From Mistresses To Wives?. Lee Wilkinson

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From Mistresses To Wives? - Lee Wilkinson Mills & Boon By Request

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out she didn’t know what he was talking about was pointless, Jessica acknowledged. He knew exactly what was in her mind.

      ‘Absolutely nothing,’ she said flatly. ‘After tomorrow you’re on your own. I don’t want to see you or hear from you again.’

      His smile was slow. ‘You don’t lie very well.’

      ‘It’s the truth.’ She did her best to keep both voice and expression impassive. ‘As Leonie won’t be expecting me back for a day or two I’ll have to check into a hotel for a couple of nights at least. You can pay for that, but nothing more.’

      ‘And after?’ he prompted.

      ‘I’ll be staying with Leonie while I look for a job.’

      ‘No secretarial position alone is ever going to satisfy you,’ Zac declared. ‘You need a challenge in life.’

      ‘You’ve no idea what I need!’ she retorted, drawn despite herself.

      ‘Yes, I do.’ There was a wicked light in his eyes. ‘You’re a vibrant, passionate woman aching for the same thing I’m aching for myself right now.’

      Jessica was slow to react as he reached for her. The hands curving her upper arms were firm in their grasp though in no way hard, the kiss a heart thudding, stomach curling, totally irresistible force.

      Her response was instinctive, all thought temporarily suspended. His mouth was a source of endless pleasure, the silky slide of his tongue between her lips no intrusion. She tremored as the long tensile fingers lightly traced the curve of her breast.

      She came to her senses with a jerk. Zac made no move to detain her as she thrust herself away from him.

      ‘This has to stop!’ she breathed.

      ‘You’re not going to try making out it’s all one-sided,’ he said softly.

      Grateful for the dim light, Jessica made a supreme effort to bring her emotions under control. Her voice sounded steadier at least. ‘Obviously not, but this is as far as it goes. I’m here for the one purpose, and one purpose only! After tomorrow, that’s it!’

      ‘It doesn’t have to be,’ he said. ‘We could see how things go.’

      ‘I know exactly how things would go,’ she declared. ‘The same way I imagine all your affairs go! Thank you, ma’am, and goodbye!’

      ‘Succinct—’ he grinned ‘—but not true. I’ve never had any interest in one-night stands.’

      ‘Which category does Leonie come under?’

      ‘Leonie comes under her own category. She certainly has no proprietorial instincts, if that’s what’s worrying you.’

      ‘In two years, you must have slept together on a fair number of occasions.’

      ‘With long gaps in between.’

      ‘And you think I’d be prepared to help fill in the gaps?’

      ‘That isn’t what I have in mind.’ His gaze roved her face, lingering on the provocative fullness of her mouth. Voice roughened, he said, ‘I want you, Jess!’

      The abbreviation of her name failed to irk her; she was too intent on trying to keep her feet on the ground. ‘Why?’ she asked huskily.

      ‘Why?’ His regard was quizzical. ‘Because you’ve been driving me wild since we met. Because you’re an outstandingly attractive young woman with far more than just your looks about you. Whoever Paul is, he isn’t worth putting your life on hold over. You need to move on.’

      ‘I already did.’

      ‘Not far enough. I could make you forget him.’

      Her lips twitched involuntarily. ‘You’re certainly not lacking in confidence!’

      ‘Would you like me better if I was backward in coming forward?’

      ‘I’m unlikely to find out.’

      ‘The love of a good woman could make a new man of me,’ he said with mock gravity.

      ‘Leopards don’t change their spots,’ she rejoined.

      ‘Black ones don’t have any to start with.’ Zac was silent for a moment. When he spoke again the banter had gone from his voice. ‘Were you in love with him?’

      Coming out of the blue, the question took her by surprise. She found herself answering before she thought about it. ‘I believed I was.’

      ‘How long were you together?’

      ‘Five months.’ Jessica made an abrupt movement. ‘I don’t see…’

      ‘Living together?’ he persisted.

      ‘Co-habiting it’s called these days,’ she said tautly. ‘For what business it is of yours!’

      For all the notice he took she may as well not have spoken. ‘You discovered he was seeing someone on the side?’

      ‘How like men are men!’ she mocked. ‘Yes, he was seeing someone on the side. Only he failed to keep her on the side. I came back early from a friend’s hen night to find the two of them in bed together. A momentary aberration I suppose you’d call it.’

      ‘Not in those circumstances. Was it necessary to ditch your job too?’

      ‘I needed a clean break,’ she said flatly, abandoning the satire. ‘Leonie and I kept in touch after she moved to London. It was her suggestion that I take a holiday before starting to look for a job there myself.’

      ‘As she thinks you’re still on the island, we could spend a little more time here.’

      Jessica shook her head vehemently. ‘You do as you like, but there’s no way I’m staying another night!’

      ‘How would you propose leaving?’ he asked.

      ‘How would you like your grandfather to know the truth?’ she countered.

      ‘You wouldn’t.’

      He was right, of course, but she wasn’t about to back down. ‘Don’t count on it!’

      ‘You wouldn’t,’ he repeated on a softer note. ‘You don’t have it in you.’

      Jessica jerked her head away as he ran the back of a finger down her cheek. ‘Cut it out, will you!’

      ‘That isn’t what you want,’ he said. ‘You might think me an out-and-out louse, but it doesn’t alter the way I make you feel. It was there the moment we came into contact the other night.’

      ‘Lust, nothing else!’ she derided.

      ‘It’s a pretty good basis.’


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