Christmas 2011 Trio A. Кейт Хьюит

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Christmas 2011 Trio A - Кейт Хьюит Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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confronted her husband, because the potential aftermath of bringing the truth into the open outweighed the pain. Anne didn’t blame Marta. Not so long ago she’d faced a similar situation; she understood and sympathized.

      “I’m calling about the painting,” Marta said brightly. A little too brightly.

      Anne held her breath. “Did my angel sell?”

      “It’s not for sale,” Marta said flatly.

      Taken aback, Anne said nothing.

      “Paintings are always more attractive when the artist refuses to sell, my dear.”

      “Oh.” To Anne’s way of thinking, that was dishonest.

      “It is your personal favorite, isn’t that correct?”

      “Yes, but …” Four thousand dollars was half a year’s worth of mortgage payments. Anne had begun to hope, to do something she’d told herself she never would, and that was to count on selling one of her paintings. “I would like to sell the angel….”

      “But only if the price is right.”

      “Well, yes …”

      “That’s what I told her.”


      “Mrs. Gould. She’s one of the Berkshire Goulds. She’s got oodles and oodles of money.”

      “She likes my angel?” Anne was almost afraid to hope.

      “Likes her?” Marta asked, laughing. “Evelyn is determined to have her, but I wouldn’t sell. I explained the situation and told her I needed to discuss it with you first.”

      “Has she offered eight thousand dollars?”


      Anne’s heart fell. If an extremely wealthy woman hadn’t offered that much for a painting she supposedly wanted, then perhaps she wasn’t interested, after all.

      “She offered more.” Marta giggled.

      “Ten thousand?” Anne whispered.


      “And you turned her down?”

      “Of course I did. I had to confer with you. Besides, if we cave too easily, she might suspect you really want to sell it.”

      “Oh, Marta, I don’t know if we’re doing the right thing.”

      “Trust me, Anne. I’ve been in this business for years. I know how to work this buyer. Furthermore, my commission from this sale is my Christmas gift to you.”

      Anne was astonished. “I can’t let you do that!”

      “Yes, you can and you will.”

      “But I want to make it on my own, Marta.” This was one of the very reasons Anne had chosen to paint under the name of Mary Fleming. She didn’t want her friends’ charity.

      “If you knew Mrs. Gould, you’d know that she’s—”

      “I’m talking about the commission.”

      The line went quiet for a moment. “Actually,” Marta confessed, “I might end up moving in with you at some point, and I was hoping to pave the way in case that happened.”

      “You’re serious?” Sometimes with Marta it was hard to tell.


      “But you haven’t confronted Jack?”

      Anne heard Marta’s sigh. “I’ve tried, and every time I broach the subject, it’s as if Jack knows what’s coming and starts talking about something else. Once he simply got up and left the room. I’m so emotional about it. All I seem to do is cry and then I get so angry with Jack and with myself that I’m a worthless mess.”

      “Of course you’re emotional!” Anne said. “You have every right to be.”

      “I trusted Jack.”

      Anne had trusted Burton, too. Although she was reluctant to mention it, Anne felt she’d be doing her friend a disservice if she didn’t share the painful lessons she’d learned. “Keep an eye on your finances.” She hated to give her more to worry about, but this was the trap Anne had fallen into, at great cost to herself.

      “Jack would never—”

      “I said the same thing about Burton,” Anne told her. “What you need to remember is that if Jack’s untrustworthy in one area, he could be untrustworthy in others.”

      “Like Burton?”

      Anne swallowed around the lump blocking her throat. “Like Burton,” she repeated.

      “How much did he cheat you out of?”

      Anne didn’t want to think about it, didn’t want to confess how blind and foolish she’d been. “A quarter of a million dollars is my best estimate.”

      “Oh, my,” Marta breathed. “That much?”

      “I’m past the anger now.”

      “But how can you be?” she demanded, outraged on Anne’s behalf.

      “What else can I do? Hate him? Do you honestly think Burton cares how I feel about him?” Anne had gone through all of this after the divorce, gone through it over and over again. “It wouldn’t matter. The only person I’d be hurting is myself.”

      “But you must’ve been an emotional wreck.”

      “Of course I was. In the beginning I was angry, and then I was so hurt I couldn’t stop crying. For a while, I wondered if it was even worth living.”

      “Oh, Anne.”

      She’d never told anyone about those dark, ugly thoughts. Anne wondered if she should be confessing how bleak everything had seemed during those first dreadful months. When she’d discovered how bad her financial situation was, she’d sunk to her lowest depths. Once she’d learned she could cope with even that, her sense of self had begun to reassert itself.

      “Frankly, I would’ve wanted to kill him.”

      Anne laughed. “I considered that, but I preferred not to spend the rest of my life in jail.”

      Marta laughed, too, but there was little humor in it.

      “You want advice?” Anne had been in the same position Marta was now. She knew that her friend probably hadn’t been ready to hear her suggestions when they’d spoken the week before. She also knew how difficult it was to make decisions and think clearly during any kind of crisis.

      “Please.” Marta’s voice was as soft as a whisper.


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