At The Boss's Command. Darcy Maguire

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At The Boss's Command - Darcy Maguire Mills & Boon By Request

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couldn’t look away and couldn’t move.

      He drew his finger back, watching her mouth, the tip of his finger brushing her bottom lip sending bolts of desire through her.

      ‘So?’ she whispered.

      He dragged in a deep slow breath. ‘I…I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to—’

      She stood taller. ‘Of course.’ Tahlia nodded tightly, trying to fight the surge of heat in her veins.

      She would never have considered crossing the line herself under normal circumstances. How could she have thought a man like Case would cross it just because of her?

      Had she really thought he’d be some office playboy looking for a quick roll in the copy paper? That the man could be flattered into blurting out his background and connections so she could use them against him?

      She shook her head. ‘I understand. I am your personal-assistant-cum-glorified-secretary and I’m sure you don’t want any scandals on your CV.’

      ‘It’s not that.’

      She stiffened. ‘It’s not? You’re not worried about what an affair with your PA could do to your future?’

      ‘An affair?’

      She bit her lip. Oh, darn, where had that come from? How could she say so many stupid incriminating things around him? ‘Well, I guess I could be thinking along those lines,’ she said more carefully. If he wasn’t sitting in her chair and messing with her workplace. ‘And I wasn’t going to be so forward to suggest anything as threatening as a relationship.’

      He crossed his arms over his chest. ‘Why would you think I’d be threatened by a relationship?’

      She shrugged. ‘Most men are.’

      He dropped his arms to his sides. ‘I’m not most men.’

      She swallowed hard. ‘I can see that. So, if it’s not your employment future you’re worried about—’


      ‘Then?’ She looked towards the ceiling. Please let there not be an unrequited love, a dead girlfriend, an ex with a brood of kids. She caught herself. She didn’t care.

      He slipped his hands into his pockets. ‘I already guaranteed you that I wouldn’t get too personal with my assistant.’

      Relief washed through her like spring rain. ‘I’m sure I could overlook that under the circumstances,’ she said softly, smiling. Back to Plan A—flirt him into making a fatal mistake.

      ‘And those circumstances are?’

      Tahlia looked at her heels, wishing she didn’t feel quite so much for the idea. ‘That your assistant is me.’

      Chapter Twelve

       Too many cooks spoil the… bachelor?

      ‘HELLO, handsome.’

      The redhead stepped out from behind a large fern in the hallway, her modest attire doing nothing to dampen the gleam in her eyes.

      Case stopped. ‘Good afternoon, Chrystal,’ he offered casually, looking past her to where he wanted to go.

      ‘Case,’ she lilted, fluttering her lashes and looking up into his eyes.

      ‘Is there something I can do for you?’ he asked, cringing. He had a fair idea what the woman wanted and there was no way he was going there.

      ‘Actually, yes,’ she purred, leaning into him as though she still had her revealing top on. ‘I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me some time, you know, like on a date.’

      Case swallowed hard. ‘I’m flattered by your offer, but I—’

      She touched his arm, pouting. ‘You want to get to know all your staff, don’t you? Well, some of your staff are worth getting to know better.’

      Tahlia’s smiling eyes leapt to his mind.

      Chrystal stroked his arm. ‘And there’s only so much you can find out about a person by working with them.’

      ‘Ye-es,’ he said slowly, the idea tumbling through his mind.

      She sighed deeply. ‘I understand that it’s just so much easier for some people to open up to others after hours, away from the workplace.’

      He nodded slowly. ‘Look, it’s been lovely talking to you but I have to get back to work.’

      ‘Don’t you think I’m pretty?’

      Case froze. He was on dangerous ground. He knew more than anyone what a woman scorned was capable of. ‘Yes, but—’

      She reached up and stroked her fingers down his cheek. ‘So don’t you think you should give “us” a chance?’

      Us? Case stepped back. ‘I’m sorry, but I can’t.’ His mind spun. ‘I’m just not…up to it.’

      The woman’s forehead creased. ‘Okay, but whatever the problem is, I think I could help.’

      He sucked in a deep breath. ‘It’s something that only time can heal, I’m afraid.’

      ‘Oh?’ She touched her palm against his chest.

      ‘Yes,’ he rushed on, extricating himself from her hand. ‘I’m not ready. I can’t. I’ve just been divorced, only a few months ago…and I can’t. It was tough. Nasty. You know, bad.’

      Chrystal’s eyes widened. ‘Oh.’

      ‘So thank you for your kind offer, but—’

      ‘I understand,’ she said softly, patting his shoulder. ‘Sure. I get it. Just know I’m here for you…for anything, even talking, if you need to.’

      He sighed. ‘Thanks.’ He sidled past her, shaking his head. He couldn’t believe he’d said that to her. It was the truth. He’d been divorced…nearly twelve months ago. And although he’d dated on and off, he wasn’t dating anyone manipulative and self-serving like Celia. No chance in hell.

      Case detoured via Sales. She had been right about one thing, though.

      He glanced into the Sales Director’s office, at Tahlia, bending over her desk, gathering files, juggling coffee and balancing a pen between her lips. Was he asking too much of her?

      Doing her job and helping him was a big ask. But by the gleam in her eyes she seemed to be enjoying the challenge.

      He was glad she thrived on it. He liked being near her. Had enjoyed the day with her, having her leaning close to him, her perfume sweeping around him, her warm body close, her sweet voice explaining patiently the ins and outs of the place.

      He knew enough about WWW and what

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