Shotgun Vows. Teresa Southwick

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Shotgun Vows - Teresa Southwick Mills & Boon M&B

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first of November and the promise he’d made just about guaranteed that he could kiss off having only good days for three-quarters of the month.

      Matilda Fortune listened to the clunk of her boots on the foyer tile as she made her way to the Double Crown Ranch’s great room. She stopped when her heels sank into the thick carpet. The large open hearth held a cheery fire. On the other wall, French doors opened to one of the house’s two courtyards. Large leather couches and comfortable chairs in groupings that invited intimate conversation were arranged in several places in the large room.

      Since her arrival from Australia several months ago, she found it was her uncle Ryan and aunt Lily’s custom to spend the evening in the great room. Tonight was no exception. They were sitting side by side on one of the leather sofas, having after-dinner drinks with their other houseguest, Willa Simms. She was Ryan’s goddaughter. Willa’s father and Ryan had been best friends in Vietnam, a bond that remained strong until her dad died of cancer. She was still very close to Uncle Ryan—like one of his children.

      Through an archway to her right she could see the dining room and the living room beyond. A huge painted armoire, and Western-style pieces including antler lamps and Native American prints, gave the room warmth and personality. She liked the house in spite of its intimidating size and the fact that she always felt as if she brought the outdoors inside as soon as she walked in.

      Mattie moved farther into the room until she faced her aunt and uncle. “I didn’t see Griff’s car outside. Does anyone know where my brother is?”

      She knew the answer even as the words came out of her mouth. If Griff’s car were here, she would have known his whereabouts. He was joined at the hip with her. Her shadow. Her keeper. If his car was gone, he must be on one of his mysterious trips.

      “He left on business, dear,” her aunt said, confirming Mattie’s guess. “He wasn’t sure when he would be back, but asked me to tell you not to worry.”

      “From his mouth to God’s ear.” Mattie whispered her usual fervent prayer.

      Telling her not to worry was like asking the wind not to blow. Griff would never confide details to anyone in the family about what he did when he was away. He said the less they knew, the better. How could they not worry when someone they loved said that?

      But she smiled at her aunt and uncle, not wanting to upset them or let anyone know her feelings. There was nothing they could do or say to ease her mind.

      Mattie studied her aunt and uncle, thighs brushing while holding hands. As always, she was struck by what a handsome couple they were. She knew they were both in their early fifties, but neither looked it. Lily’s eyes were the color of a moonless night, and her shiny black bob, along with the beautiful bone structure in her face, revealed her Spanish and Indian heritage. She was still a lovely woman and must have been a stunner as a young girl.

      Uncle Ryan was definitely his wife’s equal. With his dark eyes and hair showing a bit of gray at the temples, and a still-muscular physique, he must have made female hearts flutter in his younger days. And at least one female heart still fluttered, Mattie thought as she saw the glow in his wife’s eyes as she looked up at him. The two were obviously in love, obviously soul mates.

      Like her own parents.

      Mattie sighed. Would she ever find someone who would love her like that? A man she could respect and care about and raise a family with? A soul mate of her own?

      It was her most cherished dream. Unfortunately, her brothers frightened away anyone who showed even the slightest interest in her. That made it darn near impossible to make her fairy tale come true. If Prince Charming didn’t have the guts to face down the Fortune brothers, then she didn’t particularly want to set up housekeeping in his castle. No wimp for her!

      When her aunt and uncle had visited Australia and invited her to their ranch in Texas, she’d thought it was the opportunity she’d been waiting for. She’d taken them up on the offer and fallen in love with the state, the air, the wide-open spaces. The men that all the wide-open spaces would hold.

      Since horses were her life, where better to find the man of her dreams than a Texas ranch? So many cowboys, so little time. The bad news was that Griff never left her side. The steely-eyed looks he gave any man who even glanced in her direction were enough to make monks out of them.

      But Griff was gone. What was that American saying? Make hay while the sun shines. How appropriate on a ranch! And she finally understood the meaning. She would worry terribly about Griff, but with him away, it was definitely hay-making time.

      Tonight the Double Crown cowboys held their weekly poker game. She’d almost forgotten, having dismissed the earlier casual reminder because she knew there was no way Griff would let her go. Or worse, he would accompany her—and then no one would have any fun. This was her first chance to join in. Maybe she could finally get one of them to notice her.

      “I’m sorry we couldn’t hold dinner for you, dear,” her aunt said.

      “No worries,” Mattie answered.

      “I just love your accent,” Willa chimed in. “It’s so cute.”

      “Thanks.” Mattie smiled at her, then looked back at her aunt and uncle. “I’m sorry to be so late. I just couldn’t tear myself away.”

      “Your brothers say you have a way with animals, Mattie,” Willa said. “They say when they have a problem horse, you’re the one they go to. That’s such a gift. I’m a little afraid of an animal big enough to stomp me into roadkill without a second thought.”

      “You traveled all over the world with your father, Willa,” Uncle Ryan said. “There was never time or opportunity to learn about horses.”

      “I’d be happy to work with you and show you some tricks,” Mattie said. “Then you would be more comfortable around them. There’s no reason to be afraid of horses. I can find just the right animal—one with a nature as sweet as yours.”

      Willa smiled. “How I envy your ability to do that.”

      Not as much as I envy you. Mattie barely held in a sigh. Willa was so petite and pretty. Even her wire-rimmed glasses couldn’t disguise her beautiful blue-gray eyes. Tonight her shoulder-length auburn hair was secured on top of her head with a clip. Mattie made a mental note to ask how she did that. All thumbs herself, she never fussed with her hair. A braid was easy, fast, and worked just fine. That clip contraption wouldn’t hold up when she was riding. But if she had a date, it could work just fine, she thought.

      Lily sipped her brandy. “Rosita put the leftovers in the fridge for you, Mattie.”

      “Thank you.”

      Then she was free. No big brother watching. Whatever was she going to do with all this independence? The pressure was on. She didn’t know how long Griff would be gone. The possibilities were endless. But tonight there was that poker game. Exhilaration surged through her, lifting her spirits.

      The coast was clear!

      Rosita Perez, the Fortunes’ sixtyish housekeeper, entered the room. Her black hair was pulled back, highlighting the one white streak that started at her forehead and disappeared into the bun at her nape. Mattie liked the motherly woman who dished out hugs almost as plentifully as food. The downside was that she was followed by a man in business clothes.

      Mattie felt two parts

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