Footloose. Leanne Banks

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Footloose - Leanne Banks Mills & Boon M&B

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not pissed,” she corrected. “I’m uncomfortable.”

      “Afraid of what I’m going to do? Or what you’re going to do?”

      A sexy image of his hands sliding over her blew through her brain. She closed her eyes and shook off the picture. “Neither.” She leaned forward and turned on the CD player.

      “Stones to the rescue,” he said when Mick Jagger’s voice blared out the speakers.

      But only for a little while, she thought and tried not to imagine all the good kinds of trouble she could get into with Jack.

      By the time he pulled the car near the gate of the Bellagio estate, she felt as if she were in a convertible wind-induced stupor. Zoned out.

      Jack slowed to a stop and looked at her. “You okay?”

      She nodded.

      “Before you go, give me your foot,” he said.

      She blinked. “Excuse me?”

      “I want to see one of those anklets on you and I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be in town.”

      Her stomach twisted and she felt an odd jab of distress. “You’re leaving?”

      He shrugged. “Depends on how a deal I’m working on shakes out. So give me your foot.”

      Reluctant but compelled, she shifted toward him and lifted her foot. He rested it on his thigh, drawing her attention to his crotch. She forced her gaze away, watching his hands as he pulled a chain from the paper bag.

      He fastened the silver chain of shells around her ankle and looked at her. “Nice,” he said. “How do you like it?”

      The sight of his tanned hand over her pale skin made her stomach jump. “Uh, it’s pretty.” She met his gaze. “Thank you.”

      He eased her ankle down over his leg and took her hand, pulling her closer. “You can’t blame hurricanes tonight. Are you going to kiss me?” He rubbed his thumb beneath her chin. “You gonna kiss a coldhearted cynical sonuvabitch like me?”

      “You’re not totally coldhearted,” she said.

      “But I’m cynical as hell,” he said, his gaze unwavering.

      “Yes, you are,” she conceded, his proximity stealing the oxygen from her lungs.

      “And I’m a bastard,” he continued, sliding his thumb down her throat to her collar bone.

      Her mouth went dry. “I wouldn’t have chosen that term.”

      He chuckled, then lowered his head. “Do I turn you on, Magnolia?”

      She bit her lip.

      “You turn me on.”

      She found that difficult to believe. “Why?” The question was out of her mouth before she could stop it.

      “I like your mouth,” he said, tugging on her lip with his thumb. “It’s pink. I like your body. You’re curvy.”

      “I’m not thin.”

      “I want to see you naked. I want to see your breasts. I want to see what color your nipples are and how they taste.”

      Her temperature shot up so fast she felt like she had a sunburn all over.

      “I like the color of your skin.”

      “I’m too pale,” she whispered.

      He shook his head. “Not for what I have in mind.” He lowered his head again, his lips just inches from hers. “I make you hot, don’t I?”

      She tried to turn away, but her body wasn’t following her feeble mental instructions.

      “When are you going to take what you want?”

      The fact that he didn’t push himself on her, but made himself oh, so available drove her a little crazy. It was like having a hot fudge sundae placed in front of her. All she had to do was pick up the spoon and that delicious dessert would be in her mouth.

      One spoonful wouldn’t kill her, she thought, and lifted her mouth. She rubbed her lips against his and lifted her arms to his shoulders, then the back of his neck. She slid her tongue over his bottom lip and he immediately responded by cradling her head in his palms and tilting her mouth to one side for better access.

      Lightly massaging her jaw, he suckled on her lips and thrust his tongue inside her mouth. She felt as if she were being sensually devoured by him, as if the tables had been turned and she was the hot fudge sundae and he wanted more than a bite.

      She felt the tips of her breasts tighten. He slid one of his hands over her thigh and she felt an edgy restlessness between her legs.

      Unable to resist the urge to squirm, she heard him mutter his approval. “Oh, you’re so hot. You feel so good.”

      He trailed his fingertip down her neck to her collarbone, then lower, to the open neck of her shirt. He fingered the strap of her bathing suit at the same time as he slid his hand higher up her thigh, all the while stealing her breath and her sanity with kisses that grew longer and more sexual.

      His fingers dipped closer and closer to her breast. If he didn’t touch her nipple, Amelia thought she would die. She arched against him, but still he didn’t quite—

      She lifted her hands to the back of his head and gave him a no-holds barred kiss. His finger finally glanced her nipple and she moaned.

      He touched her again and she shuddered. She felt him slide his other hand further between her legs. He skimmed his finger beneath the edge of her bathing suit, just inside her, and swore.

      “Damn, you’re wet.” He rubbed his finger inside her and she felt her heart pound in her head with arousal.

      “I want to get inside you and…”

      The combination of his sex talk and the way he stroked her took her into a different dimension. The tension inside her tightened with shocking speed and when he rubbed her sweet spot, she went over the edge in a ragged burst that took her by surprise.

      “Omigod,” she whispered, gasping desperately for a sliver of oxygen.

      Jack swore under his breath. “Damn, you’re good. If we weren’t in this excuse for a car, I’d have you out of your clothes right now.”

      It slowly dawned on Amelia that she had just had the most intense climax of her life on the side of the road, in a Porsche, with a man she hadn’t known more than a couple of days. Embarrassment seeped through her. “I don’t know what to say. I didn’t expect that. It just—”

      “Don’t apologize, Magnolia. Payback will be heaven.”


      JACK RECEIVED a second royal invitation from Queen Bellagio herself

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