To Love A Stallion. Deborah Fletcher Mello

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To Love A Stallion - Deborah Fletcher Mello Mills & Boon Kimani

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begin to image her life without them. Somehow they had to make their father understand how important the ranch was to them all.

      Hearing her name being called, Marah stroked the horse one last time, then headed out of the barn. Looking toward the homestead, she couldn’t miss the black sedan that was parked in the yard or the man standing in conversation with her father. She could feel her body tense as she stood staring in their direction.

      Directly ahead of her, Eden and Marah were making their way to her side.

      “If I wasn’t already in love and married,” Eden chimed, a wide grin filling her face.

      “That brother is one good-looking man,” Marla exclaimed, giggling with her older sister.

      “What’s he doing here?” Marah asked, her palms gripping the sides of her waist.

      “He came to speak with you.”

      Marah tossed Eden a quick look. “Me?”

      The other woman nodded. “We assume you’re the Ms. Briscoe he wants to speak with.”

      “And Daddy says to not keep Mr. Stallion waiting. Something about him being a busy man,” Marla said with another giggle.

      Marah sneered as they all three headed in the direction of the house, but as they approached the two men, she was suddenly conscious of the fact that she reeked of horse and barn, and her face and hands were smeared with dirt and grime. Marah couldn’t believe this was happening to her. She brushed her palms against the front of her jeans, willing the dirt away.

      John Stallion turned as she approached, his eyes widening with amusement as she drew near. He nodded in greeting.

      “It’s very nice to see you again, Ms. Briscoe,” he said with more emphasis on the Ms. than necessary.

      “Mr. Stallion.”

      “John came to talk to me about your meeting this morning,” Edward said, eyeing his daughter with raised eyebrows.

      Marah found herself wishing for a hole to crawl into as her father continued, turning his attention back to the man at his side.

      “Marah is just like her mother—headstrong and stubborn as a mule. Did you meet my other girls, John?”

      “No, sir. I haven’t yet had the pleasure,” the dark prince said, his tone full and deep. He extended a hand toward Eden and then Marla as Edward made the introductions.

      “This is my oldest girl, Eden Waller and this is Marah’s twin, Marla Baron. Marla and her husband Michael just gave me my first grandbaby. As you know, they run the daily operations here. Girls, this is Mr. John Stallion.”

      “It’s a pleasure to meet you both,” John said.

      “It’s nice to meet you as well,” Eden chimed.

      Marah rolled her eyes at her sister, crossing her arms over her chest. Her gaze fell back on John, who was watching her intently, his stare more than obvious.

      “Ms. Briscoe, I was telling your father that since you’re not happy with the details of our preliminary offer that it might be in his best interest if you were to participate in the final negotiations.”

      “Excuse me?” Marah cut her eyes from one man to the other.

      John smiled, the beauty of it sending a torrent of heat straight into Marah’s southern quadrant. “That’s right. Your father has agreed that you should handle his end of the negotiations.”

      Marah tossed her father a shocked look. The old man was grinning in her direction. He nodded his head.

      “That’s right, munchkin. I still plan to sell, but I’m going to trust you to get me a deal that will make everyone happy.”

      “But, Daddy—”

      He interrupted, changing the subject as he turned to face his other daughters. “Marla, we have five weddings here this month and my grandson needs a diaper change so you’ve got work to do. Eden, don’t you have a business of your own to run?”

      “Yes, sir, Daddy,” both chimed simultaneously, following behind the man as he headed back into the house.

      Both women tossed a quick look and grinned at the duo standing toe-to-toe.

      When her family was out of earshot, Marah blasted him. “You really are an arrogant ass, Mr. Stallion. I told you he’s not selling.”

      “And I told you that we have a deal on the table that will go through, with or without your approval, Ms. Briscoe. But your father has decided he would like your approval and I support that.”

      “I just bet you do.”

      John stepped in, his thumb brushing against her cheek. “You really are quite beautiful when you’re angry,” he said, his voice dropping two octaves.

      Marah stammered, rage flashing across her face. “I don’t believe you just said that,” she hissed, her tone incredulous.

      “Well, I did.” The man moved back in the direction of his car, that smug grin filling his dark face. “The executive board is having dinner tonight to discuss the Briscoe acquisition. I’ll send a car to get you. Be ready at seven. And, Ms. Briscoe?”


      “Please wash. We’ll be in black tie tonight,” he said with a quick wink before sliding into the driver’s seat of the vehicle.

      Marah watched as he pulled out of the gate and onto the main thoroughway. When he was finally out of sight she allowed herself to relax, stalling the shakes that had taken control of her muscles. For some reason things weren’t going at all the way she’d planned.

      Chapter 3

      Her sisters were waiting for her when she entered their childhood bedroom. The decor was as it had been when they’d been children. Bubblegum-pink walls, princess-white furniture with gold trim, gray-and-white shag carpet and white lace curtains adorned the space.

      Marah groaned loudly as she threw her lean body across the twin bed that had been Eden’s bed back in the day. Marla and Eden sat on the bed across from her, both grinning from ear to ear. Baby Michael slept soundly between them.

      “I think she could use some professional advice,” Marla giggled, jostling Eden’s shoulder.

      “I agree,” Eden joked, crossing her legs as she reached for a pen and tablet that sat on the nightstand.

      Marah drew her arms up and over her head, her eyes closed tightly as Eden continued. Her twin sister giggled as if something were actually humorous.

      “First,” Eden said, switching to her serious business tone as she pretended to scribble a note across the notepad. “When you meet a man you’re interested in, try not to smell like manure.”

      Marla burst out laughing.

      “Neither one of you is funny,” Marah responded, not bothering to look in

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