Last Chance Reunion. Linda Conrad

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Last Chance Reunion - Linda Conrad Mills & Boon Romantic Suspense

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style="font-size:15px;">      Without being completely aware of what she was doing, Lacie reached out and gently touched his folded hands. “Tell me what happened. How were you injured?”

      * * *

      Well, hell. Why not tell her? It wasn’t as if it was any big secret. Besides, Colt figured he wouldn’t get her talking if he didn’t also open up.

      He needed her help. Without it, he would never get the information he needed. That had become abundantly clear when he couldn’t access the locked file drawers earlier. But he was worried about her shift in loyalties. When they’d been kids, she couldn’t stand the man that was her stepfather. She’d never talked much about him, but the hatred always seemed clear in her voice.

      Colt hadn’t been prepared to see her again and everything about her shocked him. He also hadn’t been ready for the sizzle he’d been experiencing in her touch.

      Carefully, he eased his hands back and let his gaze drift from her eyes to the base of her neck and the pulse beating overtime there. Before he could wonder why she seemed so out of breath, his glance slid down to her heaving chest and he got caught by the sight of her full rounded breasts. A shot of pure lust rode through him, leaving him breathless, too.

      Tearing his eyes away, he opened his mouth and blurted the first thing that came out. “I screwed up. I’d spent months gathering evidence to present to a grand jury in order to indict a federal prosecutor. And instead of nailing down the bastard with the last bit of evidence needed, I ended up blowing the whole sting and getting myself shot up but good in the process.”

      “What happened?”

      Releasing a breath he hadn’t thought he’d been holding, he said, “Do you remember that our family lost a baby sister? That she was kidnapped as a four-year-old by our crazy, drug-addicted aunt?”

      “Yes, of course. We talked about it back when...we knew each other. The FBI found your aunt dead of an overdose, as I remember. What does that have to do with...?”

      He held up a palm and went on. “Well, my brothers and I will never give up looking for our sister. The trouble started when I thought I spotted a woman who looked just like Cami might’ve looked today.”

      The rest was an embarrassing thing to have to admit, but he hoped it would give Lacie reason to trust him enough to open up. “I let my attention lapse for just long enough to get me shot in the back. And to ruin the whole frigging sting we’d set up. Worse yet, my loss of focus led to the death of another federal agent that I’d talked into helping with the sting.”

      “Oh.” Her eyes drifted down to her coffee mug. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

      “Me, too. It’s been six months and I’m still working the physical-therapy exercises, trying to beat the doctors’ predictions and bring my body back to full strength.” But his guilt might never be conquered.

      “Are you staying with one of your brothers?”

      He was glad for the change in the conversation; her sympathetic expression suddenly gave him hope. He caught the first real hint that he was talking to the same girl he used to know—just all grown up.

      “No. I’m living alone in my mother’s old office trailer on the Bar-C. Remember?”

      She nodded and her eyes went all gooey, lost in a shared memory of their last kisses. But he still couldn’t accept that the same girl he’d been infatuated with was now working for the same man she’d hated only ten years ago.

      This beating around the bush, being careful of every word he said until he felt completely sure of her loyalties, was not his style. “Why are you working for your stepfather?” His usual style tended to be blunter.

      Her eyes widened and she scooted her chair back. “You still haven’t told me why you were sneaking around the sheriff’s offices late at night.”

      Mexican standoff. Neither of them was willing to completely trust the other. At least not yet.

      “It’s still late.” He softened his voice and tried to let his eyes telegraph his trustworthiness. “And getting later. Will you trust me enough to finish this interview tomorrow? I promise not to leave town.”

      Lacie stood and paced to the door. “Maybe. Promise me you won’t sneak back here until we talk again?”


      “I’ll drive out to your mother’s trailer right after daybreak. Will that do?”

      Colt didn’t figure he would get much sleep anyhow. “That’ll be fine.” He stood and limped toward her.

      When he got close enough, he took her hand in his. “I’m really glad to see you again, Lace. I’ve missed you.”

      Her eyes went dreamy again and her upper body leaned toward his. “I...uh...”

      He caught himself leaning, too, and drawing in the same scent of gardenias about her that he remembered so well from all those years ago. His mind went blank.

      Lacie blinked once then pulled her hand away and straightened her spine. Lifting her chin to look up at him, she said, “Don’t say anything on the way out. Just keep your mouth closed. I don’t want Louanna wondering if anything is amiss.”


      She bunched up her mouth and narrowed her eyes. “You’ve done nothing wrong so far. Don’t make me regret not throwing you in a cell and asking questions later.”

      “No, ma’am.” But he thought that all in all, he’d been getting the right kind of vibes from her.

      Tomorrow morning would tell the tale. And just maybe he would end up with a new partner in his investigations—and give them both a finish to old business he’d left half done all those years ago.

      Chapter 3

      Lacie drove along the caliche road that crossed the range on the Bar-C through a dusky pink sunrise. She hadn’t come this way in over ten years but still could’ve negotiated the route blindfolded.

      She would never forget those days gone by, afternoons spent with the boy who’d held her heart in his hands. Back then he’d been both a dream and a brilliant reality all wrapped into one. More important than being a rich and sexy cowboy, every teenage girl’s wish come true, he was the very first person who’d ever cared about what she thought and who she was inside.

      This morning, negotiating her beat-up hatchback over cattle guards, a dry wash and past horses grazing in their pasture, she let her mind drift back. Back to those terrible teen years when the world had seemed determined to make her life miserable and every day looked darker and bleaker than the one before. It seemed everyone and everything had been set against her then, save for one bright and shining star. One person who kept her sane and alive through it all.

      Colt Chance.

      Last night she thought she’d been seeing ghosts when he appeared out of the darkness. But as she’d touched him and felt that same old sizzle, it’d been clear she wasn’t dreaming. Her past came back with a resounding thud, reminding her of the many questions that still had no

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