Sweet Destiny. Rochelle Alers

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Sweet Destiny - Rochelle Alers Mills & Boon Kimani

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Yates. Even without a formal introduction she knew the eldest woman was Kenyon’s grandmother. He hadn’t inherited her coloring, which looked like aged parchment, but he did have her cool gray eyes. Her silky, silver hair was fashioned in a bun on the nape of her long, elegant neck.

      “Good morning,” came a chorus of female voices.

      Selena approached Mia, pulling her into the kitchen. “I didn’t expect you to be up this early.”

      “Whenever I wake up, I usually get up. It’s been a long time since I’ve had the luxury of sleeping in late.”

      “Maybe if you had a husband you’d have an excuse for staying in bed,” Lily Yates mumbled loudly.

      “Grandma Lily!” Selena and Geneva said in unison.

      Lily, a tall, slender, raw-boned woman, waved her hand in dismissal. “Don’t ‘Grandma Lily’ me, because you know exactly what I’m talking about.” Her eyes narrowed when she stared at Mia. “You’re not going to worry much longer about that, because I see you getting married.”

      Geneva put down the wooden spoon she’d used to mix a batch of cornmeal. “Grandma Lily, please stop. You’re scaring Mia.”

      “No, she’s not,” Lily countered, “even though she looks like she would blow away in a strong wind. No, Geneva. This young girl don’t scare that easily. Do you?”

      “No ma’am.”

      Lily clapped her hands. “See, I told you.”

      Geneva gave her mother-in-law a disapproving look. “Please don’t start with you seeing visions.”

      “Why is it everyone else believes me when I see things, but you don’t, Geneva? The only time you ever listened to me was when I told you not to marry that good-for-nothing triflin’ Jimmy Pritchett. Of course he ended up just where I said he would. In prison! But, then you redeemed yourself when you married my son.”

      “Mama.” It wasn’t often that Geneva referred to her mother in-law as Mama. But when she did, Lily knew she was upset with her. “Don’t forget that we have a house guest.”

      Lily shoved her hands into the patch pockets on her bibbed apron. “Must you be reminded that Mia is family, not a houseguest. In fact, she will…” Her words trailed off before she predicted what she’d seen in the vision that had flashed in her mind.

      “She will what, Grandma?” Selena asked.

      “Never mind,” Lily mumbled under her breath. She’d learned over the years there were some things better left unsaid. “Mia, can you cook?”

      The question caught Mia off guard. “A little.”

      “I can see that, because you’re skinny as a rail. Sit down and I’ll fix you something to eat.”

      Mia’s gaze shifted from Lily to Selena, who nodded, then back to Lily. “Thank you, Miss Lily.”

      “None of that Miss Lily business. Call me what everyone calls me. Grandma Lily.” She said Grandma as if it were a grand title, like Your Highness or Mr. President. Lily Masterson-Yates was proud of her grandmother status, and now at seventy-six she was looking forward to the birth of her great-grandchildren.

      “Can I perhaps help out with something? I’m not very hungry.”

      Selena reached for Mia’s hand, directing her to a round oak table in the dining nook of the expansive kitchen. “We were all going to sit down and eat breakfast before we start cooking.”

      “What about Xavier?”

      “He’s still in bed. So is everyone else. The men probably won’t get up until it’s time for the football games. Then you’ll have to blow them out of the family room to sit down to eat. Dinner will last about three hours—sometimes four, then everyone retreats to the family room to watch a movie or sleep it off.”

      “How many bedrooms do you have in this house?” Mia asked.

      “Six, not counting the one in the attic. Then there’s my grandmother’s apartment in the converted garage. I’ll give you a tour after we finish cooking. By that time everyone should be up.”

      “I’m not the world’s greatest cook, but at least I can help with something.”

      “How are you with slicing and dicing?”

      Mia smiled. “I know how to use a scalpel.”

      Throwing back her head, Selena laughed loudly. “Should I be afraid of you?”

      “Nah! If I was going to go after someone I’d use a gun rather than a knife.”

      Selena’s eyebrows lifted a fraction. “You know how to use a gun?”

      “Girl, please. I’m from Texas. I can shoot the cap off a longneck thirty feet away.”

      “Well, damn!” Selena drawled.

      “There will be no talk of shootin’ ’round here,” Lily called out. “It’s enough I have to see my son and grandson carrying guns like they were attached to their bodies.”

      Mia leaned closer to Selena. “She heard that?”

      “My eyes aren’t as sharp as they used to be, but there’s not a darn thing wrong with my ears,” Lily said sharply.

      “Would you prefer I carry a slingshot instead, Grandma?”

      All gazes were trained on Kenyon as he strolled into the kitchen. Mia hadn’t realized she was holding her breath until she felt slightly light-headed. Kenyon was dressed entirely in black: T-shirt, jeans and thick black socks. He wasn’t wearing a belt, and the waistband on his jeans rode low on his waist. He also hadn’t bothered to shave, and the stubble on his lean jaw enhanced his blatant masculinity. His cropped black hair lay on his scalp without a hint of curl.

      Lily glared at her grandson. “You don’t need to be sheriff.”

      Kenyon ignored what had become his grandmother’s mantra, approached her and swung her up off the floor as easily as if she were a small child, kissing her cheek. “Good morning and Happy New Year, Grandma.” He released, then kissed Geneva. “Good morning, Aunt Gee.”

      “Don’t you dare pick up me,” Selena warned as Kenyon came toward her. She rested her palms over her belly in a protective gesture.

      “Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt the baby.”

      “What baby!?” Geneva gasped.

      Selena affected a sheepish expression. “I’m still not sure. I want to wait until the end of the week to make certain.”

      Geneva’s hand shook as she placed it over her mouth. She was expected to become grandmother of twins in another three months, and now the announcement that her daughter could be pregnant had shaken her normally unflappable composure.

      “Why wait?”

      Selena exhaled an

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