The Accidental Prince. Michelle Willingham

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The Accidental Prince - Michelle Willingham Mills & Boon Historical

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twisting corridor, her lungs tightened with fear. Although her ladies and many of the servants would not betray her, she doubted if every servant could say the same.

      When they reached the grounds outside the palace, Serena ran through the rain, clutching her cloak around her. Her lungs burned with exertion as she fled into the wooded grounds just beyond the gates.

      She never looked back. With a surge of energy, she raced as fast as she dared toward the coach that awaited her. It would take a full day to reach her grandfather’s lodge, but that didn’t matter. She would savour each mile that took her far away from the palace. No one would stop her now.

      ‘Your Highness,’ the footman, Herr Henley, interrupted. ‘There is something you should know.’

      Serena lifted her hand to dismiss him. ‘Tell me once I’m inside the coach.’

      The rain was pouring down, soaking through her hood and cloak. The waiting footman opened the door for her, and she let him assist her within. She sank down upon the cushioned seat, lowering her hood.

      Then she stared in shock at the prince who was seated inside the coach, directly across from her.

       Chapter Two

      ‘You seem surprised to see me,’ Karl said, knocking twice on the ceiling of the coach to signal the driver onwards.

      His bride, in fact, looked as if she wanted to throw open the door of the coach and flee. Not quite the reaction he’d hoped for, but it came as no surprise.

      ‘What are you doing here?’

      His suspicions were now confirmed. Princess Serena had indeed lied to pacify her sister.

      ‘Was I not invited?’ Karl asked, keeping a neutral expression on his face. ‘Your sister Anna sent a letter, thanking me for taking care of you.’

      Beneath her breath, the princess muttered something about killing her younger sister. ‘You are not coming with me to Hamburg. Or anywhere else.’

      Even in her bedraggled state, she held herself like a crown princess. Likely he was meant to apologise and cower beneath the regal order. Instead, Karl rested his hand upon the door of the coach to prevent her from trying to leave.

      ‘She informed me that you intended to take a holiday with only a few servants.’ He kept his tone neutral, but there was no doubt that his bride was growing more indignant by the second. ‘She was concerned about your welfare. And your reputation.’

      Confusion shadowed her eyes. ‘Why would there be any harm done to my reputation by going alone?’

      ‘Some might believe you were going to meet a lover. Without your father’s knowledge.’

      ‘Oh, for heaven’s sakes.’ Her green eyes sparked with indignation. ‘How on earth could I have a secret lover, when I’ve been betrothed to you for the last six years. When would I have had time to meet someone?’

      ‘One of the palace guards, perhaps … or your groom?’

      ‘There is no one at all.’

      ‘Good. Then I won’t have to kill them.’

      She stared at him as if she didn’t know whether or not he was serious. Before she could make another remark, he levelled a hard stare at her. ‘What is your true reason for going?’

      The princess eyed the rain outside and lifted her chin. ‘My reasons are my own. Now get out of my coach.’


      ‘I have nothing to say to you. And if you don’t leave now, the rest of my father’s guards will catch up to us. I’ll have you arrested for kidnapping me.’

      ‘You might like being kidnapped by me,’ he said softly. Leaning in closer, his knees touched hers. ‘Think of it as getting better acquainted.’

      Serena seemed to hold her breath when his hands came upon either side of her seat. Her green eyes were frozen with fear. ‘You shouldn’t be here,’ she protested. ‘It’s not proper.’

      ‘I don’t care about what’s proper or right, Princess.’ He reached out and captured her gloved hand, despite her attempt to snatch it back. ‘But I do care if my intended wife is trying to run away.’ He caressed her palm with his thumb, and her lips parted with startled surprise. ‘Or am I wrong?’

      She cast a frightened look outside the window. ‘This has nothing to do with you.’

      Whether or not that was true, he strongly suspected she was fleeing from something. Or someone.

      ‘You have no right to interfere with my plans,’ she insisted, pulling her hand back.

      ‘Don’t I?’ He changed tactics, for it was nearly time to put the second part of his plan into action. ‘Did it not occur to you that every man who has helped you on this … journey … could face charges of assault or treason?’

      ‘Not if I absolve them,’ Serena pointed out. ‘I won’t be gone for … very long. When I return, I shall take full responsibility for my orders.’

      She believed it; he could see it in her innocent green eyes. She really thought that her word was strong enough to vouch for the men.

      ‘Every last one of these men will lose his post.’ Karl leaned forward, resting his forearms upon his knees. Once again, she drew back. Whether it was an aversion to him or another fear, he didn’t know.

      ‘They will never work in the palace again, and every person who saw them leave will know of their involvement in this frivolous holiday of yours.’

      Her face reddened with fury. ‘It’s not frivolous at all.’

      ‘It is when it affects men’s lives.’ His gaze hardened upon her. ‘Do you have any idea what these people endure for your sake? They would throw themselves in front of a bullet to save your life. And yet, a single word from you would destroy them.’

      Her hands clenched in her lap. ‘You don’t understand—’

      ‘No, it’s you who doesn’t understand.’ The coach was slowing down, and Karl saw the open land shift into another wooded forest. The coachman had obeyed his orders, and slowly, the vehicle came to a stop. He opened the door, and outside the rain pounded so hard, it was difficult to see. ‘I’m sending them back.’

      ‘Do not presume to undermine my orders.’

      ‘I’ll presume whatever I wish. Your Highness,’ he added with a dark smile. Before she could make a single move, Karl reached for the princess and captured her waist.

      She let out a hiss, clutching her side. ‘Don’t touch me.’

      It didn’t surprise him. Princess Serena was a woman accustomed to getting her own way, and she wasn’t about to obey him meekly. Despite her gasp, Karl lifted her outside the window, into the freezing rain. ‘I can’t breathe,’ Serena insisted, and he shifted his hold lower, still carrying her as he strode away from the coach.

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