Modern Romance July 2016 Books 5-8. Кейт Хьюит

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Modern Romance July 2016 Books 5-8 - Кейт Хьюит Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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Luca touched her cheek and whispered raggedly, ‘Look at me, Hannah. I want to see you as I make love to you. I want you to see me.’

      Hannah opened her eyes to see Luca gazing at her with burning need, and that blazing look was what had her tumbling over the edge of that wave, until they were both lost in pleasure.

      Afterwards they lay in a tangle of limbs and covers, their heart rates slowing as their breathing settled. Hannah stretched and then snuggled into Luca, his arm coming around her shoulders. She felt sated and happy, her body nearly boneless.

      She smoothed her hand down Luca’s chest, enjoying the liberty of touching him. Her hand drifted lower and he caught it in his.

      ‘Give me a few minutes, at least,’ he murmured, and she laughed softly. ‘Vixen,’ he teased, and pressed a kiss to her hair.

      ‘I like taking one day at a time,’ Hannah told him lazily. ‘And one night at a time.’

      ‘Glad to hear it.’

      ‘It’s funny to think that if you hadn’t needed a fake fiancée we wouldn’t be here like this.’ She’d meant to tease but she felt Luca tense next to her. She rolled onto her side, her hair brushing his chest as she looked at him. His expression was bland, and she’d learned how he used that to hide his true, deeper feelings. ‘Luca? What is the history between you and Tyson?’

      ‘I told you before, it happened a long time ago.’

      ‘But it matters,’ Hannah said quietly. ‘It certainly mattered to you during that weekend. And yet he doesn’t even can that be?’

      ‘Leave it, Hannah.’

      She recoiled at the taut note of warning in his voice. She’d thought they’d moved past that kind of thing. She’d thought they’d been opening up to each other. She’d certainly told Luca more about herself than she had anyone else.

      ‘Why can’t you tell me about it?’ she asked, and Luca rolled off the bed so he was sitting on the edge, his back to her.

      ‘Because it’s not important.’

      Hannah knew she shouldn’t push. She might be risking everything they’d only just started to build, and yet...what had they built, if they couldn’t talk about this?

      She took a deep breath. ‘It is important, but you obviously don’t want to tell me.’ She waited for something from Luca, but he didn’t reply.


      ‘ANDREW TYSON FOR you on line one.’

      Hannah’s deliberately neutral voice made Luca grimace. They’d managed to get beyond that awkward moment on Saturday night, when she’d asked about Tyson and he hadn’t given her any answers, but only just.

      Part of him had wanted to admit to her what Tyson was to him, but he’d held back out of instinct, not willing to part with that painful information yet. Not wanting to be so exposed. Now he wondered if he should have, because once the deal was signed Hannah would know his plans for the resorts. And what would she think then?

      It didn’t matter. This had nothing to do with Hannah. What they had together was sacred, and what had happened with Tyson had no part in that.

      Realising he was keeping Tyson waiting, Luca picked up the phone.

      ‘Moretti here.’

      ‘Luca.’ Tyson’s voice oozed genial warmth, making Luca flinch. Tyson had turned away from him once before, utterly and without any remorse. The fact that he was friendly now, not knowing who Luca really was, made his kindness grate.

      ‘Hello, Andrew.’ He managed to keep his tone neutral. When he’d decided to go after Tyson’s resorts, he hadn’t considered the impact of dealing with the man himself. He’d told himself he didn’t care, that he felt nothing for the man who’d fathered him, the man he’d seen only once. Even if the scent of lilies still made him retch. Every interaction with the man showed those assertions for the lies they were.

      ‘I have good news for you, Luca,’ Andrew said. ‘And I’m sure you know what it is.’

      ‘I believe I do.’ Luca listened as Andrew outlined the deal he’d been waiting for: a takeover of the Tyson resorts.

      ‘Because,’ Andrew finished, ‘if I can’t have one of my own children running the place, I’d like to have you.’ A sentiment that nearly made Luca choke.

      They finished the conversation with plans to finalise the paperwork next week, when Tyson was in London. Luca put down the phone and stared vacantly out of the window at the busy streets far below, the sky cloudless and blue above.

      Distantly he registered a tap at the door, and then the sound of it opening. ‘Luca?’ Hannah asked, her expression wary. ‘That was Andrew Tyson, wasn’t it? Did he give you an answer?’

      ‘Yes.’ Luca forced himself to face Hannah and smile. ‘He’s accepted my bid.’

      Hannah’s answering smile morphed into an uncertain frown. ‘But...aren’t you happy?’

      Was he happy? He’d been happy this last week with Hannah. As for Tyson... He didn’t feel the satisfaction, the triumph and the sense of retribution that he’d thought he’d feel upon owning his father’s business. When it came to Tyson, he felt...empty.

      ‘Luca?’ Hannah asked softly. She walked towards him, laying a hand on his arm. ‘I wish you’d tell me what was wrong.’

      This was the time to tell her about Tyson. To tell her the truth. Luca gazed up into Hannah’s voice, saw the concern and care shining in her eyes, and his throat closed.

      ‘Nothing’s wrong,’ he said gruffly, the words squeezed out of his too-tight throat. The smile on his face felt plastic and he reached for her so she couldn’t see how fake it was. ‘Nothing’s wrong at all.’

      He didn’t think he’d fooled her because she just frowned before kissing him gently on the lips, making Luca feel as if something inside him were breaking.

      ‘I’ve got a good idea,’ he said afterwards, his arms still around her. ‘I have a boring black-tie dinner tonight that I was thinking of skipping. Why don’t we go to it together instead?’

      Hannah pulled away from him so she could study his face. ‘You a couple?’

      ‘Yes, that’s exactly what I mean. I’ve become part of your world, but you haven’t yet become part of mine.’

      Tremulous hope lit her eyes even as she frowned uncertainly. ‘I don’t have anything to wear.’

      ‘Hmm, your last evening gown didn’t survive the trip, did it?’ Luca teased. ‘I think it’s time for another visit to Diavola.’ Hannah didn’t light up at this prospect as he’d expected her to. ‘What? You don’t want to buy a new dress?’

      ‘You’d be buying the dress,’ Hannah replied. ‘And I don’t want to be treated like

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