Behind Palace Doors. Jules Bennett

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Behind Palace Doors - Jules Bennett Mills & Boon Desire

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style="font-size:15px;">      Another look into his smiling eyes and Victoria nearly laughed. Stefan had been up-front and honest with her because that’s the type of friend he was. What he was proposing was nothing like what Alex had done to her. Other than this marriage, what could she offer Stefan that he couldn’t get himself? He certainly wasn’t a rising actor like Alex had been. How could she deny him when she knew he was in a vulnerable state and he trusted only her?

      “I’d expect you to be faithful, even if this is pretend,” she told him.

      “I assure you, you will have my undivided attention.”

      Swallowing the doubts and throwing caution to the wind, Victoria smiled. “Stefan, I’d be honored to marry you.”


      Stefan had invited Victoria to stay in the palace so they could get some alone time to reconnect in ways that phone calls and emails couldn’t provide. They had to attempt to make this seem like the real thing because the media would definitely pick up on any uncomfortableness between them if every touch, every lingering gaze didn’t look authentic—like they were secret lovers.

      Pretending to be infatuated by Victoria’s beauty would be no hardship. Her flawless elegance had only flourished since the last time he’d seen her, and he was damned grateful she’d agreed to his insane proposal.

      Parading her around the grounds with the royal photographer, snapping some pictures as they rode on horseback, cuddled beneath the trellis of flowing flowers and walked along the private, pristine beach, would help fuel this fire of his romance with the next queen of Galini Isle. Though he’d asked the photographer to keep Victoria’s face out of the snapshots to add an aura of mystery. He’d always been proud and ready to show off the women on his arm. Victoria was the first one he’d protected from the camera. So once the photos started going out, they would hopefully create more talk of his upcoming wedding in four weeks.

      Their brief time alone had already caused so many memories to resurface. She was still a tender heart where her family was concerned but lethal when it came to business. The beauty Victoria brought back into his life by being there in person was immeasurable. Holding her, laughing with her, staying up late last night talking again was amazing, and he vowed to never let so much time go between their visits again…if she ended up leaving at the end of the six months.

      All thoughts of reconnecting were swept aside as Victoria entered the intimate dining area he’d had his assistants set up on the balcony off his master suite’s second story. Stefan’s breath caught, and he knew that spark of desire he’d always had for her would only spread and burn hotter now that they were spending so much intimate time alone.

      Yes, he needed her to keep his country, but he wasn’t a fool. No way would he let this prime opportunity pass him by to show her just how much he believed becoming friends with benefits was a great idea. He may not be ready for a “real” marriage, but he was past ready to have Victoria see him in a different way.

      But he had to keep his thoughts and emotions to himself for now. The last thing she needed was him pushing anything more on her. Besides the fact she was saving him, she was coming out of a humiliating engagement to some prick who didn’t know what a treasure he’d had.

      When Stefan had initially learned of the breakup, he’d immediately called, but in typical Victoria fashion, she’d assured him she was fine…hurt and angry, but she’d be okay.

      And looking at her now, she was definitely more than okay.

      Her long, strapless ice-blue chiffon gown was simple, yet so elegant and so beautifully molded to her slender curves, Stefan’s palms itched to touch her. Years of friendship prevented him. Added to that, they’d never ventured into anything intimate. Either she’d been in a relationship or he’d been…preoccupied himself.

      “You look beautiful, Victoria.” He extended his hand toward her, pleased when she took it. “You’ll be the perfect queen.”

      Her smile was genuine, but her eyes instantly darted to the waiting servant in the corner wearing a black tux. “I was hoping to have some time alone with you.”

      While he loved those words coming from her mouth, he knew she just wanted to talk. He squeezed her hand and gave a nod to his employee. Once they were alone, Victoria laughed.

      “That’s the second time you’ve nodded and someone has done what you wanted. You sure this prince-soon-to-be-king title isn’t going to your head?”

      Stefan shrugged, leading her to the table for two on the balcony. “They know what my needs are, so words are usually unnecessary. Besides, I’d much rather spend my evening with my stunning friend than boring staff. I have too many responsibilities with my title. I want to have the down time with you.”

      “Wow, I’m one rank above boring and responsibilities. You’re such a charmer, it’s no wonder you couldn’t get another woman to marry you.” She patted his arm and sighed. “I just hope my family understands my actions.”

      “We can’t tell anyone that this is a paper marriage, Victoria.” He turned her to face him, making her look him in the eye to know just how serious this situation was. “I cannot risk my title on the slip of a tongue.”

      He knew the strong bond she had with her family, knew she’d want to tell them, but he had to at least caution her as to the importance of this arrangement. Other than his personal assistant, Hector, and his brother, no one knew of this secret.

      “I have to tell my mother,” she insisted. “Trust me. She will know something is up and she will badger us both until she uncovers it if we don’t confess now. Besides, she’s always loved you.”

      “As a friend, yes,” he agreed, then laughed. “I’m not sure she’ll love me to play the son-in-law role.”

      She looked into his eyes, and a tilt of her perfect lips proved she knew he had a point. “Well, she does consider you a playboy, and she’s not too keen on all your tats. But she does love you, Stefan. And she knows how much you mean to me.”

      He raised a brow. “What about your brothers?”

      “I can’t lie to them, either,” she told him. “But you should know, of all families, mine understands the potential for scandal when secrets slip.”

      Because he could see the battle she waged with herself and because he knew she wouldn’t back down on this, Stefan nodded. “If you promise this goes no further than your immediate family, I will agree to your terms. I trust them as much as I trust you.”

      “All right, Stefan,” she told him, seeing his shoulders relax on his exhale. “My mother will be the silent observer until she sees if I’m just making a rash decision. But, I should warn you, my brothers will have some serious doubts. They will be all over you, especially after what happened with Alex.”

      Stefan intended to speak with both of her brothers privately. He had a business proposition for them that they may not want to pass up regarding a documentary to clear his parents’ names in his mother’s untimely death. Some thought his mother had committed suicide, while others were convinced his father had hired someone to have her killed. Both were pure nonsense, and he wanted to go into his reign with no blemishes on his family’s name. But he would also reassure Tori’s brothers that he would keep her from any more heartbreak or scandal.


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