Lone Star Christmas. Cathy Gillen Thacker

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Lone Star Christmas - Cathy Gillen Thacker Mills & Boon Cherish

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and a choir and a brass quintet at Nature’s Cathedral to get people in the holiday mood.”

      “Sounds great.”

      She arched a brow. “So you’re in?”


      “It means you’ll have to help the day of the event, as well as the week or so leading up to it,” she warned. “Sure you’re up to that?”

      “No problem. As soon as I fill the orders for the Christmas trees I already have, my schedule will free up considerably.”

      They looked at each other.

      Callie knew if he stayed they would only end up kissing again. She made a show of stifling a yawn.

      He grinned, as if knowing however tired she might be, sleep was going to be a long time coming. Especially if she started thinking about the way he had kissed her, and touched her, again...

      Which, she told herself firmly, she would not.

      His grin widened all the more. “I can take a hint.” He shrugged on his coat and ambled toward the front door. “If you need anything before Monday...” he said over his shoulder.

      “I’m good, but thanks.” She reached for the knob and opened the door for him.

      “Seriously.” He paused, looking down at her, tenderness pushing aside the mischief in his eyes. “I’m here for you.”

      Callie nodded, a lump in her throat. It had been a long time since she had been looked after by any man.

      He settled his Stetson square on his head. “This is where you tell me you’re here for me, too.”

      She continued looking at him, poker-faced.

      He winked. “Us being neighbors and all...”

      He really knew how to put a gal on the spot. Lucky for him, she’d been brought up to be a Texas lady. “I’m here for you—as a neighbor—too,” she said finally.

      He looked like he’d won the lottery. “Just what I wanted to hear.”

      To her surprise, she felt like she had won it, too.

      “In the meantime,” he went on, stepping over the threshold, “it’s supposed to rain tomorrow. So we probably won’t be working.”

      Callie lounged in the doorway, arms crossed, aware he had planned for weather delays.

      “So if you and Brian are up for it,” Nash continued genially, “I was going to see—”

      Callie held up a hand, cutting him off. “Actually, we already have a get-together planned for tomorrow. But maybe some other time?” For a moment, Nash looked like he wanted to say something else. Then he stopped himself, nodded. “Some other time, then,” he said.

      And, looking more cheerful than ever, left.

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