Waterford Point. Alana Matthews

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Waterford Point - Alana Matthews Shivers

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forest dark and foreboding.

      Her heart thumped wildly as she listened to the sobs, and with sudden dread she knew she’d made a mistake coming home again.

      The stories she’d heard were true.

      This wasn’t make-believe. A fairy tale. A quaint little piece of local folklore. And as much as she might try, she knew she’d never be rid of her past.

      It was right outside.

      Haunting her.

      Waiting for her in the trees.

       Chapter One

      By the time the ferry reached the dock, Rachel Hudson was a little queasy.

      She didn’t travel well on water. Although the trip across the bay hadn’t taken more than fifteen minutes, her stomach wasn’t exactly rock solid these days, and she thought for a moment she might lose the salad she’d had for lunch.

      Thank God for dry land.

      Rachel had never been to Waterford Point before. Had never been to Penobscot Bay or farther north than Connecticut, for that matter. But the photos she’d seen on the internet had convinced her that this was where she needed to go. That Waterford Point was exactly the place she should be right now.

      Her means of escape.

      Her bastion of refuge.

      An isolated fishing village-cum-tourist destination on an island off the coast of Maine, it was a place where she could forget about the chaos that had swirled around her in California and finally decide what to do with her life now that Dan was officially out of the picture.

      As the ferry gate opened, she moved with the handful of homeward-bound commuters and rolled her suitcase onto the dock, looking out toward the village.

      It was quite a bit larger than she had anticipated and she wasn’t sure she wanted to spend her next few weeks here getting around on foot.

      As the others moved toward their cars in the parking lot, Rachel turned to the dockworker who was manning the gate. He was an elderly man with a weathered, sunbaked face, and she had no doubt that he’d spent many years on a fishing boat.

      “Is there a place around here I can rent a car?”

      “Yes, ma’am.” He pointed toward a cluster of wooden shacks to the right of the dock. “They’re on the far side of that last building, just around the corner. You can’t miss ’em. And they’ll be glad to see you, too.”

      “Oh? Why’s that?”

      “Not too many visitors around here lately, what with all the commotion.”


      He shook his head then; he’d said too much. “Nothing to be concerned about. You just enjoy yourself and be sure to spend lots of money.”

      He grinned, and Rachel felt compelled to push him further, but she resisted the urge.

      She had come here to get her head together, not work. Work was the last thing she needed to be thinking about.

      THE CAR RENTAL AGENCY was an eight-by-ten office with an efficient-looking beanpole of a kid manning the counter.

      The old guy at the dock had been right. Rachel’s arrival seemed to be the high point of this young man’s evening, and he cheerfully rented her a Ford compact, which was parked along the side of the building amidst a couple dozen identical cars.

      Despite his cheerfulness, there was something off about the kid’s demeanor. A nervousness behind the smile. He was trying too hard, Rachel thought, and she again found herself feeling the urge to ask about it.

      But again she resisted.

      He wasn’t a witness to a crime, or a convict staring out from behind a Plexiglas wall. He was an overly enthusiastic rental clerk and she was letting her natural curiosity get the better of her. What was going on inside his head was really none of her business.

      She needed to relax and forget who and what she was for a while.

      For the sake of the baby, if nothing else.

      RACHEL’S PREGNANCY had come as a complete shock.

      One night of mechanical sex—protected sex at that—did not often have such stupefying consequences, and while bearing a child was something she had dreamed of for many years, she’d always shoved the thought aside in favor of her career.

      But now that motherhood would soon be a reality, Rachel was overjoyed.

      Unfortunately, Dan hadn’t shared in that joy.

      “You’re what?” he’d said when she broke the news to him.

      She had asked to meet him for dinner, but he’d opted for a cup of coffee instead. An entire meal was too much of a commitment.

      They sat in a trendy roasting house in Hollywood on a busy Tuesday afternoon and despite the lunch-time chatter around them, Dan’s voice cut straight through and hit her right in the gut.

      “Pregnant,” she repeated, feeling annoyed by his reaction. “You want me to spell it for you?”

      But just as he’d made it clear that he no longer loved her, Dan made it equally clear that he had no interest whatsoever in being a father, and had flat-out refused to believe that it was his child growing inside her.

      Rachel knew, of course, that the baby didn’t belong to anyone else. She hadn’t slept with another man since the divorce, hadn’t even dated, for godsakes.

      So whether he liked the idea or not, Dan was indeed the father.

      She could easily convince him with a paternity test, but what was the point? If he had no interest in loving and caring for their child, no blood test in the world would change his mind.

      Or, more importantly, his heart.

      So she knew she was on her own. Not an ideal situation emotionally, but she was fairly thick-skinned and she’d done well enough in her profession not to have to worry about income for several years.

      And while raising a child alone was not something she was thrilled about, she knew she could manage. Even if it meant putting her work on hold for a while.

      Still, Rachel couldn’t help feeling a little lost and lonely, and she sometimes wished she had a partner to share this joy with. A man who would love her, unconditionally, and welcome her child into the world with open arms.

      Good luck with that one.

      THE DRIVE TO THE WATERFORD Inn took her less than ten minutes.

      A large, refurbished Victorian, it stood at the end of a long block that was bordered by a hillside studded with trees. It was late in the day, and everywhere Rachel looked, those trees seemed to be shrouded in mist.

      Hopefully tomorrow would bring some sunshine.

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