Greek Affairs. Кейт Хьюит

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Greek Affairs - Кейт Хьюит Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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perfect Greek, knew their dances, the food. Obviously, her mother had wanted to maintain the connection. Yet she had no other relatives. Why had her parents moved to England? Why not stay in Greece and forge ties with neighbors to aid the small family?

      Sara had started out intriguing him. The more time they spent together, the more she fascinated him. It wasn’t only the physical attraction, though he enjoyed kissing her, touching her, feeling her warmth against him. He wouldn’t mind a closer connection, but she’d never given any sign she’d be interested.

      Except for her kisses. Maybe he should push the issue and see where they went.

      She was unlike most of the women he associated with. She reminded him a little of Eleani—Sara was warm and friendly and kind. Maybe that was what set her apart. She was kinder than Ariana had been, that was certain. Gina last week had been catty in some of her remarks. He never remembered Sara saying anything unkind.

      They arrived at the dock with no problem. He tied the lines to the cleats and helped Sara from the boat. They walked silently to the gangway for the yacht. He escorted her up and stopped on the forward deck.

      “I’ll say good-night.”

      “Thank you for dinner and the evening. I had a wonderful time,” she said politely.

      “Everyone is probably asleep, but I feel as if we are on display. Who knows who can be watching,” he said, leaning over and brushing his lips against hers.

      He turned her around and gave her a gentle push. “Go to bed, Sara. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

      He turned and left the yacht, wishing the evening could have ended with Sara in his bed. The thought surprised him. He wasn’t thinking just tonight, either. What would it be like to wake up with her each morning? Spend time together when he wasn’t working? She liked to dive, to swim. She was a terrific dancer. And she cooked like a dream. What was not to like about Sara Andropolous?

      As he walked up to the house, he idly considered a life with a woman like Sara. He knew love existed. Spiros had loved his first wife and was devoted to his second. A man could learn a lot about marriage studying his grandfather.

      Intellectually Nikos understood people could fall in love and share their lives happily and with true contentment. He’d asked Ariana to marry him thinking they’d have the perfect modern marriage—similar interests and friends that would enable them to have the kind of life both enjoyed. He had loved her only to be disillusioned with her betrayal.

      She had wanted more than his love—more men and more money. Would things have been different had he already achieved the success he now enjoyed? No—love would overlook finances. She had not loved him, not the way he wanted.

      Reaching the house, Nikos turned and looked at the yacht, almost invisible against the dark sea. For a moment he debated returning, going to her cabin, asking her to stay a while longer. Common sense took over. If she was amenable, she would be as keen tomorrow as tonight. And if she shot down the idea, he’d rather it be later.

      The next morning Nikos rose early and went for a morning swim at the beach. The sand was being raked by one of the groundskeepers. The yacht showed no activity. He dropped his towel, pulled off his shirt and plunged into the sea. The water felt cool and invigorating.

      He swam some distance out and then floated for a little while. Hearing splashing, he looked at the shore. Sara was swimming out toward him, still some distance away.

      Treading water as she approached, he ignored the feeling of satisfaction that blossomed. Her coming out this morning had to mean she enjoyed the early-morning swims as much as he did.

      “Hi,” she said a moment later. She shook her head and water drops splayed all around.

      “I thought you’d sleep in,” he commented. She was beautiful in the soft morning light, even with her hair wet and hanging around her face. Her eyes sparkled with enjoyment.

      “Couldn’t sleep in. Not in the habit. With no meals to plan or prepare, I have a lot of time on my hands. Maybe I should return to the resort. I’m sure not earning my salary here.”

      “Aren’t you enjoying being here?”

      “Too much. I’ll get spoiled,” she said with a grin.

      He wanted to spoil her, give her jewels and dresses and make sure she never lacked for anything.

      “Except before I do return, I want a couple of recipes from Dimitri. That salad the other day was delicious. I figured out all the ingredients except one. Which is the one that makes it so special. Do you think he’ll share?”

      “I expect so. If not, tell him I said he should.”

      She laughed. “If he does not wish to share, I certainly wouldn’t threaten him with you.”

      “Why not?” The more he knew her, the more she puzzled him. Wasn’t that the way of the world? Get what you want no matter how it’s accomplished?

      Ariana would have used every bit of power she had to obtain her own ends. He looked away. He must stop comparing Ariana to every other woman he met. Sara was nothing like her. End of comparison.

      “You’re up as early as I,” she said, lazily dog-paddling around. “Why not take advantage of this brief holiday and sleep in?”

      “Feels too much like I’m sleeping the day away.”

      “What do you have to do today?” she asked.

      “Work, what else.”

      She splashed water on him. “Play is what else,” she said before diving beneath the water before he could retaliate by splashing her.

      The chase was on. Nikos knew he was the stronger swimmer, but he let her get ahead before giving chase. When he tagged her, she came to the surface and laughed.

      “You need to watch that laughter,” he warned, coming closer. “You’re going to drown one day if you’re not careful.”

      She laughed again and nodded. “I’ll try not to laugh underwater. Now I’m it.” And she surged toward him. He’d been expecting it and swam to one side, diving deep and moving parallel to the shore.

      They played until both were breathless. Then Nikos took her hand and drew her closer.

      “I didn’t get a proper good-night kiss last night.”

      “No one was awake on the yacht,” she said, entwining her legs with his, encircling his neck with her arms, pressing against the length of him.

      “It felt like prying eyes were watching from every porthole.”

      He felt her laughter as she kissed his jaw.


      “So I don’t want to put a burden on you by being seen with me.”

      “Everyone on board knows your grandparents asked to meet me. What’s to know? It’s not as if we have a torrid affair going.”

      “It’s not as if I don’t want one,” he said.


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