Sultry Nights. Donna Hill

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Sultry Nights - Donna Hill The Lawsons of Louisiana

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       He would never know how stiff her knee was becoming the way she managed to catwalk across the short space to join him in the cozy seating area. She opted for the club chair and slowly eased down into the plush comfort of the seat. Her knee was on fire.

       Trevor leaned back against the plump cushions and draped his arm across the back of the couch. The rolled up sleeves of his tan chambray shirt revealed the tight tendons of his arms and he looked quite comfortable, as if sitting in her office relaxed and nonplussed was something he did regularly.

       Dominique ran her tongue across her dry bottom lip and then opened the folder that was on her lap. “So…” She glanced across at him and forgot what she was going to say.

       “Yes?” The corner of his mouth flicked.

       Dominique adjusted herself in her chair and switched her focus to the papers in front of her. “Well, as you know, my organization has plans to expand. We recently purchased the two floors above us and I need them converted into work space, well classrooms, a library and a resource center.”


       He wasn’t going to make this easy. “I’ve received dozens of proposals but yours met all of our criteria.”

       He nodded.

       Dominique swallowed. “If you’re still interested, we can discuss terms and when the work can get started.”

       “I’d like to see the space.”

       “Of course.” She started to stand and winced at the pain in her knee. She gripped the side of the chair.

       Trevor was halfway to her side. “You okay?” He almost grabbed her but caught himself.

       She bobbed her head. “Fine.” She pushed herself to a standing position. “I’ll show you the space.” She led the way out of her office, toward the back of the building and around to the side entrance that led to the upper floors.

       Dominique gripped the wobbly wooden banister and gritted her teeth as she mounted the stairs. She was going to need some ice and not just for her aching knee.

      * * *

       Trevor dutifully followed Dominique up the stairs, trying to keep his mind on the steps and not the gentle sway of Dominique’s hips or the curve of her legs or the soft scent that she trailed in her wake. Fortunately, they wouldn’t have too much contact. Once work began he couldn’t imagine a woman like Dominique Lawson being in the mix of dust, buzz saws and sweaty men.

      Chapter 3

      Dominique opened the door onto the first floor that had once upon a time been an apartment.

       “Here we are.”

       Trevor took in the space. The wood floors were warped and coming up in spots and some of the boards were missing. It was clear that there had been major water damage from the stains on the ceiling and the buckling walls. The kitchen would have to be ripped out completely along with the bathroom. The two back rooms that must have served as bedrooms were in no better shape. He took pictures as they walked through the space. Then they went up to the top floor that was in a similar state of disrepair before returning to Dominique’s office.

       Dominique stood in the center of her office and folded her arms in front of her. “So…what do you think?”

       “Anything is doable. It will take some work but it can be done.” He walked past her and caught another whiff of the scent she was wearing before sitting in the chair she’d been in earlier. He could almost feel her warmth.

       Dominique perched on the edge of the couch with her delicate ankles crossed.

       “I’ll take a look at the pictures, talk it over with my partner and put some sketches together based on what you say you need. I can get back to you in about a week.”

       “A week…is great. How long do you think it will take to complete?”

       “Once work is started, barring any surprises, about two to three months.”

       Her eyes widened. “Really? I had no idea it could be done so quickly.”

       He pushed up from his seat. Her gaze followed his rise.

       “As I said, barring any obstacles.” He gave her a half smile. He tucked his iPad under his arm and extended his free hand.

       Dominique placed her hand in his. “I’ll get the contracts drawn up as soon as I see the design,” she said, sounding a little breathless even to her own ears.

       “Fair enough.”

       “Can I offer you some coffee before you go?”

       “Thanks. But no. I have another appointment.”

       She offered a tight smile. “I’ll walk you out.”

       “I’m good. I’m sure you have things to do.”

       Inwardly she flinched. Was she being blown off?

       She crossed the room to the door and opened it. “Thank you for coming, Mr. Jackson.”

       Trevor met her at the threshold. “I look forward to doing business with you, Ms. Lawson.” He walked out, stopped then turned. “You really should get some ice on that knee.”

       The air got stuck in her throat. She didn’t know if she was embarrassed or ticked off by his offhanded comment. It wasn’t so much what he said, it was the delivery, as if he had one up on her.

       She spun away from the door and her knee screamed. She slammed her office door shut, limped over to the couch and plopped down. For the first time she took a peek at her knee. It was already obviously swollen. Tenderly she placed her hand, the hand that was still warm from holding his, over the knee that throbbed beneath her touch.

       Trevor’s half grin and probing eyes seemed to tease her as she replayed their meeting behind her closed lids. There was nothing special about Trevor Jackson. She’d been with much more handsome men, men with money, class and prestige, men who would do just about anything to be with her. So, what was it about Trevor that had gotten so quickly under her skin?

      He’s just not that into you.

       Her eyes fluttered open. Hmm. Not on her watch.

      * * *

       Why he drove around in pretty much a circle for nearly twenty minutes, he would never tell anyone. He couldn’t get her scent out of his head or the way she ran her tongue across her lips. He considered himself well educated, comfortable in any situation and articulate. But for the life of him he’d barely been able to string a full sentence together.

       Finally, he wound his way back onto the right road leading out of town to his office in New Orleans. It was a miracle that he hadn’t run over someone’s cat.

       He pulled into the angled parking space in front of the three-story brick building that housed his construction company. There are some things you know in life, and the one thing that he’d known since

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