Gena Showalter Bundle. Gena Showalter

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Gena Showalter Bundle - Gena Showalter Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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deal with Jorlan.


      Katie’s eyes widened with dismay. How could she have forgotten about the sexy, six-foot-six-inch alien sleeping in her room? Heart pounding, white terry-cloth robe flying, she darted out of the bathroom; her gaze scanned the floor, but she saw only a can of hairspray.

      Jorlan was gone.

      The only reminder of his presence was the rumpled pillow and blanket tangled together in a heap at the foot of her bed. She grabbed some clothes from the closet and hastily pulled them on as she raced out of the room. She’d barely managed to zip her jeans when she stepped into the living room. No sign of her alien.

      What if the mother ship had beamed him up? Worse, what if he was still here, in her house, going through her things? Katie’s stomach knotted as she envisioned laundry strewn across the floor and broken knickknacks scattered about. Through the dining room she went, as if hot coals simmered under her feet.

      Then she saw him.

      He stood in the kitchen, humming a song she didn’t recognize. His back was to her as he rifled through the contents of her fridge. A sigh of relief pushed past her lips when she noticed he was wearing the clothes she’d given him last night. Except now the shirt looked lumpy, and the pants were hanging low on his waist, teasing her, tantalizing her, because a slight brush of air might slip them to the floor….

      It was dangerous to become so enflamed at the mere sight of him. Yet she didn’t know how to temper her reaction.

      Katie cleared her throat.

      In one fluid motion, Jorlan whipped around and unsheathed a knife strapped to his ankle, ready to strike. The action so startled her, she could only blink up at him, unable to run, much less breathe. He stood there with the deadly aura of a man who knew exactly how to fight, how to kill and maim, each of his actions as terrifying as the weapon itself. When he realized who she was, he relaxed his stance and returned the blade to its makeshift holder. Even though the knife was now hidden, her heartbeat didn’t slow. No one should be able to move that fast or that lethally.

      “Good dawning, katya.” He gave her a half grin that erased the hard lines of her mouth. “Sleep well?”

      “No. I didn’t.” She chewed on her bottom lip, still staring at the sheathed blade. “What are you doing with that knife?”

      “I was in need of a weapon.”


      With a negligent shrug, he turned back to the refrigerator. “’Tis of no concern to you.”

      “It is when you’re wearing my weapon.”

      “If you must know, it is for my protection. If—” he faced her again, this time shooting her a narrowed glance as if everything depended on her “—if I travel to Imperia this day, I must be prepared ere my enemies come upon me.”

      He’d said before that he was going home after she took him to the psychic, but she hadn’t really considered how far away that was until this moment. For a reason she didn’t understand, the thought of his leaving Earth suddenly saddened her. She wanted him gone, of course, just not light-years away.

      What was his rush to return, anyway? Did he have a family—translation: a wife and children—that were awaiting his presence? Katie almost uttered a string of the foulest words she knew. Here she was, lusting for Jorlan, sad that he was leaving, and he could very well be married.

      She wasn’t going to ask him, though. They didn’t have any type of relationship, and as he liked to point out, it wasn’t any of her business.

      “Are you married?” Damn it! The question emerged before she could stop it. The man had tried to seduce her, after all.

      “Married is life-joined, aye?”

      “Aye. I mean yes.”

      “Then nay.” He suddenly looked offended. “I would not have touched you otherwise.”

      “Oh.” I’m not relieved, she thought, curls of an emotion she didn’t want to name floating through her bloodstream. I’m simply happy the man has some morals. “So you’re really going all the way home?”

      “Only if we find a true mystic and only if—” He stopped and looked away.

      “What? Only if I bed you?”

      “Nay. Only if you fall in love with me,” he answered flatly.

      She blinked. “I don’t understand.”

      “’Tis part of the curse. You freed me. Now you must freely and truly offer me your love or I will be returned to stone. Forever, this time.”

      “You’re kidding me, right? Trying to get me into bed again?” She laughed, the sound weak and unsure.

      “Do you truly think I would tease you about my freedom?” The absolute conviction in his voice rang loud and clear.

      “No,” she said softly. “I guess you wouldn’t.”

      “My brother planned for another to kiss me—a woman I despised. He thought ’twould be amusing were I forced to pursue a woman I so loathed. But ’twas you, you and not she, who became my savior.” Jorlan pushed out a breath. “’Twas not my plan to tell you all of this, katya. Yet you are being so stubborn, I felt there was no other way. Can you try, at least, to help me?”

      “I don’t know how to answer that.” The enormity of the situation hit her like the weight of a jackhammer. Jorlan’s fate rested with her. Good God. He might as well have asked her to weave her hair into fourteen-karat gold. “I mean, if I told you I loved you, it would be a lie.”

      “This I know, but I can make you love me.” He took a step toward her. “Just give me a chance and I will give your body untold pleasure.”

      “How would that make me fall for you?”

      “Bodily pleasure often leads to love for a woman.”

      For the briefest moment, Katie hesitated. Oh, she didn’t doubt his claim, and if anything, that was what scared her the most. “If I said yes and ended up giving you my heart, would you stay here with me? Even for a little while?”

      He gave one stiff shake of his head. “Nay.”

      She uttered a shaky laugh devoid of humor. “You’re asking for a lot from me, but giving little in return.”

      “This I know, as well.” While he sounded properly apologetic, he didn’t offer a single concession. “I can make the pleasure worth it.”

      Lord, what was she going to do? She couldn’t tell him no; she’d ruin his life. She couldn’t tell him yes; she’d ruin her life. “You’ll have to give me time to think about this.”

      He frowned. “Time is my enemy.”

      “Well, it’s all I’m offering right now. Take it or leave it.”

      He drew out a long breath. “I will take it.”


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