Mills & Boon Showcase. Christy McKellen

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hand back by his side, stepped away. ‘He didn’t deserve you,’ he said, in a huskier-than-ever voice.

      She breathed out, not realising she had been holding her breath. Not knowing whether to feel disappointed or relieved that there was now a safe, non-kissing zone between her and the man she’d once loved.

      She cleared her throat, disconcerted by the certain knowledge that if Ben had kissed her she wouldn’t have pushed him away. No. She would have swayed closer and...

      She took a steadying breath. ‘Yeah. Well... I...I’m better off without him. And soon I’ll be living so far away it won’t matter one little bit that he chose his mega-wealthy boss’s daughter over me.’

      She wouldn’t take cheating Jason back in a million years. But sometimes it was difficult to keep up the bravado, mask the pain of the way he’d treated her. It was a particular kind of heartbreak to be presented with a fait accompli and no opportunity to make things right. It made it very difficult for her to risk her heart again.

      ‘Still hurts, huh?’ Ben said, obviously not fooled by her words.

      She remembered how he’d used to tease her about her feelings always showing on her face.

      She shook her head. After a lacklustre love life she’d thought she’d got things right with Jason. But she wasn’t going to admit to Ben that Jason had proved to be another disappointment.

      ‘You talk the talk, Sandy,’ Jason had said. ‘But you always held back, were never really there for me.’

      She couldn’t see the truth in that—would never have committed to living with Jason if she hadn’t believed she loved him. If she hadn’t believed he would change his mind about marriage.

      ‘Only my pride was hurt,’ she said now to Ben. ‘Things between us weren’t right for a long time. I wasn’t happy, and he obviously wasn’t either. It had to end somehow....’ She took a deep breath. ‘And here I am, making a fresh start.’ She nodded decisively. ‘Now, that’s enough about me. Tell me more about your aunt Ida.’

      ‘Sure,’ he said, glad for the change in subject. ‘Ida got married to her wayfaring sailor on some exotic island somewhere and sailed around the world with him on his yacht until he died. Then she came back here and started the bookshop—first at the other end of town and now in the row of new shops I built.’

      ‘So you’re her landlord?’

      ‘The other guy was ripping her off on her rent.’

      And Ben always looked after his own.

      Sandy remembered how fiercely protective he’d been of his family. How stubbornly loyal. He would have been just as protective of his wife and son.

      No wonder he had gone away when he’d lost them. What had brought him back to Dolphin Bay, with its tragic memories?

      He turned to face her, his face composed, no hint from his expression that he might have been about to kiss her just minutes ago.

      ‘It was good of you to play along with me to make her happy. I just had to get her into that ambulance and on her way. Thank you.’

      She shrugged. ‘No problem. I’d like someone to do the same for my grandmother.’

      He glanced down at his watch. ‘Now you’d better go have your lunch before they close down the kitchen. Sorry I can’t join you, but—’

      ‘But what?’ Sandy tilted her head to one side. She put up her hand in a halt sign. ‘Am I missing something here? Aren’t you meant to be showing me the bookshop?’

      Ben swivelled back to face her. He frowned. ‘Why would you want to see the bookshop?’

      ‘Because I’ve volunteered to look after it for your aunt until you find someone else. I promised. Remember? Crossed my heart and—’

      He cut across her words. ‘But that wasn’t serious. That was just you playing along with me so she’d go to the hospital. Just a tactic...’

      Vehemently, she shook her head. ‘A tactic? No it wasn’t. I meant it, Ben. I said I’d help out for a few days and I keep my word.’

      ‘But don’t you have an interview in Melbourne?’

      ‘Not until next Friday, and today’s only Saturday. I was planning on meandering slowly down the coast...’

      She thought regretfully of the health spa she’d hoped to check in to for a few days of much needed pampering. Then she thought of the concern in Ida’s eyes.

      ‘But it’s okay. I’m happy to play bookshop for a while. Really.’

      ‘There’s no need to stay, Sandy. It won’t be a problem to close the shop for a few days until I find a temporary manager.’

      ‘That’s not what your aunt thinks,’ she said. ‘Besides, it might be useful for my interview to say I’ve been managing a shop.’ She did the quote thing again with her fingers. ‘“Recent retail experience”—yes, that would look good on my résumé.’ An update on her university holiday jobs working in department stores.

      Ben was so tight-lipped he was bordering on grim. ‘Sandy, it’s nice of you, but forget it. I’ll find someone. There are agencies for emergency staff.’

      Why was he so reluctant to accept such an easy solution to his aunt’s dilemma? Especially when he’d been the one to suggest it?

      It wasn’t fair to blame her for not being aware of his ‘tactic’. And she wasn’t—repeat wasn’t—going to let his lack of enthusiasm at the prospect of her working in the bookshop daunt her.

      Slowly, she shook her head from side to side. ‘Ben, I gave my word to your great-aunt and I intend to keep it.’

      She looked to the doorway of Bay Books. Forced her voice to sound steady. ‘C’mon, show me around. I’m dying to see inside.’

      Ben hesitated. He took a step forward and then stopped. His face reminded her of those storm clouds that had banked up on the horizon.

      Sandy sighed out loud. She made her voice mock scolding. ‘Ben, I wouldn’t like to be in your shoes if you have to tell your aunt I skipped out on her.’

      His jaw clenched. He looked at her without speaking for a long second. ‘Is that blackmail, Sandy?’

      She couldn’t help a smile. ‘Not really. But, like I said, if I make a promise I keep it.’

      ‘Do you?’ he asked hoarsely.

      The smile froze on her face.

      Ben stood, his hands clenched by his sides. Was he remembering those passionately sworn promises to keep their love alive even though she was going back to Sydney at the end of her holiday?

      Promises she hadn’t kept because she’d never heard from him? And she’d been too young, too scared, to take the initiative herself.

      She’d been wrong not to persist in trying to keep in touch with him. Wrong not to have trusted him. Now she

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