From This Moment On. Debbi Rawlins

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From This Moment On - Debbi Rawlins Made in Montana

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had gone off with him last week. For her part, Sam was the kind of guy she’d go a mile out of her way to avoid. He was good-looking, but too cocky and full of himself. Definitely a one-night stand guy. After checking on her customers, she stowed her tray and slipped behind the bar to wash glasses. The dishwasher had conked out three years ago and Sadie had gone without since. Last week she’d admitted to Nikki that she’d almost closed the bar a month before the Sundance opened their doors to guests. Business had gotten slow with so many layoffs in the area. the hired hands who were left had started going to Kalispell for their entertainment. Until all the young single women began arriving each week.

      At the end of the bar Sadie made jukebox change for a customer and then grabbed a clean towel and joined Nikki. “I was gonna get to those glasses next, but thanks for pitching in. You’re a good worker, Nikki. And God bless you, you showed up at the right time. I would’ve been up a creek without anyone reliable to fill in for Gretchen.”

      “She’s ready to have her baby anytime now, right?”

      “Next Tuesday is her due date.” Sadie picked up a mug and dried it. “Claims she’ll come back to work in two months but I’ve got my doubts. Even if she does I can still use you two nights a week if you’re willing.”

      Nikki nodded, though she’d been hoping for something more full-time. But then again anything could happen in two months. Her mother planned on relocating to Mexico City in three weeks. As soon as she was settled Nikki could start thinking about where she wanted to end up.

      Cole’s girlfriend, Jamie, loved San Francisco, claimed it was one of her favorite cities, and she was a travel blogger who’d been around the world more than once. Maybe Nikki would go have a look for herself, see if she could find a decent job there. Although she was hoping to save more money before she left.

      If she left. She really was trying to keep an open mind, but she couldn’t seem to imagine the Lone Wolf ever feeling like home. the huge two-story house was beautiful, nicer than any place she’d ever lived or most likely ever would. And the guest bedroom, which was now hers according to Matt, was almost as big as the apartment she’d had in Houston.

      Most of the time the ranch was quiet, too. So still and quiet that at first it had creeped her out. In her old neighborhood it wasn’t unusual to hear gunshots in the middle of the night. Sometimes at the Lone Wolf if she kept a window open she’d hear a calf bawling or a rooster crowing. She hadn’t gotten used to that yet.

      “Do you think Marge might need help at the diner?” she asked, and Sadie frowned. “I’d still work here whenever you needed me, but after Gretchen comes back, I wouldn’t mind picking up a few shifts over there.”

      “I don’t think she needs anyone but it wouldn’t hurt to ask. Frankly, though, I think the tips are better here.” Sadie dried two more mugs before she said, “Of course I’d never refuse to take Gretchen back, but it wouldn’t surprise me none if she wanted to stay home with that new baby and only work a couple nights a week. If that happens, the other shifts are all yours.”

      “Thanks. I appreciate it.” She watched Sadie brace a hand on the back counter while she stretched up to stow the clean mugs on the upper shelf.

      Her diabetes was under control, and she’d lost some weight, which allowed her to get around more, but she still had a few health issues. She’d been divorced a while and her only daughter lived in Oregon. For whatever reason, they rarely spoke and hadn’t seen each other in years. Sadie only had the Watering Hole. Leaving her would be hard. Nikki hadn’t expected that, especially not after working for her only two weeks. She’d miss the small rustic bar, too, with its warped tables and mismatched chairs.

      “You look a little sad tonight, honey.” Sadie took the soapy mug from her and rinsed it. “You missing your mama?”

      “A little. Mostly I’m happy she’s found someone who really cares about her.” Nikki couldn’t say the words without thinking about Wallace and how horribly he’d wronged her mother. She’d been young, hopeful and in love with the handsome older man who’d used her until she and Nikki had become an inconvenience.

      “She have any family in Mexico City?”

      “Some cousins and an uncle. I’ve never met them, but she’s stayed in contact.”

      “I imagine you’ll be visiting her soon enough.”

      Nikki nodded, though she worried she couldn’t scrape together the money to make the trip. No way she’d accept the fare from Matt even though he’d offered. She still planned on repaying him for the money he’d secretly sent her mother for a year. He just didn’t know it. Good thing, because it was going to take her forever.

      “I hope I’m not opening a can of worms here,” Sadie said, “but how’s Wallace doing?”

      Nikki shrugged. “He has a few weeks. He’s not even seeing the doctor anymore. A nurse from the clinic stops by now and then. Matt and Lucy are taking care of him.”

      “Well, I sure give Matt credit. I doubt that boy ever heard a kind word from Wallace.”

      “I think in Matt’s mind he’s doing this for his mom.”

      Not anxious to talk anymore about Wallace, Nikki finished washing the last glass and then rinsed and dried her hands. “I’d better go check to see if anyone’s thirsty,” she said, her gaze going to the door. It had been a while since Trace left and the woman who’d chased after him hadn’t returned. Nikki had no business wondering what they were doing. They could be making out in his truck for all she cared.

      “I bet she asked him for a ride back to the Sundance just to get him alone.” Sadie moved closer and lowered her voice. “Some of these city gals are downright shameless.”

      Nikki didn’t bother denying her thoughts had drifted to Trace. Sadie saw too damn much. “Yes, sometimes we are.”

      “I didn’t mean you.”

      “Sure you didn’t.”

      Sadie gave her a long look and laughed. “Don’t you start getting sassy with me.”

      “Well, I am a city girl. Before coming here, I’d only left Houston once.” For a quick trip over the border to Mexico when she was sixteen and what a disaster that had been. Too late she wished the memory had stayed buried along with the other stupid rebellious things she’d done.

      “Yes, but you aren’t like them.” Sadie’s gaze flickered toward the tall brunette talking to Sam. “That one, Sam Miller, he’s like a hound in heat. I’m not complaining, mind you. He’s good for business.”

      “So is Trace.”

      Sadie didn’t appreciate the remark, judging by her narrowed eyes. It was clear she liked Trace, maybe simply because he was a McAllister, no telling. “Those two names don’t belong in the same sentence.”

      Nikki had to put her opinion on hold when a customer signaled for her. She’d meant to check to see who needed refills, not start thinking about Trace. Or trying to figure out how she could get information about him from Sadie without being obvious. Really stupid because she’d had him figured out the first night she met him at the Sundance. He’d been surrounded by fawning guests, eating up the attention. She’d promised herself right then she’d stay away from him. If she decided to hang around Blackfoot Falls for a while, she didn’t want to be the subject of gossip

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