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style="font-size:15px;">       “Yes, I have. I may have been a little too hasty. My brothers believe they know what’s best for me when it comes to my social life.”

       “Are they usually right?”

       Angela smiled. “Most times—no. Do you keep track of your sister’s love life?” she asked.

       “No, I don’t. Because I don’t have a sister. Now that we’ve established that I’ll be your date for the wedding, I suggest we meet sometime tomorrow and talk so we’ll be on the same page come Sunday.”

      I like his approach, she thought. The smile curving Angela’s lips reached her eyes. It was obvious Levi Eaton was a take-charge guy. He’d mentioned he worked with Duncan at the clinic.

       “How did you come to know Duncan?” she asked him.

       “That’s something we’ll discuss tomorrow.”

       Her eyebrows lifted a fraction. Mysterious, she thought. “When and where do you want to meet?”

       “I’m scheduled to see patients in the morning, so I won’t be able to get to Louisville until late afternoon. We can talk over dinner. You’re probably more familiar with the restaurants in Louisville than I am. Where would you like to eat?” Levi asked.

       He’d answered one of Angela’s questions. Levi Eaton was a doctor. “I’d rather not go out. If people spot us together, then it’s going to generate a lot of questions. We can meet at my place.”

       “What if I bring dinner?”

       Angela laughed for the first time. “That won’t be necessary. I’ll cook.”

       “I don’t want to put you out, Angela. I don’t mind bringing dinner.”

       “I have to cook for myself, so making a little more definitely won’t put me out. Is there anything in particular you’d like?”

       It was Levi’s turn to laugh. “No. Surprise me.”

      Daring. “Maybe I should’ve asked if there is anything you’re allergic to, or if you have any dietary restrictions.”

       “No and no.”

       Angela gave Levi her address, listening intently as he repeated it. “Is seven too late for you?”

       “No. Seven is perfect.”

       She smiled. “I’ll see you tomorrow at seven. Call me if you get lost trying to find my house.”

       “That’s all right, Angela. My car has GPS navigation.”

       She wanted to tell Levi that even with GPS people still weren’t able to find her house that easily since the area where she lived in the suburbs of Louisville was secluded with private roads and streets.

       “If that’s the case, then I’ll see you tomorrow.”

       “Tomorrow,” Levi repeated.


       “Yes, Angela.”

       “Thank you.”

       A full-throated laugh came through the earpiece. “You’re quite welcome.”

       Depressing a button, Angela ended the call. She didn’t know whether Levi was laughing at her. It wouldn’t be the first time one of her brothers had dared a man to go out with her. It was as if they had taken a concerted interest in her love life since her former fiancé eloped with her maid of honor the day before her wedding.

       They would’ve hunted him down and beat him to a bloody pulp if she hadn’t convinced them it was better to find out that her fiancé was unfaithful before she’d married him. If she’d found out after they’d exchanged vows, then it might have been her who would have tried to pound the life out of him with a cast-iron frying pan.

       It didn’t matter if Duncan wagered or paid Levi Eaton to be her date because come Sunday, it would be the first time in five years she would come face-to-face with the duplicitous pair who’d turned her life upside down.

       Soft meowing caught her attention. Shifting on the chair, Angela saw the tiny, white-coated cat with gleaming blue-gray eyes staring up at her. To say the cat was spoiled was an understatement. “What do you want, Miss Divine?” The cat meowed in response, arching her back and stretching out her front paws. Putting the manuscript pages and pencil on the table, she leaned over and picked up her pet.

       Angela knew Miss Divine could jump up onto her lap without any help, but she was training her to stay off the furniture. The exception was when she sat at her desk working during the day. Miss Divine would find a spot on the corner of the L-shaped desk and settle down to sleep as sunlight poured in through the skylight and French doors.

       She was one of those rare cats who had learned that the kitchen, dining and living rooms were off-limits. Angela had resisted having a cat or dog because of the pet hair and dander. And she refused to resort to covering her furniture if Miss Divine decided to sit wherever she pleased. But once she saw the tiny kitten, she knew she had to have her.

       “Well, Miss Dee, it looks as if you’re going to be on your own on Sunday,” she said as the cat stared back at her owner as if she understood what Angela had said. “As much as I tried to fight it, yours truly has a date for Yvette’s wedding.”

       Angela was more than willing to sit at the singles’ table, but somehow Duncan—no doubt at their mother’s urging—had recruited someone to be her date so Dianne Chase could save face. Her mother was the only one in her social circle whose daughter was unmarried. A society grande dame, she had been denied the chance to flaunt her status as mother of the bride when Angela’s wedding was abruptly called off. Of course, the fact that the groom had run off with the maid of honor made it all the more embarrassing.

       “What my mother doesn’t realize is that I’m one of those women who happens to be quite content to be without a man in her life,” as she continued her dialogue with the cat. Miss Divine blinked, meowing softly in response. “I’m sure you know what I’m talking about, Miss Dee, because you don’t have a man in your life, either. Even if you did, I doubt whether anything would jump off because you can’t have any kittens.” She ran her fingertips over the smooth fur that felt like velvet. “If I hadn’t had you spayed, you probably would’ve had an adorable litter.”

       No, she didn’t need a man. Not when she was able to live out her fantasies vicariously through her characters.

      Chapter 2

      Levi had spent a restless night wondering why he’d allowed himself to be set up on a blind date. The last time he’d been on one was his second year in college when he’d taken his roommate’s sister to her senior prom. Going to the prom with a college student as her date had appreciably elevated his roommate’s sister’s “geek” image. What her brother hadn’t realized was that his sister wasn’t a nerd, but really more of a freak. He was fortunate to have survived the night without being sexually assaulted. Of course, Levi didn’t tell his roommate about his sister, but it was the last time he’d agreed to go on a date with a woman without first meeting and talking to her.


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