Forever a Stallion. Deborah Fletcher Mello

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Forever a Stallion - Deborah Fletcher Mello The Stallions

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that very first time. She took in a deep breath, fighting to ease the rise of nervous energy.

      There was a low knock at the door and Marah’s older sister, Eden, moved to see who was waiting on the other side. When Eden pulled the entrance open, Phaedra was smiling brightly, waving her camera in greeting.

      “Hi, I’ve come to take some preliminary shots of the bride, if that’s okay?” Phaedra said, meeting Eden’s questioning gaze.

      “Oh, yes, definitely,” the woman responded as she reached for Phaedra’s hand and pulled her into the room. “Your timing is perfect.”

      Phaedra nodded as she entered the space, the women inside all turning to stare in her direction. Joanne’s bright smile eased the moment.

      “Hi, I’m Joanne. Hooper said you’d be coming. It’s such a pleasure to meet you,” she said excitedly.

      “It’s nice to meet you, too. My name’s Phaedra. Phaedra Parrish,” she said, pausing momentarily as if she hoped there might be some recognition that she was family, too. “Congratulations!”

      “Thank you,” Joanne intoned. “Thank you so much. Well, just tell us where you want us.”

      Phaedra smiled back. “I just want you to finish getting dressed. Just interact the way you were doing before I arrived and pretend I’m not even here. The best shots are those where you’re most natural, so just be yourself.”

      Joanne nodded as her mother moved back to lacing the last few ties on her gown. As she did, Phaedra lifted her camera and took a quick shot. She began to slowly move around the room, snapping photo after photo of Joanne and her bridal party as they completed the finishing touches on their makeup and hair. It was an extravaganza of ivory-colored lace, chocolate charmeuse and tan chiffon.

      “This is so exciting!” Katrina commented, smoothing the front of her own gown across her pregnant belly.

      “This family has definitely had its fair share of weddings and baby showers!” an elderly woman intoned. “It’s been a blessing!” She swiped at a tear that pressed anxiously at the edge of her eye.

      Phaedra paused to look where the voice had come from. Seated on the couch was a woman close to her mother’s age. She looked quite smart in a two-piece dress suit the color of sweet tea. She smiled when she saw Phaedra staring. Phaedra smiled back as she lifted her camera and took a snapshot of the woman’s smiling face.

      “Don’t you start crying, Aunt Juanita,” someone scolded. “If you start you’ll have us all crying up in here.”

      The women all laughed, the warmth of it echoing around the room.

      “Y’all know I’m gonna cry,” the woman named Juanita said. “The last of my babies is getting married,” she said with a loud sniffle. A blanket of silence dropped down against the room as they all stopped to take in her comment.

      Phaedra’s gaze danced from face to face as she took them all in. Juanita caught her staring and Phaedra fiddled with her camera as the woman stared back.

      “Are you from around here?” Juanita asked, her question directed at Phaedra.

      The young woman met the matriarch’s curious gaze. “No, ma’am. I’m from New Orleans,” she said softly.

      Juanita smiled, still staring. “You look like you could be related to the family,” she said, “like one of the cousins. Doesn’t she?” Juanita queried, moving the rest of them to turn and stare a second time.

      Joanne glanced in Phaedra’s direction. “You really do,” she said with a slight giggle.

      Phaedra only smiled, resuming her picture-taking.

      Marah interrupted the moment. “It’s time, ladies. This wedding will start on time,” she said, her tone commanding as she shifted into wedding planner mode.

      There were nods of agreement as each woman paused to take one last look at her reflection in the wall of mirrors that decorated the space.

      The woman they called Aunt Juanita stood up, moving to the center of the room toward the bride, who suddenly looked as if she’d turned two shades of green.

      “Everyone join hands,” Juanita said as she gestured for them to move into a circle around Joanne.

      Phaedra moved back against the wall, mindful not to intrude upon the moment. She listened intently as the woman began to speak, her camera at eye level as she captured the moment on film.

      “This family is a beautiful thing to behold,” Juanita said. “I have watched John, Matthew, Mark and Luke grow into wonderful men. I know that if their parents were here today they would be very proud. Each of them has chosen an amazing, wonderful woman to carry the Stallion name and be with them by their sides. They got that from their daddy because their mother, Irene, was an amazing woman and the best friend I could ever have had.”

      Juanita paused to press a lace hankie to her eye. Her gaze paused on each face as she called out their names. “Marah, Michelle, Katrina and now Joanne, each of you is the most important thing in your husband’s life and the lifelines that will continue this family. Don’t you ever forget it and don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

      “Marah, business is important to John, but it will never be more important than you are. Mitch,” she said, calling Michelle by her family nickname, “I never thought there would be anyone who could tame that wild Stallion, but you did, and Mark’s love for you and that baby girl of yours has no limits.

      “Katrina, you told me on your wedding day that Matthew seduced you, but you’re the one who actually swept Matthew off his feet. I have never seen him happier.” Juanita reached for Joanne’s hand, squeezing the woman’s fingers beneath her own. “And now our baby boy is getting married. Joanne, you and Luke were both lost until you found each other’s arms for support. He is a better man because of you and I couldn’t be more proud.

      “So, baby girl, you enjoy every minute of this very special day. May you and Luke grow in your love for each other and may you both find joy and happiness for the rest of your days. Welcome to our family. We love you and we couldn’t be happier for you both.”

      “Amen to that,” Marah chimed, everyone echoing those sentiments.

      Joanne fanned her hands in front of her face, fighting not to bawl like a newborn baby. “Thank you,” she said, fighting back the tears. “I love you all so much,” she said as her mother wrapped her in a warm embrace.

      Juanita moved toward the door. “Well, let’s go get you married!” she said, the rest of them following behind her.

      And as they moved out of the room, in the direction of the family chapel, Phaedra swiped the tears from her own eyes, snapping one more photo for the Stallion wedding album.

      Chapter 4

      Mason Boudreaux was all partied out as he moved from the tented reception area back toward the Stallion family home. Guests were still enjoying the Stallion hospitality as they moved from the banquet tables laden with a surplus of food to the dance floor and back again.

      Outside, the sun was in the final moments of its descent, the backdrop

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