A Chance with You. Yahrah St. John

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A Chance with You - Yahrah St. John Mills & Boon Kimani

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funeral, Raina had decided to look him up online. Initially, she’d been stunned by the negative press about Spencer Davis. He was a reformed bad boy who’d been known to womanize, drink and carouse with all sorts of bad fellows, and he’d exhibited the worst behavior in public. The tide had changed, however, and recent press had Spencer Davis leading the straight-and-narrow life. He’d retired and opened his own sports agency. He’d garnered a few big clients as well as a few Olympic athletes. One thing was clear: Spencer could easily afford child support.

      But what if Spencer wasn’t Zoe father? What if the photo was a bad lead? Was she prepared to take care of Zoe alone?

      Her mind wasn’t able to answer because she’d arrived at her parents’ home. Before she could open the back door, Zoe had already unbuckled herself and jumped out of the car, reminding Raina that she needed to be more cognizant of the child safety locks.

      Zoe raced up the steps and rang the doorbell. Raina sighed as she popped open the trunk and pulled out Zoe’s overnight bag. Slinging it over her shoulder, she grabbed her purse and headed toward the now open front door.

      In eager anticipation of her only grandchild, her mother had swung open the door and swept Zoe into her arms. Raina found them in the hallway and saw her mother smothering Zoe’s face with kisses.

      “Hey, Mom,” Raina said, closing the door behind her.

      “Hi, hon.” Her mother barely hazarded her a glance as she removed Zoe’s jacket and led her to the living room, where her father was no doubt watching the nightly world news.

      “Hello to you, too,” Raina said, following behind her.

      Her mother and Zoe joined her father on the sofa and snuggled together.

      “Hey, baby girl,” her father spoke first. He gave her a quick smile before returning to his news program.

      It was moments like this that reminded Raina of the indifference she’d always felt from her parents growing up. They’d thought they were having one little girl, Alexa, and had only been prepared for one child. Imagine their surprise when the doctor had told them he heard a second heartbeat during delivery and her mother had gone into labor again to give birth to Raina four minutes later.

      And now that their favorite daughter had been taken from them so suddenly, her parents seemed to have gravitated to Zoe like bees to honey. They’d been surprised and deeply hurt when Alexa had indicated she felt Raina would be a better parent for Zoe. They, like Raina, had assumed Alexa was leaving custody to them. They were the logical choice, not a single, career-minded woman.

      “Well,” Raina said and shifted uncomfortably from side to side at the doorway. “Here’s Zoe’s overnight bag.” She dropped the bag with an unapologetic thud onto the floor. “I’ll be by tomorrow to pick up Zoe for Caroline’s birthday party.”

      Even though she would be dog-tired after an evening on her feet, cooking and serving, Zoe had a schoolmate’s birthday party to attend, and Raina was determined to make more of an effort to integrate herself into Zoe’s life. Sometimes it seemed as if the child had more social engagements than Raina.

      Raina was so busy working on making her catering business a success, she had little or no time to go out, much less date someone seriously. Her last serious boyfriend had been two years ago. Eric Thomas had gotten so frustrated by Raina’s long hours and her lack of time for their relationship that he’d hightailed it after six months, leaving Raina alone and celibate the past two years. Now that she was a single mother, Raina’s prospects were going to be even less promising.

      Her mother finally seemed to remember Raina was still in the room and glanced up. “Yes, Raina. Don’t worry about Zoe—we’ve got her tonight. And if you need me to take her to Caroline’s party, just let me know.”

      Raina shook her head. “Oh no, I’ve got it.” She was determined to prove to her doubtful parents that Alexa hadn’t made the wrong decision when she’d chosen her as Zoe’s guardian.

      Raina glanced down at her watch. “Well, I gotta go.” She looked across the room and gave her niece a pleading look. “Can your auntie have a kiss?” She bent down until she was nearly Zoe’s height.

      Zoe paused for what seemed like an eternity before hopping off her grandfather’s knee and giving Raina a halfhearted hug.

      Raina batted her eyes, refusing to let them tear up. Zoe considered her the disciplinarian. Her grandparents gave Zoe anything and everything she wanted, and she adored them. Raina rose. It just wasn’t fair. “See you tomorrow.” She gave her folks and Zoe a wave and made a quick exit. She was eager to go to a place where she knew she belonged, where she mattered. Her kitchen.

      * * *

      “What a great turnout for Parkinson’s Research,” Raina commented as she and Summer set up with their staff for one of the largest charity events of the Miami fall season.

      They’d already arranged their stations earlier that day and brought all their preparations for the canapés they would serve throughout the evening. Diamonds and Gems Catering was collaborating on the event with Traci Todd, a thriving party planner. Traci had set up a classy affair complete with lighting, decorations and a band.

      “I’ll say,” Summer said. She’d never been in the presence of such movers and shakers. She could tell from the way people were dressed in designer tuxedos and vintage gowns that these folks were ready to put down some serious cash for the cause. Their client Allyson Peters was one of the largest contributors, and her company was sponsoring a large team that would run in the Miami Marathon and Half Marathon in January. This event was a precursor to help raise awareness as well as funds. “How much do you think they’ll raise?”

      Raina shrugged as she set out individual portions of her signature steak house sushi roll—shaved prime rib, asparagus, horseradish mayo and arugula—on platters. Their temporary staff had shucked hundreds of oysters for Summer’s raw bar of oysters on the half shell with a black pepper mignonette. Their client had requested small bites to be passed around by liveried waiters.

      Summer and Raina worked in unison as they rolled out the first course of appetizers. They followed up the sushi and oysters with seared sea scallops, a blue crab cake and spicy lamb meatballs. The night was going smoothly. The fee on the event would cover Diamonds and Gems Catering expenses for the month.

      Midway through the second course, Summer moved away from the table. “I’m going to the kitchen for more of the bacon cream sauce,” she told Raina. “I’ll be right back.”

      “I’ll hold down the fort,” Raina said, pushing a wayward strand of hair out of her face as she arranged the food perfectly on a plate. She didn’t notice the two tall men and beautiful woman approaching her table.

      “Good evening.” Raina looked up to give them a warm smile. The color drained from her face as she recognized the person staring back at her. It was none other than Spencer Davis.

      “So what do you have here?” Spencer inquired as he looked down at the platters of food.

      Her mouth moved as if to speak, but no words came out. Raina licked her lips in frustration. How in the world had she come face-to-face with Zoe’s father?

      Chapter 2

      Spencer stared at the beautiful creature with the almond-shaped brown eyes. She was really quite exquisite

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