Men of Power. Кэрол Мортимер

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in his hotel room, she didn’t think she’d done anything else to arouse his wrath, but she couldn’t be sure. Nicky had to be her first priority now.


      ONCE Julie slipped out the door of the villa, she stopped to breathe in the scent of flowers filling the balmy air.

      Paradise found. She wondered if Milton had come here.

      The villa faced out on the terraced stone stairway leading down to gardens filled with camellias and orange trees. Cypress trees delineating the property stood tall against the vista of Lake Como and the colorful town below.

      Massimo had pointed out several famous eighteenth-and nineteenth-century villas to her before they’d landed in the grounds of his villa. It might be smaller, but as far as she was concerned his home stood out on the lower hillside like a jewel in a gem-studded crown.

      Where to go first? The delights of the grounds called to her, but she could enjoy them anytime while she lived here. After the long flight, she was anxious to get her bearings along with some much needed exercise.

      Opting for the side stairs off the deep porch, she made her way to the courtyard that led to the main road. Almost at the gate, she noticed an open top sports car turn in, the kind Brent would have killed to own. She quickly moved out of its way.

      The light-brown-haired man at the wheel pulled over and got out wearing shorts and a tight-fitting body shirt. He was her brother’s height and looked to be about her own age. His hooded brown eyes reminded her of Lazio’s. They swept over her in male admiration.

      “Good afternoon, signorina. You have to be Pietra’s sister-in-law, Julie,” he said in excellent English. “I had no idea you were so bellissima.”

      “I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage.” His flirtatious manner reminded her of Brent, not necessarily a good thing. It depended on one’s character.

      “Since I couldn’t make it to the funeral, I determined to offer my condolences as soon as possible. How fortunate for me to find you out here with Niccolo. My name is Vigo.”

      “Vigo who?”

      His mouth turned down in a mock frown. “I can see Massimo didn’t tell you about me.”

      She couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’m sorry.”

      “Don’t tell him I said this, but I’m the nicest Di Rocche in the family.”

      Something clicked in her memory. “You must be Sansone’s son.”

      His expression brightened. “Si.”

      “I haven’t met him yet.”

      “I never met your brother. Now that I’ve seen you, I can understand why Pietra ran away with him.”

      She could do without his flattery, especially when the mention of Shawn triggered the usual reaction. This time however she was able to prevent her tears from falling. “They were very much in love.”

      “Believe it or not, I envied them.” With that comment she couldn’t help but warm to him.

      His gaze dropped to the baby sling. By his expression he hadn’t seen anything like it before.

      “It does look odd, but Nicky likes it,” Julie explained. “This way he stays right against me.”

      He moved to her side to get a better view of the baby, who was still awake. “I would say Niccolo was your bambino except for the eyes. They’re dark like Pietra’s.”

      “She was a beauty.”


      For that remark Julie gave him extra points. “I was just about to take him for a walk into town.”

      “Permit me to accompany you.”

      She shook her head. “That’s all right.”

      “You prefer to be alone? I suffered the heavy traffic all the way from Milano to pay my respects.”

      That, plus his crestfallen look, made up her mind for her.

      “If you want to.” Massimo had told her to come to him if she felt uncomfortable, but she didn’t. Not with Vigo. “I’m going to play tourist for a while. I’ve never been to Europe. Everything is a new experience.”

      He smiled. “I’ve been at university and rarely come to Bellagio. It’s been at least three years. We’ll explore together.”

      Vigo turned out to be an entertaining companion. She saw none of the dour traits his uncles exhibited. He bought them ice cream called gelato. After one taste she fell in love with it.

      They walked the crowded cobblestone streets and arcaded buildings that gave the town its charm. Used to the hills in San Francisco, she was ready for the steep steps in between the shops. They convinced her a stroller would have been an encumbrance.

      Nicky loved being outside. Though not as hot as Sonoma, it was plenty warm. At one point she stopped at a stone bench along the lakeside promenade to give him some water from a bottle she’d packed. He tried to hold the bottle himself and drank thirstily.

      Her companion smiled. “Niccolo’s got the right idea. Why don’t we eat dinner at the restaurant we just passed.”

      Before she could tell him she had to get Nicky back to the villa, a forbidding male voice said, “Haven’t you got studies, Vigo?”

      Julie’s head flew back to confront Massimo’s black look eyeing the three of them intently. Vigo looked startled.

      “Buonasera, Massimo. It’s been a long time.” After a tense pause, “I’m sorry about Pietra. I was just telling Julie.”

      “Were you indeed,” came the withering comment.

      Vigo cleared his throat nervously. “I came to see you, too, but as she was going for a walk, I invited myself along to get better acquainted with Niccolo.” Vigo was putting on a good act, but Julie could tell he was uncomfortable. “I guess I’d better get going.”

      The encounter had turned ugly. Julie felt she had to say something. “It was very nice meeting you, Vigo. Thank you for the gelato.”

      “You’re welcome.”

      “Better call your father on the way to your car,” Massimo rapped out. “He phoned a while ago, no doubt looking for you.”

      Vigo looked less than thrilled. He gave him a nod before walking off.

      Julie lowered her head because she hadn’t seen this side of Massimo since she’d confronted him at the hotel. This was the side she’d been fearing would resurface.

      His tone, his whole demeanor bordered on ice. Nicky must have sensed the tension because he’d stopped drinking.


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