Standing Outside The Fire. Sara Orwig

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Standing Outside The Fire - Sara Orwig Mills & Boon Desire

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I supposed to ask you what you think my personality is like?” she asked with amusement in her eyes.

      “I think you’re practical. No frills. Intelligent and cool and confident. You’re laughing at my compliments, which means you are self-assured and don’t need to hear compliments. You can laugh at yourself and don’t believe you are one of the most gorgeous women in Texas, though you should.”

      “Hardly! That’s a real stretch.” She laughed, and he wondered how many men had succumbed to that irresistible smile. “I’ve never won a beauty contest in my life.”

      “How many have you entered?” he countered.

      “None,” she admitted.

      “And I’m right in my assessment otherwise—will you agree with that?”

      Her lips firmed as she seemed to give his question thought before she nodded. “I’d say that I am practical and no frills. Intelligent—I hope reasonably so, but maybe I’m not showing a whole lot of sense eating dinner with a stranger. To my credit, when we finish dinner, I will go to my room and you will go to yours. And you won’t accompany me to mine. You won’t know which room it is. You won’t even know who I am. Let’s keep the evening impersonal. I’ll feel safer that way. I carry a cell phone and can call for help at any time. As for cool and confident—most of the time. Not always. It’s a fairly accurate assessment.”

      “So is the part about you being gorgeous.” He leaned back as the waiter brought a bottle of wine, opened it and let Boone approve before pouring. The pale liquid half filled the glasses and then the white-coated waiter set the bottle in a bucket of ice and placed ornate red menus in front of each of them before he left.

      As soon as they were alone, Boone lifted his glass. “Here’s to you for handling a bad situation with great aplomb.” He touched his glass to hers with a faint clink, and then gazing into her eyes, took a sip of his wine. The pale, dry wine went down smoothly while excitement hummed in him like an idling engine.

      As she sipped and lowered her glass, thunder boomed.

      “We may have just beaten the rain here,” he observed.

      “They’ve had two inches today already,” she replied, looking outside and sounding as if she had forgotten him.

      “How do you know that?” He was curious about her, wanting to know everything possible and wanting a date.

      “The desk clerk told me.”

      While she talked, Boone caught her hand in his and felt a current zing over his nerves when he touched her. Her skin was soft and smooth. “I don’t see an engagement or wedding ring.”

      “No, you don’t,” she replied with a faint smile. She looked outside again as if the matter held her attention more than Boone.

      “And the way you said that, I suspect there is no steady boyfriend.”

      “You’re right again. Maybe you should earn a living as a clairvoyant.”

      “I’m a good—guesser,” he said, giving another innuendo to the last word, and she arched her eyebrows. “And another toast to a gorgeous redhead I’ll always remember.”

      She moved her hand away as he touched her glass again. “Always being until the next pretty woman crosses your path.”

      “Not so. I’m not going to forget you and—” he leaned forward again and lowered his voice “—I hope before the night is over, I can see to it that you will always remember me.”

      She shook her head. “I don’t think so, but you can tell yourself that I will. When we go our separate ways, dinner tonight will be a brief and soon forgotten interlude.”

      “I intend to see that it isn’t,” he said, intrigued more by her each minute. “So, I’ve given you a personality appraisal. Now, you give me one. I’m curious what you think about me and what you think I’m like.”

      “Self-centered,” she answered lightly.

      “Ouch! All I’ve talked about is you—where do you get this self-centered stuff?”

      Her eyes twinkled. “You’re aware of yourself. You’re totally confident, determined, not a little arrogant, and in some ways, charming.”

      “I’m glad you threw in the last or I’d think I’d better get up and move to another table and stop imposing on you. ‘In some ways, charming?’ How so?”

      “You know you’re charming to females,” she replied firmly. “You do not need compliments. You didn’t get so self-confident by being turned down.”

      While she looked at the menu, Boone studied his. “How about the steaks?” he asked her, and she nodded.

      “A steak sounds delicious. Actually, I missed lunch and had only a tiny breakfast this morning, so a steak would be wonderful.”

      In minutes the waiter returned and took their orders, leaving and coming back with a thick loaf of fresh bread on a wooden plank.

      “You slice the bread,” Boone suggested. “I’d mangle it.”

      He watched her slender fingers deftly cut two slices and offer him one.

      He put a slice on his bread plate, but he was far more interested in talking to her than he was in eating. She had taken only a few sips of wine when he started to refill her glass.

      “Thanks, I don’t need more. Actually, I think this is the first wine—or any alcoholic drink I’ve had—since Christmas.”

      “Christmas! Do you ever get out of the house?”

      She laughed. “Yes, I get out of the house.”

      “Since Christmas, I think you can have a tiny refill,” he said, looking at her questioningly.

      She took a deep breath as she appeared to reconsider, and then she nodded. “I suppose. This has been a horrendous day.”

      “Uh-oh. I hope it took a definite turn for the better about half an hour ago.” He refilled her glass and put the bottle in the ice bucket. “What happened that was so terrible?”

      “I was at a business meeting,” she said, and her voice became brisk as she stared past him. “Someone on the way to the meeting was in a terrible car crash and is in intensive care now and that put a damper on the day.”

      “That’s tough. Sorry. Was it someone you knew?”

      “Yes, but not well. And then my flight home today was delayed by storms, and we sat on the runway for three hours.”

      “You have had a bad day. Plus the guy in the parking lot. Well, the bad part is over, and I’ll do my damnedest to cheer you up.”

      “You’re doing a pretty super job of cheering me so far.”

      “I’m glad to hear that.”

      “Now I’m staying at this hotel since I couldn’t go home tonight because of the storms,” she

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