Regency Society. Ann Lethbridge

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Regency Society - Ann Lethbridge Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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caused you so much trouble. I wish I could remember what happened…why I had the ruby…’ A tear spilled from the corner of her eye. ‘Who am I, Luke? Am I a thief? Why did I have that ruby? I wish I could remember.’

      ‘Don’t cry, dearest,’ Luke said softly. He reached out and wiped away the tear with his fingertips. ‘You mustn’t be upset over this. I’m here. I shall protect you, Roxanne.’

      ‘But why is all this hap—’ She got no further for Luke’s arms were about her. He drew her close to his body, his head bent towards hers, his mouth covering hers in a kiss so hungry and intense that all else fled from her mind. Roxanne’s arms folded about his neck, her fingers reaching into his hair at the nape as the kiss deepened between them. Then Luke was lifting her in his arms, carrying her back to the bed. He placed her amongst the covers and lay down beside her, gazing into her eyes.

      ‘I want you so much,’ he whispered passionately against her ear. ‘I’ve wanted you from the moment I first saw you, Roxanne. You are so beautiful and you’re mine. I swear that no one shall harm you. I will protect you with my life. You must never be afraid while I am with you.’

      ‘Luke…’ she whispered hoarsely. ‘Luke, hold me, love me. I want you, too. I love you…’

      As soon as the words left her lips Roxanne regretted them. She had not meant to say the one thing she knew he would not want to hear, but her feelings had rushed to the forefront because of her distress and the words had slipped out. She thought that for a moment he stilled, as if he would withdraw from her, but then he was kissing her again, hungrily, passionately, as if his need was as great as her own.

      Giving herself up to desire, Roxanne responded to Luke’s loving with an equal passion of her own. She had never known that such feelings lay within her, waiting to burst forth in a torrent of need and hunger. All the years of not knowing who or what she was, all the pain, uncertainty and fear, the need to be loved came out of her in a frenzy of wanting and loving. His hands were gentle but firm as they explored her body, seeking out the secret places of her femininity, touching her where no one else had touched her, bringing her sweet pleasure. Her hands moved over his arms, his back, following the firmness of his shoulders and the honed muscles, moving over skin that was now naked and slicked with sweat as their bodies came together in sweet ecstasy. His throbbing manhood sought entry and she felt pain, but then the pain was forgotten in the sweet pleasure of his kisses.

      ‘Yes…’ Roxanne moaned as he moved within her, deep and firm, bringing her to such exquisite delight that she writhed and arched beneath him. She moaned and clung to him, her breath soft and sweet as she sighed. ‘So good…so very good.’

      ‘My sweet, beautiful Roxanne,’ Luke murmured against her ear. ‘Such passion and heat. No one has ever made me feel as you do, my darling. You are exquisite, perfect. I want to hold you and make love to you always.’

      His words were so tender and loving that Roxanne felt tears of joy on her cheeks as they lay together, entwined, satiated and at peace before they slept. During the night, they woke, loved again, as sweetly and as urgently as before. Roxanne slept deeply, curled into his body, her legs captured and held as he clasped her against him. Her long red hair was spread over the pillows and had entangled itself about him as they loved.

      When in the morning Luke moved her hair from his face, carefully disentangling himself from her limbs that curled about him, Roxanne did not wake. She was caught up in a dream so sweet that her lips curved in a smile of content.

      ‘Love you,’ she murmured. ‘Always love you…’

      Luke knew that she was still sleeping and that she did not know she had spoken. He frowned as he moved carefully about the room, collecting the clothes he needed for riding. He watched Roxanne sleep while he dressed, a look of gravity on his face, then went out, leaving her to rest.

      He needed to ride and to think about the future. Roxanne’s distress the previous evening had led him into something he had not planned and he was not sure what it meant for the future. In her dreaming state she had spoken of love, but was it real or part of the story she’d invented for herself—and did he want his marriage to be more of a real marriage than he’d intended?

      He suddenly felt trapped again. He was being drawn into something that threatened to overturn all he had believed and he could not handle the feelings churning inside him.

      He must think about what had happened the previous night and what it meant—and he must question the men he’d had patrolling the grounds. Why had they not seen the intruder and who had been so desperate to find Roxanne’s ruby that they had risked breaking into her room when there was a house filled with guests?

      Roxanne stirred and stretched, a feeling of well being stealing over her as she opened her eyes. What had happened the previous night to make her feel so good? Letting her gaze move about the room, she realised that she was not in her own bed and then the memories came flooding back. Suffused with warmth, she felt herself blush as she recalled how gladly she had surrendered to Luke’s loving the previous night. She had gone to his arms like a wanton instead of the gentlewoman she was supposed to be, giving no thought to propriety or the future.

      What did that say about her? What kind of a woman was she truly?

      Sitting up in bed, she saw her clothes strewn over the floor and recalled the way they had come off with such abandon. Indeed, she’d behaved like a harlot. No well-bred young woman would behave in such a way—and yet she did not regret it. Roxanne knew that she would do it again, because one night of love like that was something she would never forget. Even if Luke did not love her in his heart, he’d made her feel loved and needed, and something deep inside her had responded, had been waiting for him. She’d felt as if her whole life had been waiting for that moment—the moment she became one with him.

      Rising, Roxanne picked up her clothes and dressed. It was time she returned to her own room. She was about to do so when the door of Luke’s bedchamber opened and a maid entered. She did not seem surprised to find Roxanne there and bobbed a curtsy.

      ‘Lord Clarendon said to tidy your chamber, Miss Roxanne, and then inform you that you could return. He told us he gave up his room for you last night because of what happened, miss. It must have been such a shock to find it that way.’

      ‘Yes, it was,’ Roxanne replied and glanced towards the bed. The sheets were open, as she’d left them, and she could see some small bloodstains. Her cheeks felt warm as she left the room. Luke had told the servants that she’d slept alone, but the maid would see the evidence of what had taken place here and she could hardly be expected to keep such knowledge to herself. The servants would smile to themselves and whisper that Lord Clarendon had anticipated his wedding night.

      It was an embarrassing thought, but there was nothing she could do to change things. She could not go back and act differently, nor did she wish to in her heart. The dice was cast now. She had given herself to Luke body and soul. Roxanne had no intention of drawing back. If Luke did not wish for a loving wife, he would make his feelings known. She loved him, but she was strong enough to let him go when he needed to be free. She would not cling and weep as his mother had to her husband. Perhaps next time Luke came to her bed she would be more prepared and be able to control her feelings, giving herself with less abandon.

      Making her way back to her own room, Roxanne wondered where Luke was. At what time had he left her and where had he gone?

      Her bedchamber had been put to rights, everything back in its place and the scent of fresh lavender polish making it seem welcoming and normal. A frown touched her forehead as she remembered her distress the previous evening; it was that distress

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