Christmas 2011 Trio A. Кейт Хьюит

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Christmas 2011 Trio A - Кейт Хьюит Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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style="font-size:15px;">      Her mother’s eyes brightened. “Is there any possibility that might happen?”

      Beth shrugged. Despite her mother’s bet—and personally she felt Joyce deserved to lose—she’d like it if Peter could spend Christmas with her. She wanted to invite him, but it was a lot to ask of someone she hadn’t even met. Everything depended on this weekend.

      Her mother waved one hand impatiently. “So you told him you’re divorced, too?”

      “Yes, of course, and then we both started talking so fast it was hard for my fingers to keep up with my thoughts.” Peter had been deeply hurt by his wife, who’d more or less kicked him out of the house and excluded him from her life. It’d been painful and harsh, and he’d taken the breakup of his marriage hard.

      Beth understood. She’d experienced the same grief over the death of her own marriage. In the course of their conversation, they’d talked about regrets and all the things they might’ve done to save their marriages. Based on the few details Peter had divulged, Beth regarded his ex-wife as cold and calculating.

      She talked about John in ways she never had with anyone else, including her parents. It was as though a festering blister had burst inside her and she spewed out the devastating pain of her own divorce.

      The game was forgotten as they continued talking. It was after midnight when Peter reminded her that they both needed to be at work in the morning. Reluctantly Beth had signed off.

      “What else did he say?” her mother asked. “Did you tell him your real name is Marybeth?”

      “Hardly,” she cried, annoyed that her mother would ask such an inane question. “And don’t you tell him, either.”

      “So you did invite him for Christmas?” Her mother looked pleased beyond measure.

      “No … not yet.” The optimism Beth felt was a sign of her excitement about the way their relationship was developing. No man had interested her this much since college, when she’d first met John. Peter gave her hope. Maybe this wouldn’t go anywhere, but at least she was finally taking a risk. Finally willing to try again.

      The server brought their lunches, giving Beth a respite from her mother’s relentless questioning. She tasted her cream of broccoli soup, and it took a few minutes for the conversation to return to Peter.

      “You do expect to introduce him to your family, don’t you?” Her mother smiled expectantly at Beth, the turkey sandwich poised in front of her mouth.

      “If things go well.” She nodded. “We have a lot in common, Peter and me.”

      “That’s wonderful, dear.”

      Beth felt the giddy sensation of everything coming together at last. “I never dreamed that after all these months we’d connect the way we have.”

      “Well?” Her mother paused. “When are you going to meet?” Before Beth could answer, she added, “Soon, I hope.”

      “Is tomorrow soon enough for you?”

      “Saturday? But I thought you were going to Leavenworth with Heidi.”

      “I am.”

      “You’re meeting Peter there?”

      Beth nodded. Peter seemed to be a closet romantic, although she suspected he’d never admit it. He was the one who’d wanted to have this initial meeting right away. He’d mentioned getting together on Saturday for lunch, and Beth had said she’d be in Leavenworth. Undeterred, Peter had suggested meeting there.

      “But how will that work when you don’t know what he looks like? Good grief, Beth, do you have any idea how crowded that town can get, especially this time of year?”

      “We’ve got it all figured out. Heidi and Sam and I are taking the train with the kids and—”

      “Peter will meet you on the train?” her mother broke in.

      “Not exactly. The train sold out weeks ago, so Peter’s taking the bus. We arrive at eleven and, depending on the weather, he should get in around noon.”

      “The train’s always late.”

      “Oh, ye of little faith.”

      “I have a lot of faith,” her mother said. “But I happen to be practical, too.”

      “We took that into consideration, Mother. The bus could be late, too, you know.”

      “Yes, of course.”

      “We’re meeting by the gazebo in the center of town at four o’clock.”

      “Why not earlier?” her mother demanded.

      Beth sighed. “I’m there to spend the day with Heidi, remember? Besides, if this doesn’t work out …”

      “Fine,” Joyce said dismissively. “But how will you recognize each other?”

      Beth described their plan. Peter would be carrying a single long-stemmed red rose and wearing a baseball cap with a Seahawks emblem. She, meanwhile, would be wearing a full-length navy wool coat and a red knit hat and muffler.

      They should be able to find each other without difficulty. Then they’d watch the tree-lighting ceremony together. The train was scheduled to depart at six-thirty; his bus would leave shortly after that. They’d spend just a couple of hours in each other’s company—a safe length of time whether the meeting went well or not. He hadn’t said so, but Beth had the distinct feeling that if this meeting did go well, Peter would ask to see her again on Sunday.

      “You sound so hopeful,” her mother said.

      “I am.” Beth had a positive feeling about this.

      “What if … what if Peter isn’t as good-looking as you expect?” She seemed genuinely concerned that this might be a possibility.

      “It doesn’t matter.” John had been drop-dead gorgeous. She’d been the envy of all her friends, and what she’d discovered was that good looks made very little difference. Most important was character. Moral fiber, sense of honor and kindness were far more compelling qualities in Beth’s eyes.

      “You say that now,” her mother warned, “but you might change your mind once you meet him.”

      “Perhaps.” But even as she said it, Beth was convinced that her feelings wouldn’t change. If there was anything she’d learned from her divorce, it was that looks could be deceiving. John had been completely self-absorbed, selfish, irresponsible…. It was pointless to rehash his shortcomings, of which there’d been plenty.

      They finished their lunch and because she had a few minutes to spare, Beth and her mother did some window-shopping. Seattle was a magical city at Christmastime. Beth loved the festive air—the decorations everywhere, the cheerful crowds, the music. Entertainers sang and played instruments. She and Joyce stopped to listen to a violinist whose rendition of “Silent Night” was exquisite as people bustled to and from stores with their bags and packages. The cold wind stung her face and she glanced up at the sky for any sign of snow. Her step

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