Tropical Fantasy. Monica McKayhan

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Tropical Fantasy - Monica McKayhan Mills & Boon Kimani

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call me Sasquatch,” Sasha told her sister. “I’m not a big, hairy Bigfoot-looking thing.”

      Sasha was far from big. With her petite frame, medium-brown complexion and short bob haircut, she often turned heads when she walked through downtown Atlanta wearing one of her tailored suits and her designer heels.

      “I think it’s a cute nickname,” Bridget said with a giggle. “You’re too uptight, Sasha. You need a man.”

      Sasha was tired of people telling her what she needed. Just a few hours earlier she’d had a confrontation with Vince, and then had to deal with her mother, who always told her she needed to spend more time with the family, needed to show up for more Sunday dinners. And now her sister was swearing that she needed a man, which, in her opinion, was the last thing that she needed. Men always complicated things, got in the way. What she needed was that corner office with the view of the city.

      “Have you sworn off men forever, Sash?”

      “No, not forever. Just for right now,” said Sasha.

      “You think you might get married someday?” Bridget asked, out of the blue. “Are you ever going to forget about what Kevin did and settle down with someone new?”

      “I don’t know, Bridge. I’m really married to my career right now. And I like it that way.”

      “Your career can’t keep you warm at night, or take you on romantic walks through Piedmont Park,” said Bridget. “And what about sex? When was the last time you...?”

      “Bridget, please!” Sasha eyeballed the Bahamian woman who was massaging her feet and wondered if she was eavesdropping. The woman smiled as if she was waiting for Sasha’s response to her sister’s inappropriate question.

      “I’m just asking. I mean, there are probably cobwebs in there. And everybody needs a little maintenance every now and then,” Bridget told her.

      “See, this is exactly why you and I don’t have these types of conversations.”

      “I’m sorry, Sash. I’m just teasing.” Bridget smiled, then said, “But seriously, don’t you want to get married and have some babies one day?”

      “One day...yes.”

      “I know you don’t like to be set up, Sasha, but I was thinking...”

      “Oh, here we go,” Sasha groaned.

      She knew that her sister was probably about to fix her up with Vince, which is why she’d sent him to the airport instead of coming herself. She’d wanted the two of them to hit it off. And Sasha could understand why—Vince was gorgeous. As a matter of fact, he’d danced around in her thoughts since the moment she’d left the resort. But she didn’t appreciate being set up, and she was tired of people thinking that it was okay. She was fine being single.

      “Paul,” said Bridget. “He’s one of Derrick’s groomsmen. He’s the fair-skinned one. Not very tall, but he’s such a sweetheart, Sash.”

      Such a sweetheart. Interpretation: “He’s not very attractive.”

      “When I found out that he was a judge in DeKalb County, I knew the two of you would hit it off—seeing as though you’re in the same line of work and all. I can’t wait to introduce you to him. I told him all about you.”

      “What? No more matchmaking, Bridget.”

      “He graduated from Harvard...cum laude.”

      “That’s nice,” Sasha said sarcastically.

      “And he’s single,” Bridget urged, “drives a Maserati. Can you believe that? How many black men you know are driving around the city of Atlanta in a Maserati?”

      “Not very many.”

      Sasha was ready for the conversation about Paul to be over. She’d seen Paul once or twice and hadn’t found him the least bit interesting. He was the type her mother would choose for her. No matter what he did for a living or what type of car he drove, he definitely wasn’t her type. Although she hated to admit it, the truth was she was more interested in knowing more about Vince.

      “So how long has Derrick known Vince?” Sasha asked, trying not to appear to be interested.

      “Girl, all his life. They grew up together. Same high school...same college,” said Bridget, “but Paul he hasn’t known very long. A couple of years maybe.”

      “He seems a little arrogant,” Sasha said. “Vince, I mean.”

      “He comes off that way sometimes, but Vince is a nice guy. And he’s good-looking too, but not really your type. You’re career-minded. He’s a dreamer.”

      “What do you mean dreamer?”

      “He doesn’t really take life seriously. I mean he has a degree in dentistry, for Christ’s sake. He should have his own private practice or work in one of those upscale dental offices in Buckhead. Instead he chooses to work at that low-income health center in the heart of Atlanta for nothing, giving away his services for free. He’s got a little matchbox office down there and he makes a small stipend, but I’m sure it’s pennies compared to what he could make. Might as well go work at McDonald’s.”

      “Isn’t that noble? I mean, giving back to his community and all?”

      “Noble? I think it’s absurd.”

      “Our father did the same thing for years, Bridget. As a young attorney, he worked for Legal Aid, and he offered his legal services pro bono to many underprivileged people over the years.”

      “Thanks to Mama, he didn’t completely lose his mind though. Thank God she talked him into working for that law firm and making a decent living for us. It’s because of that firm that we were able to live the way we did.”

      “But Daddy wasn’t happy at that firm. He was happier serving others.”

      “Serving others is fine, but it doesn’t put food on the table, nor does it secure the future of your children. Which is why I’m marrying Derrick. Besides the fact that he’s drop-dead gorgeous and can give me beautiful babies, he’s successful and he’s the sole heir to his father’s business. My children will have the best of the best.”

      “So you’re not marrying for love?”

      “Of course I’m marrying for love! It’s just that love wasn’t exactly at the top of my list. It was just below ‘Must have six-figure salary,’” said Bridget with a giggle. “But don’t get me wrong, Sasha. Love is important. And I hope that you find it someday, or it finds you.”

      “Well, I’m not exactly looking,” said Sasha.

      “That’s okay. Sometimes love finds you anyway. Especially when you’re not looking,” Bridget said. “Just make sure when it finds you it comes with a nice 401(k).”

      “You’re a mess!” Sasha exclaimed and laughed.

      “I know, but you love me anyway.”

      “I do love you, sis, but your view of life

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