Mistress by Mistake. Kim Lawrence

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Mistress by Mistake - Kim Lawrence Mills & Boon Modern

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is very young and easily impressed. We get to hear all about your exploits—second hand, of course, but it brightens up our dull existence no end to hear how the other half live.’

      The obvious way to remove that smug, provocative little smile was to… Drew caught himself up short, shocked at the crude, politically incorrect and worryingly tempting solution that had instantly occurred to him. Perhaps a bit of the barbarian lurks in us all, he thought, putting the kiss idea firmly out of his head. He didn’t go around kissing strange women—well, not this strange anyway!

      ‘You’d know all about bringing up a teenager, I suppose?’ It must be at least five minutes since she was one herself.

      ‘If that’s meant to be some sort of criticism of Nick…’ Eve began hotly. ‘I just won’t have it!’ she declared passionately. ‘I’m not saying his idea was a good one,’ she conceded reluctantly, ‘but his heart’s in the right place. He wouldn’t have tried to hit you if you hadn’t insulted me. I may not be a perfect parent-figure, but I’m proud of Nick, and I won’t have some…some male blond bimbo criticise him!’

      Drew swallowed the male bimbo crack; he was too astonished at the idea of this woman—hell, she wasn’t much more than a girl herself—bringing up a teenager.

      ‘Are you trying to say you’re your brother’s keeper—in the legal sense?’ he asked incredulously.

      Eve had come across this response before. There had been a lot of people who had thought that she was ruining her life taking on the responsibilities of a young boy when she was barely eighteen herself. A lot of people who’d urged her to let Social Services take the burden. Opposition had made her all the more determined to keep their family unit intact.

      ‘Until he’s eighteen,’ she confirmed, her whole stance saying, clearer than words, Want to make something of it? ‘Which is next week, as it happens—the same day as Daniel.’

      ‘No wonder you’re weird,’ he breathed, half to himself. ‘I’ve only been responsible for Dan for weeks, not years, and I’m already feeling ready for the funny farm.’

      An unscrupulous tart and now I’m weird—charming! ‘It’s nice to meet someone who doesn’t mince his words,’ she observed insincerely. ‘As it happens I’ve found it an extremely rewarding experience watching Nick mature into a warm, caring young man.’ Her lovely mouth curved into a faintly disdainful bow as she selectively deleted all the low points—and there had been quite a few during the last five years. ‘A wise man knows his limitations, and there’s nothing wrong at all with being self-centred. I’m sure you’re extremely wise to avoid responsibilities.’

      Neck extended, he allowed his head to roll back in a relaxed, sleepy way. Eve began to think her provocative words had been too subtle for the pea brain to take in—until she saw the steely expression in his half-closed eyes as he looked down at her. Maybe not that subtle, she conceded, swallowing hard—maybe not subtle enough, a small, cowardly voice suggested.

      ‘Wisdom.’ He considered the word slowly as it rolled thoughtfully off his tongue.

      It gave Eve time to give his mouth a detailed examination. Unlike her own, it was perfectly proportioned. She came to the conclusion that there was something quite cruel about the thin upper lip, and there was a disturbing sensuality to the full lower curve. An unexpected tingle of excitement bubbled through her veins and her heart-rate picked up tempo in response. Stimulating? Exchanging in-sults with this man? Next thing she knew she’d be playing on the railway track. There wasn’t much to choose between the two pursuits.

      ‘Is that the same sort of wisdom you displayed when you decided to play the sultry temptress? A snogging session on the sofa with a schoolboy?’ He awaited her reply with an expression of rapt interest. ‘I suppose it’s possible,’ he prompted, ‘that you like ’em young. Some women do. Or were you living out your naughty fantasies? Then again I might be barking up the wrong tree completely. Do your tastes run in an entirely opposite direction?’ He looked thoughtfully at her sensible shoes.

      Her cheeks went bright red as she caught the drift of his crude insinuations. ‘I was not…not…’

      ‘Snogging?’ he prompted her helpfully.

      ‘It’s not men I don’t like. Just you!’ The nostrils of her masterful little nose flared and she looked at him with loathing. ’As for kissing… I didn’t… I wouldn’t!’ she spluttered furiously.

      ‘I thought it was Dan who wouldn’t.’ The breath escaped from between her clenched teeth in a noisy gasp. His smile was a gentle pat on the head. ‘Probably afraid of being eaten alive. That was some outfit.’ And some body that had filled it out, he added mentally—though you’d never suspect it right now. Talk about camouflage! ‘Don’t take the rejection too much to heart. Your average adolescent would have leapt at the chance—and leapt at you too,’ he added thoughtfully.

      ‘Meaning a proper man would have had more sense?’

      ‘Sensitive nerve?’ he suggested with a maliciously sympathetic smile. ‘Sorry.’

      ‘You know where you can stick your apology!’ she hissed.

      ‘I can imagine,’ he responded hurriedly. ‘But don’t get anatomical, I beg you; I have a very delicate stomach.’

      Delicate! she silently raged. Do me a favour—he’s about as sensitive as a brick!

      ‘Poor Dan has been going through hell at school,’ she told him passionately. She was too angry to notice the spasm of self-recrimination that tautened her opponent’s handsome features momentarily. ‘Kids can be incredibly cruel.’

      Did she think he needed telling? he wondered. The fact the kid hadn’t told him bit deep—he hadn’t noticed any of the clues, and, in hindsight, those clues had been glaringly obvious. He’d been a miserable failure as a guardian.

      ‘Can’t you remember what it was like to be singled out as different?’ Eve’s dark eyes swept disparagingly over him, from the tip of his blond head to his expensively shod feet, and she realised she was looking at the boy everyone else had wanted to be, not a loner isolated by quirks of nature. ‘No, I don’t suppose you can. I was only trying to help.’

      ‘Save me from fool women with good intentions!’ She’d obviously approve of him more if he could produce evidence of childhood trauma. ‘Alas, I can’t wheel out a dys-functional family, even though I can see the fact my parents are kind, loving, well-balanced…and, yes, well-off individuals ruins my credibility in your eyes.’

      ‘They must be wondering where they went wrong with you.’

      ‘You really can’t stop with the cheap wisecracks, can you? Dear God, I wouldn’t give you custody of my cat, let alone a child! Didn’t it occur to you to tell me before you embarked on your crazy scheme?’

      ‘It wasn’t my…’ she began. She closed her mouth. She wasn’t about to lay the blame at her brother’s door. After all, she had been a co-conspirator and the allegedly responsible adult; she should have known better. It was having this awful man point out the fact—very unpleasantly—she couldn’t stand.

      ‘Dan made us swear not to. He didn’t want his fantastic Uncle Drew to think he was a wimp. Tell me, what does it feel like to be a role model?’

      A dull red ran up under Drew’s perfect tan.

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