Wedding Vows: I Thee Wed. Shirley Jump

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Wedding Vows: I Thee Wed - Shirley Jump Mills & Boon M&B

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the dating experience that Melanie had. But she was glad to see it. The last thing Melanie wanted for her daughter was a rush to the altar and a slew of regrets later in life.

      “He asked me to go to the movies tomorrow night.” Her eyes shone, the excitement clear in her voice, her face.

      “He’s the one from your Psych class, right?” Cade said.

      Emmie nodded, clearly pleased that her father had, indeed, been listening.

      Melanie looked from Cade to Emmie, surprised. All the years they’d been married, Cade had been pretty oblivious to Emmie’s day-to-day activities. On any given morning, he couldn’t have named her favorite cereal, the boy who’d given her that all-important first kiss, or who was taking her to the prom.

      She and Cade had joked about being ships that passed in the night, but after a while, Melanie got tired of being another buoy in Cade’s busy life.

      “You guys have been talking,” Melanie said, as Emmie headed to the rest room.

      “It’s hard not to when we’re working together.” He watched his daughter’s retreating form and smiled. “She’s a great kid, isn’t she?”

      “Yeah.” Melanie grinned. “And it’s nice to see her attitude improving this week as well.”

      “I missed a lot with her,” Cade said, then sighed.

      “I should have been here more. Spent more time with her.”

      Melanie could have jumped on him then, pointed out the mistakes, the weekends he’d spent at work instead of at school events, or the business trips he’d taken, leaving Melanie to help Emmie with a science project on tornadoes. But she didn’t.

      Regret swam in his dark blue eyes, coated every syllable. Instead of recriminating, Melanie stepped forward and laid a hand on Cade’s shoulder. “There’s plenty of time ahead,” she said softly.

      He nodded, mute.

      “Working here was one of the best things you could have done to get to know Emmie,” she went on. “When she was a little girl, we had some of our best mother/daughter conversations in those odd moments. Like riding in the car or folding laundry.”

      “You and she always had that closeness,” Cade said, turning to his wife. “It made me feel like an outsider sometimes.”

      Melanie blinked in surprise. “It did?”

      “When I came home, I always felt as if I’d walked in after the punch line of the joke,” he said, his gaze on some distant point in the past. “You and Emmie are like two peas in a pod.”

      “She was an only child, Cade. That meant all she had was me.” Melanie realized what she’d just said and hurried to make it up. “I meant, you weren’t home that much and—”

      “I know what you mean.” His attention swiveled back toward her, and in that second, a memory slipped between them, written in that unspoken mental language of longtime spouses. “It almost wasn’t that way, though, was it?”


      “Are we ever going to talk about it, Melanie? Or just pretend that it never happened?”

      She waved toward the back of the shop. “Emmie will be out any second now.”

      “Fine,” Cade said. “But we have to talk about it sometime.”

      “Sure,” Melanie said, intending no such thing. That day had been painful enough. Cade’s absence, her guilt. There was enough fodder there for a soap opera.

      “Mel, didn’t you want the baby, too?” Cade asked, his voice just above a whisper.

      She turned away, straightening mugs, aligning the handles until they were like little circular soldiers marching along the shelf. “I can’t talk about this.”

      “Can’t or won’t? It takes two to kill a marriage, you know. And two to bring it back to life.”

      “I don’t want to bring it back to life,” Melanie said, wheeling around. “I don’t want to go back to being Suzy Homemaker.”

      “When did I ever say you had to do that?”

      “Last year,” Melanie said, “standing in this very space. I said I wanted to run my own shop and you asked me how I could possibly do that if I had another baby. You just assumed I wanted to try again. Assumed I wanted to go back to being a housewife and a mom. Assumed I wanted to put my dreams on hold one more time.”

      The rest room door squeaked as Emmie opened it and both Cade and Melanie let the subject drop. A couple of students wandered in, followed by two men in suits who took a corner table and flipped out their laptops.

      Cooter ambled in next. He tipped his cap Melanie’s way and ordered his usual. His light blue gaze flicked between Cade and Melanie. “That old dog, he’s still whining from what I can hear,” Cooter said, taking his mug. “And there ain’t nobody happy when the dog’s not happy.”

      Cade gestured toward Cooter as the old man headed to the back of the shop. “What’d he mean by that?”

      “He told me a story about some dog that got sick eating mulch or something.” She shrugged. “I don’t know, it’s supposed to have meaning for my life.”

      “Mulch? And a dog?” Cade chuckled. “Jeez, if I’d known the secret to life was that easy, I’d have brought home a golden retriever and landscaped the front beds.”

      Melanie laughed, glad for the break from the tension of their earlier conversation. Emmie joined them, looking from one parent to the other. She smiled. “Good to see you guys getting along so well.”

      “Oh, we’re just—”

      “Sharing a joke,” Cade intercepted. “Nothing more.”

      “Uh-huh,” Emmie said, clearly not believing them. “Either way, you two better get out of here. Don’t you have a meeting?”

      “I almost forgot!” Melanie slipped off her apron, grabbed her coat and purse off the hook inside the kitchen. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Em.”

      Emmie smiled, her gaze again split between Melanie and Cade. “Have a good time tonight.”

      Hidden meaning—work those marital problems out on the dance floor.

      “Thanks for taking my shift, honey,” Melanie said, ignoring the hint to get back together with Cade and instead laying a quick kiss on her daughter’s forehead. Emmie gave her mother another eye-roll, but didn’t move away. Despite her being well past the age when kisses were dispensed with the abandon of confetti throwers, Melanie was convinced Emmie still secretly liked the occasional tender touch. Even if it was from her mother.

      The shop door jingled and Liam entered, his attention more on Emmie than Cuppa Life’s offerings. “Hi, Liam,” Emmie said, a soft, private smile curving across her face.

      “Hi, Em.” He slipped onto a stool and returned her smile.

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