Distinguished Service. Tori Carrington

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Distinguished Service - Tori Carrington Uniformly Hot!

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them were … watch her smile melt into a sexy sigh.

      “Maybe later,” he said.

      He didn’t detect any flicker of disappointment that he wasn’t leaving to free up the table for another diner.

      “And only if you promise to have a piece with me. It’ll be my price for having leant a hand …”

      THREE HOURS LATER, Geneva was even more impressed with Mace Harrison than when he had first slid from the booth, introduced himself, then asked for an apron and bussing tub.

      What guy did that?

      None that she knew of.

      And certainly not a complete stranger. She’d verified he was new in town since none of the staff nor Trudy could remember seeing him in there before, much less knew him.

      And certainly not a completely hot stranger who made her feel like a wanted woman instead of the host of other titles to which she’d grown accustomed lately.

      Refusing his generous offer hadn’t even entered her mind. Truth was, they were busier than she could ever remember being and Trudy’s usually easily dismissed sounds of dismay had begun turning into very real ones.

      Mace had been as good as gold, a natural as Mel had noted, his sheer size and impressive presence not interfering with his assisting without being asked, and doing at least two of the jobs for which they were short staffed, lightening the load for the rest of them.

      Was he military? She guessed yes. And that normally would have counted as a strike against him in her personal notebook, considering her experience with members of the armed forces.

      But what had happened tonight was anything but normal.

      And what was happening to her fell solidly into the same category.

      Finally, one by one, satisfied customers began to ease to a workable trickle, and then the staff began to leave, including Trudy herself, who begged off with a migraine. Thankfully, Dustin had given up trying to corner her an hour ago and left, as well. Only Mel remained. But seeing as closing time was in ten minutes, he had only one order to finish up and she knew he’d be leaving, too, as he always did to get home quickly to his wife and family.

      Now, as Mace stood spraying dishes to go into the washer, she couldn’t help staring at his hands. He’d rolled up the sleeves of his crisp white shirt while the full-body white apron covered the front from his chest down to his knees. If his feet hurt in his dress shoes, she couldn’t tell, even though he’d been on his feet all night.

      Her own dogs were barking loudly and she wore the equivalent of gym shoes.

      Geneva absently wrapped up the little that remained of the meat loaf and mashed potatoes, not realizing she was still staring at Mace until he asked, “Did I spill something?”

      She met his gaze, reading the telltale grin there, then smiled herself. “Sorry. It’s been a long day.”

      Tiffany had left in a huff about the same time Dustin had, apparently disappointed that her obvious flirting wasn’t gaining her any more attention from the unhired help than Mel got.

      Actually, Geneva was pretty sure she’d gotten less.

      Interesting. Not many men were capable of refusing the pretty blonde’s charms at normal speed, much less when she amped them up. And she’d definitely set her sights on Mace.

      A few minutes later, Mel removed his apron and grabbed his jacket. “Well, it’s that time again, kids.”

      Geneva held up the paper bag she’d readied for him and he took it, giving her a loud kiss on the cheek.

      “Thanks, doll. See you on the morrow.”

      “Tell Alice hi.”

      “Will do. ‘Night.”


      And just like that it was only her and Mace.

      Well, and three people at two tables in the other room.

      He finished up the dishes while she closed the last of the garbage bags then washed her hands.

      “How about that pie?” he asked.

      “How about it? Take a seat at the counter. I’ll join you in a minute.”


      She watched as he did as suggested, trying hard not to stare at his tight rear end and failing.

      All right, she could be forgiven this once, right? For being selfish? For being needy?

      For being a woman?

      She went about wrapping up and putting away a few other items. It had been a long day. Still, strangely she didn’t feel tired.

      She peeked around the window that opened up into the dining area, catching Mace’s gaze.

      “Be right there,” she said.

      “Take your time.”

      She ducked back away and caught her breath.

      Okay, she could do this. All she had to do was serve him pie and coffee and tell him she was pregnant. That was sure to douse whatever spark had ignited between them but quick.

      Only she was hoping it wouldn’t …


      MACE CLEANED UP after the last of the customers, then fed change into the vintage jukebox that had remained pretty much silent all night, selecting a few ‘50s classics before sitting back down at the counter. He glanced at his watch. Twenty minutes had passed since Geneva had said she’d be right there. He’d noticed an employees’ locker room off the kitchen and guessed she’d taken advantage of it. He realized he was still wearing the borrowed apron and took it off, laying it on the stool next to him.

      The past few hours had passed in a welcome flurry of activity. The best decision he’d made was to trade his night of motel sitting for lending a hand at the busy diner. He’d never done very well left with too much time on his hands. And even he could jog only so long before his muscles protested.

      Bussing tables and doing dishes and occasionally filling coffee cups had given him something productive to do. And feeling like a part of a team hadn’t hurt.

      If Geneva’s gratefully surprised and sinfully sexy smile every now and again had anything to do with his sense of satisfaction, he wasn’t copping to it.

      “Sorry,” she said, finally coming out of the kitchen. “I just wanted to finish a few things up.”

      He blinked. She still wore the same gray uniform and ruffled white apron, but she looked … different somehow. Refreshed. And hotter than hell.

      She put down something in a bag and then moved to the pie case while he rounded the other side of the counter.


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