Christmas With Dr Delicious. Sue MacKay

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Christmas With Dr Delicious - Sue MacKay Mills & Boon Medical

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the pressure cuff around his upper arm, Nikki kept up the questions, trying to ignore everything else. ‘Have you had something like this before?’

      ‘Yeah, last week. Your lot took me to hospital but the doctor couldn’t find what was wrong. Are you going to take me there again?’

      ‘Yes, after we’ve taken some readings.’ She wrote the normal blood pressure results on her glove. ‘What were you doing when the pain started?’ She could hear Fraser pushing the stretcher through the door behind her.

      ‘Watching TV.’ Her patient gave a loud and drawn-out groan. ‘I get giddy too. Ahh,’ he squealed.

      ‘Take it easy. On a scale of one to ten how strong is the pain?’


      Then he should be writhing in agony. ‘Is it hurting anywhere else?’

      ‘Nah, only in my gut.’

      ‘Okay, Col. We need to get you up onto the stretcher. Reckon you can do that by yourself?’

      ‘Lady, I’m in pain here.’

      Fraser stepped around the stretcher. ‘Right, bud, we’ll take an arm each to help you up. On the count of three, ready?’ When Col grunted, Fraser continued, ‘One, two three.’ And he hauled the guy upright.

      Nikki helped get Col onto the stretcher and covered him with a blanket. She had a shrewd suspicion Col was more than able to walk out to the ambulance if he had a mind to. His symptoms were hard to pin down and he’d groaned before she’d touched his stomach, making her suspicious about what he was up to. But she could be very wrong. They’d make Col’s shift to their vehicle as comfortable as possible.

      Fraser pressed the stretcher’s brake off and pushed the stretcher out to the ambulance. ‘We’ll soon have you in ED and the doctors can check you over.’

      ‘What about my girlfriend? She’s got to come.’

      Col’s belligerence was beginning to annoy Nikki but she offered a lift to the girl and indicated the front seat. The trip to the hospital was punctuated with loud groans and intermittent swearing.

      After handing Col over to the ED staff, Fraser commented dryly, ‘That guy bounced across from the stretcher to the hospital bed. What happened to the level-ten pain? He’s having everyone on.’

      ‘Not our problem any more. But maybe he needs someone to take notice of him, for whatever reason.’ She stepped into the back of the ambulance. ‘You drive. I’m going to wipe down the stretcher with antiseptic and see if I can’t get rid of that overpowering stink of sweat.’ It had taken over their vehicle.

      What she wouldn’t give for a shower and a clean uniform. She began scrubbing every surface she could. Funny how that particular odour hung around long after the cause had gone.

      Nikki’s cellphone rang as Fraser backed into the garage bay back at Base. Flipping it open, she smiled. It was Jay, her big, bad brother, who’d recently joined a rural vet practice close to the farm they’d grown up on. Nearly two years older than her, he was the youngest of her four brothers. He’d also been Fraser’s best friend at one time. Jay had taken it almost as hard as she had when Fraser had gone away. ‘Morning—’

      ‘Did I just see McCall in the ambulance with you?’ Jay’s deep voice rumbled in her ear.

      It had taken all of two hours for the news to get out, quite slow for Blenheim. ‘Yes, the one and only.’

      ‘What’s he doing here? When did he return?’

      The ambulance stopped and Nikki quickly slipped away to head outside the garage. This was one conversation she didn’t want Fraser overhearing. ‘I only found out last week when Mike told us he’d got a job here.’

      ‘He’s not working as your partner, is he?’

      ‘Yeah, Jay, he is. It’s not like I had a choice. Believe me, I tried to get out of it but Mike insisted we work together.’

      ‘Work together? What’s this about? Why would a doctor want to work on the ambulances?’

      ‘Thanks, Jay. Our job isn’t for the brain dead.’

      ‘I know that.’ Jay paused then went on, ‘So what’s going on? Is McCall here for a week? Or for ever?’

      ‘I’m not sure. Definitely more than a week.’ She quickly filled Jay in about Fraser’s father, before telling him, ‘Fraser didn’t finish med school.’

      ‘No way! He was destined for a great career. No, sis, you’ve got it wrong.’

      ‘He told me himself.’

      ‘Did he say why?’

      ‘You think he would?’

      ‘I think he should,’ Jay growled. ‘So he’s still hiding things from you. Wait till I see him. It’s time he knew exactly how we all feel about him.’

      She surprised herself by saying, ‘Jay, leave him alone for now. Give him a chance. Who knows? He might turn up at the farm one day with a six pack of lager under his arm and apologise to us all for the trouble he caused.’

      ‘Sis, if you believe that, then you believe in the tooth fairy.’

      Fraser plugged the electricity source into the ambulance, wincing as Nikki’s words reached him. He was going to have to move a lot faster than he’d intended. Apologising to the Page family was on his latest to-do list. Only he’d figured it wise to first let them get used to the fact he was back.

      But if Jay was on the case he’d be breaking down his mum and dad’s front door by sundown tonight. The Page men were known to be very protective of their sister. Especially Jay, who carried his own demons about the sister who’d drowned years ago.

      Fraser drew a deep breath. Gawd, he’d missed Jay. They’d done a lot together—getting into trouble as teens, surviving their first hangovers, learning to drive, racing motorbikes on the Page farm, playing in the school first fifteen and the cricket team. So much of his wonderful life and friendships back then had been tied up with Nikki’s family. All had gone down the gurgler because he hadn’t known how to handle the terrifying situation he’d suddenly found himself thrown into five years ago.

      When the garage door rattled downwards Fraser realised Nikki had finished her phone call and was standing beside him. ‘Are you happy with the way those callouts went?’ she asked, one hand on her hip.

      ‘Absolutely. So far everything works the same way it does in Dunedin.’

      ‘Good. Do you know when you’ll be starting your courses?’

      ‘Online workshops start in a couple of weeks and my first week away in Christchurch is next month.’

      Nikki was deliberately showing him that their relationship was strictly professional. He’d have gone along with that if she hadn’t discussed him with Jay.

      Tonight. Tonight he’d visit Nikki and lay the past to rest. A cold sweat broke out on his brow.

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