Pleasure After Hours. AlTonya Washington

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Pleasure After Hours - AlTonya Washington Mills & Boon Kimani

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He rested an index finger alongside his face. “Sounds like y’all got it covered.”

       Temple waited a beat, then fixed him with a curious smile before resuming her discussion with Ike.

       Temple was still scribbling away at her pad some thirty-five minutes later. The meeting with Ike Melvin had provided her with a wealth of information to assist in creating an incredible agenda.

       “We should meet again once I’ve put all this in place.” She smiled at Ike. “You can let me know whether we need any changes or additions then. Does that sound good to you, Mataeo?” She frowned when he fixed her with a strange look. “Do you think Ike’s crew should be here when we meet again?” Silence met her question. “Taeo?” She had her fingers poised to snap in front of his face.

       At last he shook his head. “I honestly can’t think of a thing to add here. It all sounds very good.”

       “Well.” Temple scooted to the edge of the black leather sofa and stood. “Ike, it was nice meeting you.” She smiled when he stood to shake her hand. “I look forward to us getting together again.”

       Ike was already nodding. “So do I.”

       Mataeo massaged his neck, bowing his head to hide his smile. He figured Temple had no idea Ike wasn’t referring to them getting together for business.

       She walked by Taeo and squeezed his shoulder on her way past. “I’ll see you later. Bye, Ike.”

       “Jesus.” Ike lost some of his composure once he and Mataeo were alone in the office. He doubled over, bracing his hands on his thighs for a few moments. “How the hell do you keep it to just business with her bouncing around you all day?”

       Mataeo headed for his desk. “She doesn’t bounce.” His rough voice sounded grim, monotone.

       “You’re right.” Ike sighed, pushing both hands into his pockets while crossing the office. “She glides.” He sat on the edge of the desk. “Hell, Taeo, she’s amazing. I see why you never officially introduced me to her before now.”

       Practically speechless, Mataeo simply watched the man. He considered himself one rarely surprised by anything or anyone. But his crew chief had managed to accomplish that at least twice in one hour.

       “It’s okay.” Ike waved his hands playfully. “I understand. I wouldn’t want my friends knowing her, either.”

       “It’s not like that.” Mataeo sat behind his desk. “She sees who she wants, when she wants....”

       Ike braced his hands on the desk. “And how often is that when she spends most of her time working for you?”

       Mataeo couldn’t prevent a smile from curving his mouth.

       “Would you be upset if I asked her out?”

       “Why should I be upset?” Mataeo was unconscious of the clipped tone to his words.

       Ike nodded, satisfied by the response at any rate. “Well, I gotta get goin’.” He patted his khaki pockets for keys. “See you at the next meeting,” he called on his way out the door.

       Alone, Mataeo dropped the cool facade. He sat on the desk, facing the view beyond the windows, and massaged a palm across his fist.

       Later that afternoon, Temple was curled up on her office sofa reviewing notes from the meeting with Ike Melvin. Mataeo found her when she was about halfway through.

       “Don’t get up.” He raised a hand when she spotted him at the door and made a move to leave the sofa.

       “I didn’t mean to barge in.” He motioned toward the door as he crossed the threshold. “Lilly wasn’t at her desk,” he said, referencing her assistant.

       “Is everything all right?” Temple drew her knees up to her chest and watched him stroll in slowly.

       “Yeah, fine.” The quiet sandpaper tone of his voice held an absent quality. Hands hidden in the deep pockets of his walnut trousers, he perused the various knickknacks and artwork lining the walls.

       “Are you all right?” she rephrased, tilting her head just slightly when he picked up a photo of her with her sisters and studied it for the longest time. “Taeo?”

       “Hmm? Yeah, yeah, Temp, I’m good.” He set down the photo and fixed her with a bemused look. “I think Ike’s in love with you,” he teased.

       Temple chuckled, stretching her legs out across the sofa cushions and wriggling her toes. “He seems very knowledgeable and sweet. Glad I had the chance to meet him.”

       Mataeo felt his jaw clench over the “sweet” comment and wasn’t sure he quite understood the reason why.

       “Just remember you said that,” he warned playfully, still trying to make light of the moment. “I got a feelin’ the guy’s leanin’ toward asking you out.”

       “Hmph.” Temple’s focus had returned to her meeting notes. She looked up when Mataeo came to take a seat on the sofa.

       Once settled, he pulled her feet across his lap before she could curl them beneath her bottom.

       She gave him a nudge with one stockinged foot. “You’re acting weirder than usual. What’s up?” She nudged him again. “Taeo?”

       A massive shoulder raised up beneath the crisp fabric of his shirt. His gaze remained downcast. “Just realized that I never ask you anything about that.”

       “About what?” Temple settled back against the arm of the sofa. “Ike?”

       “About your personal life, Temp. About anything that doesn’t have anything to do with this place.” He grimaced and partly curved a fist. “Or about my personal life.” In spite of his mood, Mataeo couldn’t help but smile when he heard her laughter.

       “And what a helluva personal life it is.” She reached over to stroke the back of her hand across his cheek.

       The smile curving his mouth didn’t quite reach the warm depths of his brown eyes. “I never meant to seem unsympathetic about it, you know?”

       “About my…personal life?” She bit the corner of her upper lip when he nodded at her confirmation. “Well…” She smoothed both hands down the satiny length of her skirt. “I know it’s practically nonexistent but I promise you it’s not all that pathetic. There’s no need for sympathy.”

       “I didn’t mean it that way.” His voice went softer. “I’m sure it’s, um… I’m sure it’s great. It’d have to be…” His fingers strummed across the top of her feet before traveling a bit higher.

       Temple pressed her lips together and blinked several times in rapid succession. She tried to move her feet, but Mataeo prevented that.

       “Are you sure you’re okay?” She squeezed his wrists.

       “I keep you so damn busy around here. Way too busy—not very fair of me.” His eyes were narrowed as he sent her a sideways look.


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