King's Promise. Adrianne Byrd

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King's Promise - Adrianne Byrd Mills & Boon Kimani Arabesque

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looked up at Cheryl and then over to see what had captured her attention. “Uh-oh.”

      Cheryl blinked and then jerked her head away. “Uh-oh, what?”

      Lexus’s smile turned into a smirk. “Which one has caught your eye?”

      “What? Neither one,” Cheryl quickly blurted out, and shook her head.

      Lexus laughed. “Yeah, right. And I have a swamp for sale in the Louisiana bayou that you’re just going to love.”

      “Please. They’re not all that,” Cheryl continued to lie, though she didn’t know why she bothered. Her face was hot and once again she was having trouble meeting Lexus’s gaze. What in the hell had happened to her lying skills?

      “Look…what’s your name again?”

      “Cheryl…Shepherd.” She reached out her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

      Lexus accepted her handshake but with a condescending smile. “Honey, the only way that you’re going to convince me that you’re not feeling Quentin or Xavier is if you’re about to tell me that you’re gay. And since there is nothing wrong with my gaydar, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that you’re as straight as an arrow.”

      Cheryl finally met the woman’s eyes and then, a second later, a smile eased across her lips. “All right, so they’re cute. Big deal. I’m sure that there isn’t a day or an hour that they don’t have some woman throwing themselves at them.”

      “An hour?” Lexus glanced over her shoulder and sure enough there were now three women giggling and flirting shamelessly with the cousins. “Honey, if two minutes passes without some chick throwing themselves at them, then it means that there aren’t any women within a three-mile radius. Believe that.”

      Lexus’s words drifted over Cheryl while she continued to watch the three women she recognized as Dolls who had spent half the night sliding and gyrating on the club’s golden poles. Cheryl self-consciously straightened her back and puffed out her chest. They ain’t all that!

      “It’s Xavier, isn’t it?”

      Cheryl’s head whipped back around and her face was scorching hot from having been busted. “I, uh—”

      “Save it.” Lexus waved off Cheryl’s stuttering and shoved her wad of tips in her bra. “Trust me when I tell you that it’s normal. There’s isn’t a woman who’s worked with the Kings and Sir Quentin who hasn’t at one time or another been in love with one of them or all of them. My ass included.”

      Cheryl hadn’t meant to, but she gave the waitress a cursory glance and mentally compared their bodies.

      “Hell, I’m not too sure that we all haven’t slept with them at one time or another.”


      Still laughing, Lexus pulled herself out of the chair. “C’mon. You can’t be surprised. They’re men…who own a gentlemen’s club that is filled with naked girls. Surely you don’t think they sleep alone.”

      Cheryl forced her lips to smile again. “Of course not. I’m not stupid.”

      Lexus shook her head. “Honey, sleeping with Xavier King may make you a lot of things, but stupid isn’t one of them.” With that, she winked and strolled off. “See you tomorrow night.”

      While the waitress’s words slowly sunk in, Cheryl’s gaze once again drifted back to the handsome cousins and their small clique of groupies. But this time Xavier looked up, smiled and winked at her.

      More heat than she knew what to do with flooded her entire body and there had to be something wrong with her knees. At any second she was sure they were going to buckle and her ass would drop to the floor.

      Get it together.

      At last, Cheryl shook herself out of her stupor, gave Xavier a departing nod and then forced one leg in front of the other. But in order to leave the club, she had to walk in his direction. Turned out the closer she got, the weaker her knees became and the wider his smile stretched.

      “Excuse me, ladies,” she said, and waited for two of the girls to step aside so that she could pass.

      During what took about two seconds tops, Cheryl could feel Xavier’s gaze as though it was a feathery touch stroking the sides of her face. She even quivered and darted her eyes away.

      “Good night, Cheryl,” Xavier said.

      There was something about the way he said good night that sounded familiar, though it was the first time he’d ever said it to her. How easy it was to imagine him saying, “Good night, Cheryl,” every night for the rest of their lives before curling up together and going to sleep.

      What in the hell is wrong with me? Snap out of it!

      “Good night, Xavier,” she responded softly, and maneuvered past him and his laughing clique. Cheryl didn’t know why she thought that there would be some kind of relief once she passed him on the stairs. There wasn’t.


      She knew he turned, not because she saw him, but because she could feel that feathery caress now floating down the back of her head and then lingering on her butt. All right. That knowledge did make her smile a bit. One thing for sure, none of the girls that she saw dancing tonight even came close to what the good Lord and her mama blessed her with.

      “Excuse me, guys. I’ll be right back,” Xavier said.

      Cheryl’s eyes bulged while her brain screamed for her legs to move faster. And that was just what the hell they did. Then that magical baritone said, “Cheryl, wait up.”

      Don’t you dare stop! She shoved open the glass front door and marched like a soldier headed off to war. Xavier chuckled.

      When she realized that the deep rumble sounded entirely too close, it was a nanosecond before his hand locked around her wrist. Cheryl gasped aloud as an electric charge surged through her body. Unfortunately for Xavier, it also activated her self-defense reflexes and before either of them could process what was happening, she’d turned and flipped his large frame over on the asphalt. Once reality settled in, Xavier was lying on his back on the pavement with Cheryl still holding his hand and her right foot planted squarely in the center of his chest.

      He blinked. “I just wanted to see if you were interested in grabbing something at the Waffle House, but, uh, I can take a rain check.”

      Realizing what she had done, she released his hand and removed her foot from his chest. “I’m sooooo sorry. You just startled me.” She dropped down and then tried to help him up.

      Still dazed and confused, Xavier sat up and looked around. “How in the hell…?”

      “I, uh, took some self-defense classes a while back.” She waved off the question and gave him a nervous smile.

      “You took classes or you taught classes?” He stood up. “I don’t know whether to be embarrassed right now or impressed.”

      Cheryl smiled and stepped back. “Well, I did have the element of surprise on my

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