Modern Romance Collection: January 2018 Books 1 -4. Dani Collins

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Modern Romance Collection: January 2018 Books 1 -4 - Dani Collins Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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beneath her touch, then she moved to his shoulders, his arms before trailing down his ribcage to settle a hand on each hip.

      ‘If you stop there,’ he declared with a throaty drawl, ‘you will suffer.’

      ‘I’m afraid,’ she mocked quietly, and offered him a mischievous grin as he caught hold of her shoulders. ‘Very afraid.’

      ‘Witch,’ Alexei accorded with dangerous softness as he lowered his head and took her mouth in a passionate kiss that robbed her of breath.

      At the same time his hands slid down her back, cupped her bottom and lifted her high against him, caressed the softness of one breast, then sought her burgeoning nipple, tasted, teased, before drawing it into his mouth.

      Intense sensation spread through her body, coalescing at the most sensitive part of her femininity, and she gasped as he trailed a hand over her stomach, palming the indentation as his mouth moved to render a similar salutation to her other breast, where he took her almost to the edge as he teased, tasted and lightly caught the nipple with the edge of his teeth.

      Heat rose deep within, and she gasped as his hand trailed low...way too low as he sought the sensitive folds protecting her clitoris.

      Her mouth parted with a soft gasp as he stroked the delicate bud until she almost reached begging point.

      He slid a finger into the moist passage, heard her unbidden groan and felt the restless movement of her legs, aware she needed more...more than this slow delicate, exploratory, teasingly intimate foreplay.

      Natalya curled her fingers around his thick arousal, squeezed a little, and sensed Alexei’s quick intake of breath.

      In one easy movement he carried her into the bedroom, tossed back the covers, then he sought her mouth with his own, staking a claim that seared every erogenous pulse in her body as he brought her to tumultuous orgasm, stilled a little, then he began to move, slowly at first, then with deeper intensity, driving them both towards a mutual orgasm that left her temporarily bereft of the ability to breathe. Sensual overload...and then some.

      There were no words, just a whisper of a heartfelt sigh escaping from her lips.

      She didn’t want to move...didn’t think she could as Alexei held her close for what seemed an age, until sleep overcame them both.

      Only to wake in the early morning hours to the touch of his mouth against her own as he made love to her with such exquisite gentleness she wanted to weep. Lazy pre-dawn sex, infinitely sensual, Natalya managed as Alexei curved her close to his muscular frame. Exquisite and a beautiful beginning to a new day.

      ‘Sleep,’ he murmured as he pulled up the bedcovers.

      * * *

      The next morning, showered, dressed, they shared a wholesome breakfast together on the terrace, took a refill of coffee, after which Alexei drove her home, settled his mouth on her own, then headed into the city.

      There was time to feed Ollie, exchange her clothes for office wear, a slimline skirt, silk blouse, jacket, make-up, check her satchel and head into the city.

      A day where work took priority, which was a blessing, for it allowed Natalya little or no time to think...or in her case, over-think.

      Alexei slipped easily into professional mode, moving it up a notch as he liaised with Marc Adamson, chaired an intense meeting, took a business lunch which ran over time and by day’s end she required every ounce of energy in order to match Alexei’s pace...while he appeared as if he’d enjoyed a good night’s sleep instead of a mere few hours.

      In truth, she was in a state of ambivalence. Unsure of what their future held.

      * * *

      One day led to another, each following a familiar pattern as Natalya dealt with everything Alexei threw at her.

      While the nights were something else...spent at his mansion, her apartment. Emotive, passionate.

      Until one evening when Alexei offered the words she longed to hear.

      ‘Marry me.’

      Not I love you...can’t live without you.

      ‘I want you in my life.’

      Want, not need. ‘In your bed,’ she managed evenly, and saw his eyes narrow slightly as she slid out of his bed and began pulling on her clothes in the moonlight streaming in from the night sky.

      ‘That, too.’

      It took all her resolve to utter the one word she’d hoped never to have to say to him. ‘No.’

      His expression remained unchanged. ‘Marriage is not important to you?’

      Yes. Just not merely another merger added to your life portfolio.

      ‘I’m content with my life the way it is.’

      ‘What if I want more?’

      Five years ago she’d believed their love was inviolate, a permanent entity that would entwine their lives for a lifetime.

      ‘Qualify “more”.’

      Your heart, gifted unconditionally. Words she couldn’t, wouldn’t voice.

      She needed her own space, her own bed. Without a word she gathered up her bag, her keys, bade him a polite goodnight...and left. Waiting until she used the remote to close the gates guarding Alexei’s residence.

      Fool, she silently chided as she traversed the streets towards her home.

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