Marrying His Majesty. Marion Lennox

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Marrying His Majesty - Marion Lennox Mills & Boon By Request

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       Mia’s sister?

      Finally satisfied her son was safe, Lily turned to the woman.

      ‘Thanks, Eleni,’ she said. ‘I can take it from here.’

      Then, as the woman gave him a cold stare and huffed her way out of the door, she turned to him. ‘So,’ she said, coldly formal, ‘what right do you have to walk in here?’

      She was angry! There were two sides of that coin.

      ‘I might ask the same of you,’ he snapped. ‘Entering my palace, stealing the Crown Prince.’

      ‘He’s not the Crown Prince and you know it.’ She tugged her cap further down over her short-cropped curls. It really was… ridiculous.

      ‘You had no right… ’ he started, but she crossed her arms over her breasts as Eleni had and glared, lioness guarding her cub.

      ‘I have every right. You can’t have him.’

      ‘I’m not saying I want him.’

      ‘No,’ she said, and then again, ‘no.’ Defiance turned suddenly to uncertainty. ‘I don’t… ’

      ‘Know what you want? That makes two of us. Would you mind telling me what the hell is happening?’

      ‘Why should I?’

      ‘For a start, you’ve implied I’m this baby’s father. Am I?’

      ‘Yes,’ she said, as if it didn’t matter.

      It mattered. He’d been working on this, the worst-case scenario, all week, but it still made him feel ill.

      Again he couldn’t look at the cot. He just… couldn’t.

      ‘So you sold him to Giorgos and Mia.’

      ‘I’d never sell him. He’s mine, and if you think you’re taking him… ’

      ‘I’m not here to take him, but I have the right to know what’s going on,’ he snapped back and she made an almost visible effort to get a hold on her anger.

      ‘Just tell me,’ he said. ‘You owe me an explanation.’

      ‘I owe you nothing,’ she flashed, and then closed her eyes. ‘Okay,’ she said at last. ‘Not that you deserve an explanation, but here goes. I met you, I slept with you and I got pregnant. But I couldn’t care for Michales so Mia took him. She and Giorgos told the world he was theirs. I thought they were adopting him. They didn’t even do that, which has made my task of reclaiming him a whole lot easier.’

      ‘You’re saying you didn’t even check what they were doing?’

      ‘That’s right,’ she said flatly, not even bothering to be defensive. ‘I was ill during the pregnancy and I trusted Mia to care for him. I was a fool. Take it or leave it. It’s the truth.’

      He couldn’t believe it. It didn’t make sense. ‘Mia told the world she was pregnant months before Michales was born.’

      ‘Did she?’ She sounded uninterested.

      But he was working things out in his head. ‘Mia said she didn’t want anyone to know of her pregnancy until she was sure she wouldn’t miscarry,’ he said slowly. ‘By the time it was announced, she was five months gone. She was staying in the most exclusive private hospital she could find—abroad, as far from Sappheiros as she could get. Was that so she could bribe people to say your baby was hers?’

      ‘I don’t know. I don’t care.’

      What the hell… ? ‘Lily, I’ve had enough,’ he snapped. ‘To be party to such a fraud… ’

      ‘Am I supposed to explain?’

      In the cradle behind her, Michales was stirring. Whimpering.


      He had a son.

      He’d known for a week. But he needed more time to take it in. A year or so. More.

      And into his jumble of emotions came Lily. She was aggressive and uncooperative. But underneath…

      There was a reason he’d fallen for her, he thought. Beneath her anger she looked… vulnerable. And very, very desirable. Despite the overalls and the crazy cap. Despite the steel-toed boots.

      She made him feel…

      Yeah, that was what had got him into this mess in the first place, he told himself savagely. Leave feelings out of it. Find out facts.

      Like why she hadn’t told him she was pregnant.

      ‘Did I deserve this?’ he asked slowly into the silence. ‘That you not tell me you were expecting my child?’

      ‘I tried to tell you.’ She sounded tired. Flat.

      ‘I don’t believe you.’

      ‘I phoned. Three weeks after we’d… ’

      ‘Had sex?’ he said crudely and she winced.

      ‘If you like,’ she managed. ‘Maybe that sums up our connection. Dumb, sordid sex.’

      It had been more than that. They both knew it. That was what was messing with his head.

      ‘I tried to find you,’ he told her.

      ‘Like I believe that. You only had to ask Mia for my address.’

      ‘I did ask Mia. She told me to leave you alone—she was blunt and aggressive and gave no details. But I did end up here. Spiros has told you. And then you phoned.’

      ‘I did,’ she said coldly. ‘You can’t remember what you said?’

      ‘No. I… ’

      ‘If you can’t, then I can. It’s the sort of conversation that sticks in a girl’s mind. You find out you’re pregnant. You’re sick and confused and scared, but finally you work up courage to contact the baby’s father. And his line is… “Lily. Great to hear from you. You’re not trying to slap a paternity suit on me as well, I hope.”’

      He stilled.

      He’d said it. God forgive him, he’d said it.

      He remembered, all too clearly.

      He was a prince, a bachelor, titled and eligible. He’d made a fortune himself, and as Giorgos’s heir he stood to inherit much, much more. As such, he’d endured the most blatant attempts to… get close.

      The morning Lily had called he’d just fielded a call from the mother of a Hollywood starlet. Vitriolic and accusing.

      ‘You slept with my daughter and now she’s pregnant. You’ll marry her or you’ll

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