Men of Power. Кэрол Мортимер

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him called her husband let alone finding herself addressed as Mrs Masters.

      But that was exactly what she still was, he brooded as he moved to the other end of the bedroom, totally deaf to the murmur of Kenzie and the doctor’s voices.

      Kenzie was Mrs Masters whether she liked it or not. His wife. As he was still her husband.

      He had taken the divorce papers out of his desk drawer a dozen times over the last five weeks, not with the intention of signing and returning them, but as a way of reminding himself that, no matter how much he might have changed, Kenzie no longer wanted anything more to do with him.

      He was vaguely aware now of Kenzie going into the bathroom, then returning a couple of minutes later, and the low whisper of voices as the doctor spoke to her again.

      ‘Well, I believe that’s perfectly in order,’ the doctor said as he straightened and turned to include Dominick in his smile. ‘Nothing to worry about at all, Mr Masters—’

      ‘Kenzie collapsed, so of course I’m worried,’ Dominic snapped.

      ‘Your wife only fainted, Mr Masters,’ the doctor assured him as he packed his things away in his bag. ‘It’s perfectly common at this stage of things, I do promise you. Of course, Mrs Masters will need to see her own doctor as soon as possible, and if these fainting spells continue I’m sure he will be—’

      ‘What-is-wrong-with-her?’ Dominick interrupted tautly, his patience having been tested beyond endurance.

      ‘I believe congratulations are in order,’ the older man beamed. ‘Your wife is in the early stages of pregnancy.’


      Kenzie was pregnant!


      ‘I HAVE the distinct feeling,’ Dominick murmured as he returned to the bedroom after seeing the doctor out and found Kenzie glaring at him from across the room, ‘that if I were to even dare to question the paternity of your baby at this moment I might end up with more than I bargained for!’

      ‘Your feeling is correct!’ Kenzie bit out between gritted teeth, not even close to coming to terms with her pregnancy.

      It hadn’t even occurred to her—

      She hadn’t thought—

      She was expecting the baby she had so longed for six months ago!

      Dominick’s baby…

      That realization was enough to take her breath away. In fact, she was surprised she hadn’t fainted all over again when the doctor had announced his prognosis.


      But not, as she had always dreamt, within the confines of a close and happy marriage. She and her baby’s father didn’t even live together any more, and would be divorced as soon as possible after Dominick signed the papers.

      She really was pregnant. With Dominick’s baby. And while it was something he didn’t want or need, Kenzie knew that she would love this baby enough for both of them.

      ‘I have no idea what you’re thinking now, Kenzie,’ Dominick said gruffly as he watched the emotions flickering across her face. ‘Although I could take a pretty fair guess!’ he added ruefully. ‘But whatever it is, I think we should hold off discussing—any of this, until after you’ve had something to eat.’

      Inwardly Dominick wasn’t quite as calm. In fact, he had no idea what he was.

      Kenzie was pregnant!

      With his baby?

      Or was it Carlton’s?

      His heart constricted at that thought. ‘I’ll go through to the other room and order you some food while you put a call through to your parents—’

      ‘It’s far too early to tell them of the pregnancy yet,’ Kenzie instantly protested. She hadn’t got used to the idea herself yet, let alone sharing it with the rest of her family.

      Dominick grimaced. ‘I wasn’t suggesting that you tell your family about the pregnancy,’ he assured dryly. ‘After your collapse earlier, and all those snap-happy reporters downstairs as I carried you up here, your parents may find some of the headlines in tomorrow’s newspapers a little—disturbing. It may be as well if you were to call them before that happens to let them know that you’re okay.’

      Kenzie stared at him for several long seconds, surprised that he had even considered how her parents might feel.

      ‘Okay,’ she finally agreed quietly, feeling wary of Dominick in this mood.

      Where was the Dominick she knew who wouldn’t have hesitated to make accusations and recriminations?

      Maybe it was just that he was as stunned as she was.

      ‘Is a club sandwich okay or would you prefer something more substantial?’ he enquired with that same calm she was finding so disturbing.

      ‘A club sandwich will be fine,’ she answered slowly.

      ‘With coffee or juice? I really have no idea whether pregnant women are supposed to drink coffee or not.’ He grimaced.

      ‘Juice will be fine,’ Kenzie murmured, still eyeing him with unease.

      He nodded. ‘I shouldn’t be long. If you would like to call your parents…?’ he reminded her before disappearing into the adjoining sitting room.

      Kenzie stood rooted to the spot for several seconds after Dominick had left, still puzzled by his behaviour.

      Five months ago, even five weeks ago, she would have had no doubts as to his reaction on learning she was pregnant, and would have known exactly how he felt about the prospect of fatherhood. Now she had no idea what he was thinking or feeling.

      But that was probably because he didn’t know whether the baby was his or not, she instantly reasoned. Why should he? The two of them had made love once in the last five and a half months, whereas he thought she and Jerome were virtually living together.

      That had to be the answer to his odd behaviour; Dominick wasn’t sure whose baby she was expecting.

      Whereas she knew it couldn’t be anyone else’s but his!

      Which put her in a precarious position. Did she tell Dominick the baby was his? Or did she let him go on thinking she might be pregnant by another man?

      Whichever she decided to do, one thing she was sure of: Dominick wouldn’t want this baby to be his!

      As Dominick put through the order for Kenzie’s food, his mind was whirring with questions.

      He and Kenzie had made love five weeks ago, so depending on how pregnant Kenzie was, it could be his baby.

      How did he feel about that?


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