiving his suspicion that she could have been involved in her father’s blackmail, she had to do it. It was early days, she reminded herself.

      Yet how could he suspect her of such dishonest behaviour? And why did he assume that her affection was faked? Was his past so littered with unscrupulous lovers that trust was impossible for him?


      ‘YOU WERE TELLING me about your adoptive parents,’ Jax reminded her as they walked along the deserted beach three weeks later, walking Bella between them to keep the little girl steady.

      ‘Was I? They were good people. I was nine years old and very fortunate to get a home at that age,’ Lucy declared wryly.

      ‘I imagine you were a very pretty little girl. I’m sure that helped.’

      Lucy shrugged, thinking back to that brief three-year period when she had been part of a family. ‘They were very academic. When they took me on they were warned that I’d fallen behind at school and straight off they decided to hire tutors for me in every subject.’

      Jax frowned. ‘Impatient, were they?’

      ‘No, they were trying to help but it put me under a lot of pressure. I was trying very hard to be everything they wanted and then I failed an important exam, which meant I couldn’t get into the school they had set their hearts on and they were really disappointed. I don’t think I was the right child for them,’ she admitted ruefully. ‘But when they died in the car crash, all that ended and I went back into care because none of their relatives saw me as being part of the family. At the end of the day and whether you agree with it or not, blood counts.’

      ‘Yes, doesn’t it?’ Jax agreed, thinking of his late brother, Argo, a good-natured, indolent young man, who with hindsight had been remarkably dissimilar to Heracles and Jax in nature.

      Bella tugged her hand free of her mother’s and pulled at Jax’s jeans to be lifted. He hoisted her high and she giggled and rested her curly head down sleepily on his bare shoulder. Their interaction was so relaxed and natural now, Lucy thought with satisfaction, that it was hard to believe they had only met a month ago.

      She and Jax hadn’t lasted a whole week on the island without Bella. Lucy had never been separated from her daughter before and had decided a week was unnecessarily long when there was a nanny on the household staff, willing and able to give the honeymooners a break from childcare: Heracles had prepared for every eventuality when he entertained. But the rumour of a private zoo had proved to be just that—a rumour.

      The gardens, however, were spectacular although Jax and Lucy had spent more time on the beach, crunching through the pale sand to the water’s edge where Lucy, who could not swim, liked to paddle. Never having enjoyed many such opportunities, she was not keen on trusting her body to either a swimming pool or the sea, but Jax had insisted that her learning to swim was a safety issue more than anything else. So, Lucy had braved swimming lessons with Jax, which they had both found equally trying, Jax because he was naturally impatient and Lucy because she was nervous.

      Over the past three weeks they had learned so much about each other, she acknowledged cheerfully. Jax was a morning person, Lucy was a night person. They had spent a wonderful ten days cruising round the Mediterranean on his father’s yacht, Sea Queen, docking at different islands to see the sights, dine out and shop. She loved to dance and they had enjoyed several really late nights out at clubs. He had bought her loads of clothes in hip boutiques on Crete and Mykonos and he had had a jeweller flown out to Tifnos for her to choose what he deemed to be the basics. A gold watch now encircled a wrist and gold hoops ornamented her ears. She had a diamond pendant, bracelet and earrings as well, which he had referred to as a ‘belated’ wedding gift. And Bella had a nursery overflowing with toys and clothing and picture books to go with the designer furnishings.

      In fact, Lucy believed she already had almost everything she had ever wanted or ever dreamt of having. Jax had spoiled them both. He was marvellous with Bella, far more patient with her than he was with anyone else. He was making a huge effort to be a dad and she appreciated that when so many of his friends, smooth sophisticates whom they had met in the clubs where he was well known, had yet to even settle down. For a man who had never wanted to marry, Jax was settling down into family life remarkably well, she reflected gratefully.

      Yet she couldn’t forget that Jax was the same guy who had dumped her for ‘boring’ him two years earlier, the same guy who had seemed perfectly content with her one day and who had then cut her out of his life only days later. That past still made her insecure because she had no faith that she could accurately read Jax and estimate his state of mind with regard to her and their marriage. Of course, he seemed to do and say all the right things, but then he had done that before in Spain and look how that had ended!

      ‘I’m hungry...’ Jax curved a hand to Lucy’s shoulder and steered her up the beach towards the buggy that would waft them up the steep hill. ‘And I think our daughter needs a nap...and maybe I need one too, glyka mou.’

      Lucy coloured. Heat licked at her feminine core as Jax sent her a glittering green glance of sensual enquiry. Dampness gathered between her legs, anticipation rising because that side of their relationship was outrageously healthy. He still wasn’t doing the cuddling thing the way she wanted. No, with Jax what might start out as a cuddle invariably turned into sex. He said he couldn’t be that close to her and touch her without wanting to get naked and energetic. There was nowhere they hadn’t made love. They had indulged on the beach, in the pool, in the pine forest, in the labyrinthine privacy of the lush gardens, but most often in the delicious comfort of their own bed. The simmering flare-ups of passion that wound through their days felt so natural to her. It was as if Jax couldn’t get enough of her, a thought she kept tactfully to herself, and that made her feel safer. She couldn’t help viewing sex as a barometer to gauge the health of their marriage because Jax certainly wasn’t any keener to discuss such things than he had ever been.

      ‘It’s those freckles. I can’t resist them,’ Jax said huskily, skimming the bridge of her nose with a teasing finger.

      Lucy laughed because she hated her freckles, seeing them as imperfections, but Jax thought they looked delightfully natural, which of course they were. Did anyone draw in freckles? She thought not and smiled as they piled into the buggy. A pang of sadness infiltrated her mood because the honeymoon as such was almost over. Jax was meeting with Heracles about some big project in Athens the following morning and she was accompanying him because she planned to take Bella to visit her father and Iola. She was hoping that the passage of time since her wedding day and Bella’s noisy presence would make the occasion less tense and awkward.

      In actuality, Jax wasn’t looking forward to the next day either. He intended to confront his father with the file Heracles had had sent to him on Lucy two years before. From what he had so far managed to establish the file was full of inaccuracies and outright lies and he needed to know if those lies had been a deliberate attempt to break up their relationship or the simple product of a lazy investigator and a case of mistaken identity. He could scarcely censure Kreon’s ethics if his own father was guilty of the same lack of moral scruple when it came to getting the result he wanted most.

      Even so, he still could not have

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