Can't Help Falling In Love. Wendy Etherington

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Can't Help Falling In Love - Wendy Etherington Mills & Boon Silhouette

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about her strength and loyalty in one brief moment than he suspected most people learned in a lifetime. No one had ever done anything like that for him.

      Wes sighed. “Come on, then. It’s time I found out what’s going on between you two anyway.”

      Jack stiffened. He wanted to know what was going on, too. No doubt Wes thought he wasn’t good enough for his sister. And Wes certainly wasn’t the first.

      They all entered a small, somewhat disorganized office with Wes’s nameplate half-buried beneath a pile of file folders on the desk. Wes indicated the two chairs in front of the desk for Jack and Skyler, while he sank into his swivel office chair. The position of authority. This was his interview.

      Jack laid his arms along the armrests. Stay cool. He knew he could do so with Wes in a way he’d never manage with Skyler.

      The lieutenant wasted no time getting to the point. “So, what’s going on between you two?”

      “Nothing is going on,” Skyler said immediately, though her gaze darted to Jack’s, and he knew she was thinking about the kiss they’d shared on the dance floor.

      “You two started a barroom brawl,” Wes said.

      “We didn’t start anything. Flash did, and she was only—”

      “Ah, yes. Flash.” Wes raised his eyebrows. “The biker chick who claims to be one of your customers.”

      Comments like that were a bad idea. Jack knew from experience. But after an hour behind bars, he’d let the lieutenant learn that lesson for himself.

      “My customers are none of your business,” Skyler said tightly.

      Jack glanced from Skyler to Wes. What about calling him arrogant and egotistical?

      Wes sliced his hand through the air. “Whatever. The point is she claims your black eye was intended for Jack. She said he was threatening you.”

      Skyler rolled her eyes. “Oh, please. He was not.”

      Though Jack appreciated her support, Wes’s eagerness to believe he was really a danger to her pissed him off. He leaned forward. “You really think I’m capable of threatening your sister?”

      That suspicious lawman gaze flicked to Jack. “I don’t know you well enough to determine anything about your capabilities.”

      At this rate, he never would, either. Wes Kimball had labeled him a troublemaker based on assumptions, guilt by association. Jack swallowed a tide of anger. “But you trust your brother, don’t you? Ben thought I was good enough for this town.”

      “This isn’t about the town. It’s about my sister.”

      Who I’ll never be good enough for. “I didn’t threaten Skyler. I didn’t start the fight. I didn’t hit anyone. I didn’t destroy any property. Do you have any witnesses who say different?”

      “No,” Wes admitted, though he obviously regretted the lack of evidence.

      “Then this meeting is over.” Jack rose from the chair, and he didn’t dare look at Skyler. He’d never been arrested over a woman, and he knew one look into her eyes would have him risking much more just to be near her.

      Wes stood as well. He was nearly the height and breadth of Jack, but not quite. A difference that certainly didn’t please the lieutenant, who rested his right hand on the butt of the gun strapped to his waist.

      “Skyler, I need to talk to Jack alone for a minute.”

      “What for?” Skyler asked suspiciously, gazing up at the two men.

      “A little man-to-man thing. You understand.” Smiling, Wes gestured toward the door.

      “Does it concern me?”


      “Forget it.”

      Wes shrugged. “Fine.” He directed his intense blue gaze at Jack. “Stay away from my sister, Tesson.”

      Before Jack could do more than tighten his jaw, Skyler leapt to her feet. “Wesley Austin Kimball!” She leaned over the desk, her hands planted firmly in the center. “That’s the rudest—”

      “He’s a firefighter, Sky,” Wes interrupted quietly.

      Skyler’s gaze darted to Jack, then back to her brother, and Jack had the sinking sensation his job was a bad thing. Usually, women were impressed by his profession. But then she’d suffered a great loss at the hands of fire fighting.

      “It’s a brother’s duty to look out for his sister,” Wes continued.

      Skyler pressed her lips together. Then, after a penetrating glance in Jack’s direction, she addressed her brother. “You know how much I appreciate your concern, but I can handle this. I don’t need you to protect me from Jack.”

      Wes frowned. “You realize if Ben finds out Jack will lose his job.”

      Skyler shook her head.

      Jack couldn’t help but wonder—did that mean he wouldn’t lose his job, or Ben wouldn’t find out, or there wouldn’t be anything to find out?

      “Jack and I will work this out,” she said firmly to Wes. “I don’t want your interference.”

      Wes continued to scowl and look puzzled as if Skyler spoke a foreign language, and Jack grinned. Confidence surged through him. If he’d ever had doubts Skyler was worth any risk, he shoved them aside.

      Until she strode from the room.

      “And don’t think I don’t know about that frat boy with the roses!” Wes called after her.

      Skyler slammed the door.

      Well, hell. The lady might be interested, but, clearly, he still had a long way to go.

      Wes dropped back into his chair and propped his feet on his desk. “Well, ‘Wild Jack’ Tesson, I ran a make on you, you know.”

      Wishing he didn’t so completely miss Skyler’s presence, Jack raised his eyebrows. “Really?”

      Wes held up his hands. “All part of the background check when you applied for your job.” He paused. “You seem to have a tendency toward barroom brawls.”

      “I don’t have any arrests on my record.”

      Wes shrugged. “I asked around.”

      And heard a lot of stories about his out-there parents and his own wild early years. “I was a bouncer in my grandparents’ bar. I broke up fights. I didn’t start them.”

      “Just like tonight.”

      Jack was through pretending to be easygoing. And he was through humoring Wes Kimball. He could understand the guy’s need to protect his sister, but not at his expense. Saying nothing, he walked to the door. As he turned the knob, Wes called his name.


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