Texas-Sized Trouble. Delores Fossen

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Texas-Sized Trouble - Delores Fossen A Wrangler’s Creek Novel

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knew about Eve’s grandpa James, too. Knew that he’d basically raised Eve after her mom and dad had divorced. Her dad had disappeared shortly thereafter, and in between her mom’s job and her constant dating, there hadn’t been much time for Eve. Grandpa James had always made time. Too bad he wasn’t here to see his namesake, but he’d died of a heart attack seven years ago. Her folks wouldn’t be around, either, since they hadn’t spoken since she’d left Wrangler’s Creek.

      “I considered naming him Brett,” Eve added, “but I wasn’t sure that’d be a good idea. I mean, Brett’s family might not like that. Lawson probably wouldn’t, either.”

      There was also no need for Eve to explain Brett to Cassidy. There’d been too many times when Eve had broken down over the memories of the teenager who’d once been Lawson’s and her best friend.

      A friend they’d let die.

      Sometimes, like now, the memories still crushed her heart, and she figured it did the same to Lawson. Or rather what memories Lawson had of that horrible night. Unlike Eve, Lawson hadn’t been able to recall a lot of details. Of course, that might have changed over the years. Though Eve hoped it hadn’t. She had enough of those memories for both of them.

      “Are the tears of the happy variety or are they because of Brett or Tessie?” Cassidy asked.

      “All three.” Eve looked up at her friend. “Is there any chance you can convince Tessie to take my calls?”

      “You know I’ve already tried. And I’ll keep trying.” She patted Eve’s arm. “Just give it time, and Tessie will come around.”

      Maybe, but it certainly didn’t feel like it at the moment.

      “I talked to her briefly on the way here,” Cassidy went on. “She’s busy with her summer classes. And yes, she’s fitting in.”

      Since that was about to be Eve’s question, she just waited for Cassidy to continue, but she didn’t because Darby came in. Eve tried to smile. Tried not to look as uncomfortable as her bottom felt. It was bad enough that Eve had to see Lawson’s ex, but the nurse also had yet more of those fan magazines.

      “Oh, good. You’re up,” Darby said. She seemed a lot perkier than she had earlier when she’d stopped by Eve’s room. Of course, Eve didn’t really know the woman since Darby and her family had moved to Wrangler’s Creek after she’d already left.

      “I just saw Kellan in the hall,” Darby went on. “He’s giving an interview to some reporters, and you can tell he’s bursting with pride over his son.” She ran her hand over the baby’s toes.

      So, Eve had been right about Darby’s perkiness. And Eve didn’t have to guess why the woman was in this giddy mood. She knew that Kellan was the baby’s father and not Lawson. Eve didn’t like that Kellan was using their son to milk some publicity, but at least now folks might not blame her for causing Lawson and Darby’s breakup.

      “Kellan told the reporter that you’d be splitting time between LA and here,” Darby remarked. “He said that way you’d be ready if the studio goes through with the Demon High reunion.”

      Those were obviously fishing-expedition comments. And they weren’t true. Eve had no plans to live anywhere but the place she’d bought from Lucian. Kellan knew that. The studio knew that. But yet it kept coming up—from Kellan.

      Eve didn’t mind if that was one particular bridge that got burned, but anything she said to Darby could end up as some twisted version of a story in a tabloid. Once a reporter had heard Eve belch after downing a few swigs of a Diet Coke and then had reported that she had a rare intestinal disorder that could be life-threatening. It had resulted in her “hornies” fans sending her hundreds of cards, flowers, herbal remedies and baskets of horns.

      When Eve’s silence dragged on, Darby gave a nervous smile and turned to Cassidy. “I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Darby Rester.”

      “You’re Lawson’s ex. I heard about you. One of the other nurses mentioned you when I asked about Eve. I’m Cassidy Vale.”

      Eve frowned at Cassidy. There was no need to rub that ex part in or make it seem as if she’d heard something unsavory about Darby, but Eve suspected it was Cassidy’s way of reminding Darby that she didn’t have a right to play the “I’m the wronged woman here” with Eve. After all, Lawson had been Eve’s ex long before Darby had come into the picture.

      “Yes, Lawson,” Darby repeated. “I nearly forgot. He wanted me to tell you that he’s leaving on a long business trip and didn’t have time to stop by.”

      There it was again. The little pang of disappointment because she wouldn’t be seeing Lawson anytime soon. Eve reminded herself that Lawson wasn’t hers to pang about, and this absence might be a good thing.

      “Is Lawson, uh, all right?” Eve asked.

      Darby blinked as if that was a trick question, but then the aha light went on in her eyes. “You mean because of the stitches. And the other cuts, concussion and the bruises. Yes, he’ll be fine.”

      That was good. Except for the laundry list of injuries, of course.

      “I know I’ve already bothered you with autographs,” Darby said a moment later. “But more of the staff had magazines and they were wondering if you’d sign them. No pressure. I can just leave them, and if you’re feeling up to it, that’s great. If not, I’m sure they’ll understand.”

      Darby handed the magazines to Cassidy, and she looked at Eve as if waiting for her to say something about the covers or how she was feeling. Eve didn’t give her anything because of that whole fear-of-backfiring thing. Darby didn’t have any experience dealing with entertainment reporters who had sneaky ways of getting dirt. Of course, with whatever bull Kellan was doling out, it was possible the reporters had enough dirt to last them awhile.

      Cassidy glanced at the magazine covers when Darby left, and she plucked one from the stack to show to Eve. “Remember this one?”

      It was the one of Stavros and Ulyana in full costume, back to back, with stern looks on their made-up faces. Both of them were armed to the hilt with the prop weapons that managed to look real. Actually, the picture looked real, too.

      Amazing, since it was heavily Photoshopped.

      Eve measured out her life by specific events, and that cover was one of them. So were the events that had led up to it.

      Eighteen years and two months ago, her drama class at the high school had been chosen to participate in an online audition for extras in a yet-to-be-named TV series. Eve had been going through a comic-book phase then, and since she really hadn’t planned on being an actress, she’d sent in a goofball rendition of an air fight scene that she’d “choreographed” to “Welcome to the Jungle” while wearing an old Halloween costume.

      Apparently, the studio thought it was good enough for a real audition over Christmas break, but she hadn’t gotten her hopes up. She’d been so certain they’d choose a real actress. Certain, too, that she wouldn’t leave Lawson—even for a chance of fame in Hollywood. But she’d been young and naive enough to believe that if by some miracle she did get offered the part, she could have convinced Lawson to go with her.

      The next “life measurement” had been Brett’s

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