Touch Me Now. Donna Hill

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Touch Me Now - Donna Hill Mills & Boon Kimani Arabesque

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spent most of her summers on the Harbor. Her godmother, Carolyn, the cofounder of the Platinum Society—a high class matchmaking service—made sure that she kept an eye on her precocious daughter Melanie, and Melanie didn’t go far without Layla. They’d grown up rubbing elbows with the people that the average person only saw on television and in the news. Melanie and Layla were trained in the areas of entertainment, money management, travel, fashion and knowing how to mix and mingle with anyone from the man on the street to the President of the United States. Like Melanie, Layla could speak three languages fluently and had traveled to Europe and Africa before she was eighteen. And if Layla had her way she would have married Melanie’s gorgeous brother Alan even though he always thought of her as the “cute kid,” and his little sister’s friend.

      She smiled as those good memories rushed to the surface before she hopped down from the sill, just as a truck backfired below and let off a plume of smoke into the muggy air.

      Yes, it would be great to get away. A change of scenery, hanging with her girls and enjoying a blow-out party was just what she needed.

      * * *

      “I think you should stay for the summer,” Desiree was saying while she held the cell phone between her jaw and shoulder and adjusted a painting on the wall.

      “Girl, the whole summer! You have got to be kidding. I have…stuff up here to take care of.”

      “Yeah, right. What stuff—a hostess job?”

      “I have clients. They’ll miss me,” she said, trying to sound convincing.

      “I have a beach full of clients for you and you know Melanie will hook you up. Besides, when was the last time that the three of us had a chance to spend some real time together?”

      Layla thought about the tempting offer. But the truth was, both of her girls were married; Desiree to Lincoln and Melanie to Claude. She would be the proverbial fifth wheel. Her chest tightened as images of what could have been flashed for an instant in front of her.

      “I don’t know, Desi,” she said slowly, teetering on the brink of relenting.

      Desiree blew out a puff of frustration. “Well, whatever you decide to do is fine. I think you’re blowing a perfectly good vacation.”

      “Where would I stay for the entire summer?”

      “Right here at The Port.”

      “Desi, come on. What about your guests? The summer is the busiest season. You need all of your guesthouses.”

      “True, but you wouldn’t be a guest.”

      “What are you talking about?”

      “You would be a summer employee.”

      “I thought you said this was my vacation.” She chuckled.

      “Look, what if you stayed in one of the cottages and paid your way by offering massages to my guests? I’ve had a spa set up for months with no one to really run it. It would be a major perk. And you get to keep the tips!”

      Layla burst out laughing. Desiree always had some kind of plan. “Let me think about it.”

      “Okay, but don’t think too long. I know someone will want to hop on this great opportunity.”

      “Someone like whom?”

      “Doesn’t matter. Someone will.”

      “Girl, you are too crazy.”

      “Crazy as a fox,” Desiree said with a snicker.

      “Yeah, okay. Anyhow, I’ll see you next weekend. But I’ll let you know before then what I’m going to do.”

      “See you next week. And think about the offer. It’s perfect.”

      “Okay, okay. I’ll think about it. I’ll see you Friday.”


      Layla disconnected the call. An entire summer on the Harbor? Hmmm. She got up from the side of the bed and walked toward the window. She pushed the off white curtain aside. Traffic, gray concrete and throngs of rushing people filled her line of sight.

      She let the curtain drop back in place. A slow smile lifted the corners of her mouth. Nothing was keeping her in the city beyond her decision to just say yes.

       Chapter 2

      Maurice Lawson winced when he attempted to push up from the couch and stand. The pain in his leg vibrated through his entire body. He squeezed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth. Slowly the searing fire ebbed to a dull throb. He inhaled deeply and sat back down.

      That night, flying over the Afghanistan mountains flashed in his head. The skies were clear with just enough cloud cover to camouflage their mission. He and his Navy SEAL crew were on a stealth mission. Everything was going according to plan. The target was illuminated on the control panel of the Black Hawk Helicopter. And then without warning the world seemed to explode. He’d lost two men on that mission and he’d barely survived himself. He’d spent three months in the hospital and the next three months in rehab, learning how to walk again.

      The doctors said he’d always have pain…and nightmares. But over time both would diminish. They hadn’t.

      That was more than a year ago. He still battled the pain and the nightmares…and the guilt. Some days, the guilt was more painful than his injury.


      He opened his eyes and his gaze settled on Dr. Morrison.

      “Are you all right?” She put down her pad.

      He nodded. “Yeah.” He forced a laugh. “I should be used to it by now.”

      “How are you sleeping?”

      He shrugged. “Some nights are better than others I suppose.”

      Maurice Lawson had been referred to her through the Veterans Administration. After recovering from his wounds it was clear that his injuries were more than physical. She’d been working with him for about six months and the psychotherapy was slow, but there were days when she felt they were making progress. Then there were days like this one when that haunted look would come into his eyes.

      Dr. Morrison leaned forward. “Maurice, your physical therapy is over, but I can’t get you beyond that night if you won’t let me help you to help yourself. You’re holding on to more than physical pain and that’s what’s really debilitating.”

      The corners of his eyes pinched. His full mouth drew into a tight line. “What do you want from me?”

      “I want you to accept that what happened that night was not your fault.”

      “But it was!” he bellowed. “Why can’t you understand that? I was in charge. Those men relied on me to get them in and out of there safely. And I didn’t.”

      “What could you have done differently?” she softly

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