To Have the Doctor's Baby. Teresa Southwick

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To Have the Doctor's Baby - Teresa Southwick Mills & Boon Cherish

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from moving across the country, I’d have invited you over.”

      “Still, I didn’t think it through. I guess it was a muscle-memory thing. With you in the car, it sort of just steered its way over here.”

      Part of her hoped that meant he hadn’t brought another woman here. The other part recognized that feeling was stupid and foolish.

      “No big deal. I’m just so grateful you agreed to help me out. We have things to discuss and the least I can do is buy you dinner.”

      “I’ll arm wrestle you when the check comes.” One dark eyebrow lifted. “Although you might want to rethink that offer. A budget is your friend when having a baby.”

      “You are having a baby?” Vito stopped at their table and heard the last couple words. “There is no fooling me. I can spot lovers, no?” Then he frowned. “But a pregnant lady should not consume alcohol. Perhaps instead of a bottle just a glass for Dr. Nick. And sparkling cider for Mrs. Nick?”

      She wasn’t Mrs. Nick anymore. And after all this, Ryleigh was prepared to tackle Vito if he tried to leave without pouring her at least one glass out of that bottle of cabernet.

      “I’m not pregnant,” she said.

      “No worry.” Vito shrugged. “So you are here to set a mood as you try.”

      She started to say no and realized that was only half true. They weren’t here to get their mood on as much as talk about getting pregnant. But she had a feeling if she talked about talking, Vito would remind her that verbal communication was not the way to get the job done.

      “We’d appreciate it if you’d open the bottle,” Nick said.

      “With pleasure. And your Caesar salad will be served shortly.”


      The man held up his hand, then poured a glass of wine for each of them. “I remember your favorites. A salad to share. Bread sticks with marinara and alfredo sauces for dipping. Then Vito’s world famous lasagna, also to share. And tiramisu for dessert.” He winked. “You share everything.”

      More memories crashed over her. He was right about all of it.

      “You have to give him credit. Nothing wrong with his powers of recall.” Nick grinned and held up his wine. “To Vito.”

      She clinked her glass to his. “Gotta love him.”

      “So, you’re not settled yet?” He rested his forearm on the table.

      “I’m renting a two-bedroom hospital-subsidized apartment until I can find something more permanent. I have a lot of stuff in storage.”

      “Anything I can do to help?”

      Only with the baby. She hoped he hadn’t changed his mind about that. But there was something else she remembered about Nick. Once he’d given his word, he wouldn’t go back on it. “That’s why we’re here.”

      “The baby.”

      “Yeah,” she agreed. “Or, more specifically, the rules of engagement.”

      “Okay. Go.”

      She thought for a moment. “First of all, I need to say that I don’t want to lose your friendship. So, if that’s going to be a problem, speak now—”

      “Agreed.” But his blue eyes turned a little dark and broody.

      “We need to keep it simple and uncomplicated. Although Vito will be disappointed about no romance. But that’s the best way to mess up a wonderful friendship.”

      “That works for me.”

      “No matter what,” she added emphatically.

      “Do you want me to pinkie swear?” he asked, holding up his little finger.

      “If that’s a guarantee—yes,” she said, crooking hers and curving it around his outstretched finger.

      “Okay. What else?”

      She dropped her hand into her lap as she thought. “That’s the only rule that comes to mind.”

      He smiled. “Did that feel too easy to you?”

      “Give me a minute. I’ll think of something to make problems. Oh, right, about why we’re here.” Between the wine and his teasing, she began to relax. “I need to do some research on the internet about how to conceive a baby.”

      Nick’s eyes sparkled with amusement over the top of the glass as he sipped his wine. “Unless anatomy or the mechanics of procreation have changed since I went to med school, conception is probably achieved in the usual way.”

      “Funny guy.”


      Their shoulders brushed and tingles of awareness danced through her. Her skin was hot, sensitive and she was pretty sure that was about anticipation. Getting naked with Nick was never far from her mind since she’d decided he should father her baby. And it was worse after walking into Peretti’s. Like he’d said, muscle memory.

      “You used to appreciate my sense of humor,” he reminded her.

      “I still do.” It was one of her favorite things about him. “Let me be more specific. I want to find out the optimum time of the month. To conceive. And anything else that might increase the odds of achieving the desired objective.”

      “If you’d like, I can talk to Rebecca Hamilton.”

      Aside from the fact that their agreement wasn’t for public consumption, she didn’t really want him talking to another woman about her and the baby. “Is that your girlfriend?”

      “She’s a girl. And she’s a friend who’s married. Also a doctor. Ob-gyn. Any information you need, I’m sure she’ll have.”

      “Oh.” Ryleigh refused to believe the ugly feeling churning through her had anything to do with jealousy. “Maybe. But are you prepared to answer her questions about why you’re asking?”

      “Not really.”

      Was his voice just a tiny bit hoarse? His eyes narrowed and more intense than moments ago? The expression reminded her of how he looked when he wanted her. A woman who’d craved even the barest amount of attention from the man she was completely in love with wasn’t likely to forget the look on his face when he wanted her.

      Ryleigh cleared her throat. “Okay, so how about this. I’ll do my research and we’ll regroup.”

      “Just let me know when and where,” he said.

      “Give me a couple days. My place next time. It’s near the hospital so that will be convenient for us both.”

      “I’ll be there.”

      There might have been eagerness in his tone or it could just be wishful thinking on her part. It had happened before. Once

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