The Helen Bianchin And The Regency Scoundrels And Scandals Collections. Louise Allen

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The Helen Bianchin And The Regency Scoundrels And Scandals Collections - Louise Allen Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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      There were too many conflicting thoughts chasing through her mind for easy conjecture, and with a mental shake of her shoulders she contemplated entering the sauna, then the plunge pool. Except that would mean stripping off, and there was no way she intended to disrobe in his presence.

      Besides, she really needed to put some space and distance between them, and she quietly exited the room. Breakfast, followed by a shower, then she’d don casual clothes and go out for the day.

      Anywhere that would take her away from this house and the indomitable man who owned it.

      Twenty minutes later she descended the stairs, en route to the garage, and encountered Nicos in the lobby.

      He took in the bag slung over her shoulder, and car keys in her hand. ‘Going out?’

      ‘You object?’ Katrina countered coolly.

      ‘Now, why should I do that?’

      She made to move past him. ‘Don’t wait up.’

      A hand closed over her forearm. ‘An observance of common courtesy wouldn’t go astray.’

      She cast his hand a telling glance, then lifted her gaze to meet his. ‘As to where I’ll be, and the time of my return? Difficult, when I have no definite plans.’

      ‘Except to escape.’

      It irked that he knew her so well. ‘Yes.’

      He let her go, and minutes later she eased her car through the gates, then headed towards the northern beaches.

      She could have phoned a friend and organised to share the day, but she preferred solitude and a good book.

      Choosing a relatively isolated beach, she spread out a towel, switched her mobile phone to message-bank, and opened the latest paperback release written by a favourite author.

      Lunch was a sandwich bought from a nearby kiosk, plus bottled spring water, and she read for a few hours, then oddly restless she packed up her belongings and drove into the city where she browsed the shops at Darling Harbour.

      It was easy to lose herself in the wandering crowd, and she paused to admire a silver bracelet displayed in a silversmith’s window. Its intricate design was sufficiently unusual to warrant closer examination, and she was about to enter the shop when a familiar voice greeted her. ‘Slumming, darling?’

      Katrina turned to face a tall, slender blonde whose attractive features had, she knew, been cosmetically enhanced. The result was perfection, complemented by exquisite make-up, and her designer apparel emphasised sculptured curves and a physically toned body.

      ‘Paula,’ she acknowledged, aware her stepsister’s smile was as superficial as her apparent warmth.

      ‘Trying for incognito, Katrina? Or am I missing something, and this—’ she indicated the shorts, shirt knotted at the midriff, and trainers ‘—is a new look?’

      ‘It’s called casual,’ Katrina responded lightly, and witnessed Paula’s faint moue.

      ‘And where is the inimitable Nicos?’

      ‘I left him at home.’ That much was true. Although how long he remained there was another thing.

      ‘So newly reconciled.’ Her smile was the antithesis of sweet. ‘Although everyone knows it’s only to comply with dear Kevin’s last wishes.’


      ‘Why, yes, darling.’ She appeared to sharpen her claws. ‘You’re the lead topic among the social set.’

      Doubtlessly fuelled by erroneous speculation. So what else was new? ‘Really?’

      ‘Naturally, you’re aware Enrique intends to contest the will.’

      ‘As you do?’

      ‘Oh, no, sweetie. I have it on authority it would be a lost cause.’ Paula raked Katrina’s slender frame. ‘How does it feel to be an heiress, darling? You always were Daddy’s pride and joy. You even married the prince, only to discover he had feet of clay.’ Her smile held little warmth. ‘Interesting coincidence his mistress is back in town.’ Her eyes widened with false dismay. ‘Oh, dear, you didn’t know?’

      She’d had a lifetime of experience in schooling her features. ‘I should thank you for the advance warning.’

      ‘My pleasure.’

      Katrina didn’t attempt to qualify a reason to leave. ‘Bye, Paula.’

      The practised pout didn’t quite cut it. ‘Just when we were beginning to catch up.’

      Catching up with Paula was something Katrina preferred to avoid. A personality clash, Andrea had termed their animosity from the onset.

      Friendship between the daughter of one partner and the daughter of another had never been an issue. Existing in superficial harmony required wit, wisdom, and an ever vigilant eye…for the barbed comment, the embellishment of truth, and the metaphorical stab in the back. It had been Paula’s mission in life to discredit Kevin’s ewe-lamb.

      Andrea’s stint as Katrina’s stepmother hadn’t lasted long, and just when Katrina had thought it could only get better, along had come Chloe and Enrique.

      And that had been worse, much worse.

      Katrina spared her watch a glance, ignored the temptation to ring Siobhan, and retraced her steps to the car park. She’d visit one of the large cinema complexes, take in a movie, grab something to eat, then go home.

      Except there were too many choices, and she indulged the whim to see two movies, almost back to back, with time for a snack and coffee in between each scheduled session.

      It was after ten when she garaged the car and let herself quietly into the house.

      Nicos emerged into the lobby from his study as she was about to ascend the stairs. Did he possess X-ray vision? Or had he added a camera to his state-of-the-art security system?

      His casual attire of jeans and a polo shirt emphasised his breadth of shoulder, lean waist, and long legs.

      ‘Did you think to check your voice-mail?’

      The silky query gave little indication of his mood, and she paused, meeting his level glance with equanimity.

      ‘Not since mid-afternoon. Why?’

      ‘Siobhan has rung twice. Enrique, ditto, stressing the need for an urgent response. And Harry, who assured you have his number.’ His expression remained enigmatic, but she detected a hint of dangerous steel just beneath the surface. ‘Each of whom revealed they’d tried and failed to reach you on your cellphone.’

      ‘You want I should apologise for inadvertently relegating you to message-taking?’

      Nicos shifted slightly, a movement that seemed to bring him too close for comfort.

      She kept her gaze steady, noticing the

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