Irresistible Fortune. Wendy Etherington

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Irresistible Fortune - Wendy Etherington Mills & Boon Blaze

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party the night before. A deputy, maybe?

      “Miss McGary,” the officer said with a nod as he approached them.

      Brenna made brief introductions all around, and Gavin learned the man was Finn Hastings, a deputy, as well as the sheriff’s brother-in-law.

      “I just came by to check on you,” he said to Gavin. “There are a few people in town not happy to have you around. I wanted to make sure they weren’t giving you a hard time.”

      Somehow, he managed to say this with a serious expression and not glancing once at Brenna.

      But then Brenna wasn’t paying much attention to the deputy. She was staring at Penelope, who, in turn, had her wide-eyed gaze fixed on Finn, who was gaping right back.

      Well, well. The time-honored tradition to fixing teenage woes had apparently not changed since Gavin was that age. Just plop a hot guy and girl next to one another, and the sun shone from behind the clouds.

      “We’re fine,” Gavin assured Deputy Hastings. “Brenna even brought us dinner. Flounder, I believe.”

      Finn tore his attention away from Penelope and lifted his eyebrows. “Did she?”

      “The seafood stand in the marina parking lot,” Brenna said, and Gavin noticed her eyes narrow in speculation while gazing at the youngsters.

      Ah, good. They were on the same page.

      Get the kids together, then Gavin could handle getting rid of Pablo, then he and Brenna could be alone.

      It was possible, of course, that Brenna was only thinking of consoling Penelope, and not of spending the evening staring across the table at him, but he was betting he could negotiate that little hitch.

      “Are you sure you brought enough for five?” Gavin asked her. “I could go get more.” Cooperation and generosity were the ways to her heart, after all.

      But he was counting on the teens not being interested in hanging out with the adults.

      “Sorry, I can’t stay,” Finn said.

      Penelope nodded, though her gaze remained riveted to Finn. “I should really get back home.”

      “I could give you a ride,” Finn offered. “I was on my way home, too.”

      Penelope’s mouth parted in a shy smile. “That would be nice. Thank you.”

      It was great to be right.

      “I’m not sure—” Brenna began, but Gavin cut her off by laying his hand at the lower part of her back.

      “Escorted safely to her door by the police,” he said. “How could the good Sisters be more pleased by that level of chaperoning? ”

      “I agree,” Pablo said, with a definitive nod that Gavin would make sure he received a raise for. “And there should be plenty of food, because I have a dinner engagement at the marina bar.”

       A really big raise.

      Within two minutes, the trio was walking down the dock away from the boat, leaving Brenna and Gavin blissfully alone in the shadow of the setting sun.

      “That happened fast,” she said, turning to him in surprise.

      “Didn’t it?” He smiled. Oh, yeah, surrender was chock-full of delight. “But who are we to stand in the way of young love?”

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