The One-Night Wife. Sandra Marton

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The One-Night Wife - Sandra Marton Mills & Boon Modern

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to tell you I was here alone, and that I’ve been alone for too long.”

      Her voice was soft. A liquid purr. It reminded him of honey and warm Southern nights. He moved closer.

      “Isn’t it fortunate that I finally got here?” he said softly. “What’s your name, sugar?”




      “The name suits you. You have moonlight and magnolias in that sexy drawl. You’re a Georgia girl.”

      Another rush of pink to her cheeks. Interesting, that she’d blush and still be so direct in coming on to him.

      “Savannah what?”

      She touched her tongue to her lips again. Did she know what that was doing to him? The tip of that pink tongue sweeping moistly across her rosebud mouth? He thought she did but when he looked into her eyes, he wasn’t so sure. They were a clear green, but there seemed to be a darkness hidden in their depths.

      “Just Savannah.” She closed the little distance that remained between them. He could smell her scent, a seductively innocent blend of vanilla and woman. “No last names tonight. Is that okay?”

      “It’s fine.” Sean cleared his throat. “I’m a sucker for a good mystery, Just-Savannah.”

      “Just…?” Her eyebrows rose. Then she smiled. “I like that. ‘Just-Savannah.’”

      “Good. That gives us two things in common. Honesty and anonymity. That’s a fascinating combination, don’t you think?”

      “Yes. I do. What shall I call you?”


      Something flickered in those incredible eyes. Relief? No. It couldn’t have been that. Why would a simple exchange of names inspire relief?

      “Just-Sean,” she said, smiling.

      “Just-Sean, and Just-Savannah. Two people without last names who meet and set out to discover what the rest of the night holds in store.”

      “I like that.” She reached out and laid her hand lightly against his chest. “What game will you play tonight, Sean?”

      He felt his body clench like a fist. “It depends on who I’m playing it with,” he said hoarsely. “What did you have in mind?”

      She laughed. Her teeth were small, even, very white against the golden tan of her skin.

      “I’m not sure.” Her eyes met his, then dropped away. “I’m new at this.”

      It was a great line, designed to set a man’s hormones pumping. All of it was designed for that: the face, the body, the scrap of red silk and the sexy, let’s-get-it-on banter…and yet, the only part of it he bought into was her being new at this. Somehow, that rang with truth.

      The lady wasn’t a pro.

      Like moths to the proverbial flame, high-priced working girls were drawn to places where big money and big players congregated, but no matter how elegantly dressed and groomed they were, Sean could spot them at a hundred paces. Besides, a call girl would never get past the door of a private casino like L’Emeraude.

      No, Savannah wasn’t a pro. She had the looks and the lines, but her delivery was off. It was like listening to an actress who was still learning her part. And there were those moments he’d seen her hand tremble…as the one she’d put against his chest was doing now.

      She was working at turning him on and she was succeeding, but she wasn’t lying. She was, he was sure, a novice at this game. As flattering as it was to think she’d turned into a lust-crazed creature at the sight of him, he didn’t buy it. There was the way she’d been watching him. Besides, he was too much of a realist to believe in bolts of lightning that struck with no warning.

      Something else was going on here. He didn’t know what, but he was damned well going to find out.


      He focused his gaze on the blonde’s upturned face. The smile was still there but the pretty flush in her cheeks was back. Was she flustered? Embarrassed? Or was it part of the act?

      “Sean. Have I been too…I mean, I’m sorry if—”

      “Savannah.” He smiled and covered her hand with his. Her skin was icy. Instinctively, he closed his fingers around hers. “A beautiful woman should never apologize for anything.” Sean raised her hand to his mouth and pressed his lips to her knuckles. “Let’s make a pact.”

      “A pact?”

      “You won’t say you’re sorry again, and I’ll buy you a glass of champagne. Okay?”

      She took a long time before she answered. Then, just when he’d decided she was going to turn him down, she nodded.

      “That would be lovely.”

      “Good.” Sean’s hand tightened on hers. “You have any thoughts on how to seal our agreement?”

      Another rush of color swept into her face. “What do you mean?”

      “It’s simple. We have a contract.” Sean lowered his voice to a husky whisper. “Now we need some way to guarantee it.” He looked at her slightly parted lips, then into her eyes. “You know. Sign in blood. Swear before witnesses. Cross your heart and hope to die.” He flashed a quick smile. “Something to make it official.”

      He watched her face, saw the exact second she decided she’d had enough. Or maybe she’d decided to change tack. Try as he might, he couldn’t tell which.

      “You’re making fun of me,” she said.

      “No, I’m not.”

      “You are. You think this is funny, and you’re teasing me.”

      “Teasing. Not making fun. There’s a world of difference.”

      “Let go of my hand, please.”

      “Why? I turn you on. You turn me on. That hasn’t changed. Why walk away from it before we’ve discovered what comes next?”

      He didn’t know what he’d expected, though he’d gone out of his way to provoke a reaction. Would she blush some more? Lean into him and lift that luscious mouth to his? The combination of brashness and modesty was charming, even exciting, but it only made him more suspicious.

      Whatever he might have anticipated, it wasn’t the way she suddenly stood straighter, or the way her chin lifted.

      “You’re right,” she said. “Why walk away now?”

      Sean nodded. “That’s better.” It wasn’t. She sounded as if she’d decided to go to the dentist after all. What in hell was happening? Acting on impulse, he reached out, put his hand under her chin and tilted her face up. “As for that contract,” he said softly, “I know exactly how

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