The Cowboy's Secret Son. Judy Christenberry

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The Cowboy's Secret Son - Judy Christenberry Mills & Boon Cherish

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worry about that.” Then he walked off with Robbie’s hand in his.

      She scrambled to follow him. Regardless of what Nick said, she didn’t want Robbie to learn the truth without her there to help him understand.

      Despite Robbie’s wails about seeing the cows, Nick insisted they go into the house first.

      Abby knew Julie was in Cheyenne, and she’d guess Brad was out of college by now. If he’d come back home, there’d be at least four of Nick’s siblings here to contend with.

      She followed Nick and Robbie into the shadowy coolness of the house straight to the large kitchen where the family spent most of its time. Kate Logan was standing at the cabinet preparing something. “Who is it?” she called over her shoulder, obviously having heard them come in.

      “It’s me, Mom,” Nick said.

      She spun around, eager to greet her oldest son. But she came to a complete halt when she saw Abby with him. Her smile disappeared. “I didn’t know you were bringing Abby to visit, Nick.”

      “I brought Abby and her son to visit.”

      Kate noticed the little boy for the first time. Her eyes widened in shock and she immediately looked at Nick. “Is he—”

      Abby held her breath, waiting for her to blurt out the secret she’d kept all these years.

      But all Nick said was, “This is Robbie, Abby’s little boy.”

      After looking at Abby for a moment without speaking, Kate knelt down to Robbie. “Hello, Robbie. I’m pleased to meet you. I’m glad you’ve come for a—a visit.”

      “Thank you,” Robbie replied, displaying all the manners Abby had ever taught him. “Nick says he has horses and dogs.”

      “Yes, he does. In fact, one of the dogs had puppies a couple of weeks ago. Would you like to see them?’

      “Real puppies? Not play puppies?”

      “Real puppies. I’ll get Nick’s brother to take you.”

      She stood and said, “Nick, call Brad.”

      Nick went to find his brother.

      “Mommy, do you want to see the puppies, too?” Robbie asked. She should have known he’d be a bit nervous about a stranger taking him.

      She smiled to let him know it was okay. “You go with Nick’s brother. I’ll come out later, sweetheart. I’m tired. I didn’t get a nap in the car like you.”

      He leaned against her leg, his hand taking hers. In a whisper, he said, “But I don’t know Brad.”

      Abby knelt and hugged her son. “I know, but I do. He’s a lot like Nick. He’ll never hurt you, either.”

      The young man in question walked into the kitchen, a smile lighting up his handsome face.

      “Hi, Abby. It’s good to see you.”

      “You, too, Brad. This is my son, Robbie.”

      “Hey, Robbie. I hear you want to see the puppies. I might even be persuaded to let you hold one. How about that?”

      “Really?” Robbie asked with enthusiasm, immediately taking Brad’s hand.

      “You two go ahead and I’ll have lunch ready when you get back,” Kate said.

      After they left the house, Abby said, “So much for him not wanting to go without me.”

      “Only because you told him Brad was someone you knew. I appreciate that, Abby,” Kate said, surprising Abby.

      She only nodded, waiting for what would come next. She knew it wouldn’t take Kate long to get to the point.

      True to form, she asked, “So, you had Nick’s child?”


      “Now what, Nick?” Kate asked her son.

      “I told her she’d had Robbie for the first five years of his life so now I get him for the next five.”

      Kate looked aghast at her son’s words. “No wonder Abby came with you!” She shook her head. “What about Patricia? Have you given thought to how she’ll react to this news?”

      Abby looked from one to the other. “Who is Patricia?”

      Nick took an indignant stance. “She doesn’t have anything to do with you!”

      “Son,” was Kate’s only word. But it seemed to have an affect on Nick. He turned away and began pacing the room.

      The realization dawned on Abby and she felt as if her heart lurched. She looked at Kate. “Don’t tell me she’s his wife.”


      “SHE’S not my wife!” Nick exclaimed, spinning around.

      “Then who is she?” Abby asked.

      “She’s my fiancée.”

      Not that big a difference, Abby thought. Holding her emotions in check, she asked, “Have you told her about Robbie?”

      “No, not yet. But she won’t mind,” he snapped.

      Abby had her doubts about this Patricia. And it gave her an opportunity to negotiate with Nick.

      “Look, Nick, I agree you need to get to know Robbie. But I’ve come back to Sydney Creek. I intend to stay here…as soon as I find a job. Let me find a place in town to live and you can spend the weekends with Robbie.”

      “No!” Nick ground out. “He stays here! I—”

      He broke off his tirade when they heard the arrival of Brad and Robbie. The little boy ran into the kitchen to his mother, babbling about the puppies he’d held and which one was his favorite.

      “I liked the littlest one best, Mommy. He was so cute.”

      “You want to have that puppy as your own?” Nick asked.

      Robbie’s eyes got big. “Can I? Mommy, can we take the puppy home with us?”

      “Tell him!” Nick ordered.

      Abby sank down to her son’s level. “Um, sweetie, we’re going to be staying here for a little while. As long as we’re here—”

      “Tell him the truth!”

      “What’s he want you to tell me, Mommy?”

      Abby closed her eyes. She’d dreamed of this moment so many times, played it out in her mind. But telling Robbie who his father was never went smoothly. She’d always anticipated having more time to get the script right. Apparently she was wrong.


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