And the Bride Wore Red. Lucy Gordon

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And the Bride Wore Red - Lucy Gordon Mills & Boon Cherish

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dismay it fell short of Dong by several feet.

      ‘No problem,’ Olivia sang out, setting her foot on the bottom rung.

      Luckily she was wearing jeans, which made climbing easier, and reaching the top of the ladder wasn’t too hard. But the next bit didn’t look so easy. Taking a deep breath, she set her foot on a branch. It trembled but held, and she was emboldened to haul herself up. In another moment she had reached Dong, who gave her a beaming smile.

      ‘It is very nice up here,’ he said in careful, perfect English. ‘I like climbing trees.’

      Olivia looked at him askance. At any other time she would have been delighted with his command of her language. In the six months she’d spent teaching English at the Chang-Ming School, she’d found that Dong was the one who grasped everything first. She was proud of him, but right now she had other things to worry about.

      ‘I like climbing trees too,’ she said. ‘But I also like getting down safely. So let’s try to do that.’

      She began to edge down, encouraging him to follow her so that he descended into the safety of her arms. One branch, then two, then three and finally, to her immense relief, the top rung of the ladder.

      ‘Just a little further,’ she said. ‘Nearly there.’

      But it was the ladder which failed them, sliding away from the tree suddenly and depositing them on the ground with a bump.

      Olivia gasped as she felt the bark scrape painfully against her arm, but her real fear was for Dong.

      ‘Are you hurt?’ she asked worriedly.

      He shook his head, refusing to be troubled by a few bruises, and bounced back onto his feet.

      ‘I am well,’ he pronounced.

      Clearly this was true, but Olivia knew she had to be sure.

      ‘I’m getting you to a doctor,’ she said.

      The headmistress had arrived on the scene in time to hear this. She was in her late forties with an air of common sense.

      ‘That’s a good idea,’ she said. ‘He seems fine, but let’s take no chances. There’s a hospital ten minutes away. I’ll call a taxi.’

      A few minutes later they were on their way to the hospital. Olivia kept an anxious eye on Dong, but he was grinning, completely happy with the result of his escapade.

      In the hospital someone showed them the way to the clinic, and they joined a short queue. A nurse gave Olivia some forms, and she filled them in while they waited to be seen.

      A notice on the wall informed her that today’s clinic was being taken by Dr Lang Mitchell. Briefly she wondered about that name; ‘Mitchell’ suggested that he might come from the West, but ‘Lang’ held a hint of Chinese.

      After a few minutes the buzzer announced that the doctor was free, and they went in. Olivia saw a tall young man in his early thirties, with dark hair and eyes, and good-looking features that were mostly Western, yet with an intriguing hint of something else.

      ‘What have you two been doing to yourselves?’ he demanded, smiling and eyeing the state they were in.

      ‘Miss Daley climbed a tree,’ Dong said irrepressibly, ‘and I went up to help her when she got stuck.’

      Olivia looked aghast, which made Dr Mitchell grin in perfect comprehension.

      ‘Perhaps it was the other way around?’ he suggested.

      ‘It certainly was,’ Olivia declared, recovering her dignity. ‘On the way down the ladder slipped, and we landed in a heap.’

      He studied the forms. ‘You are Miss Olivia Daley, a teacher at the Chang-Ming School?’

      ‘That’s right. Yen Dong is one of my pupils. I don’t think he’s hurt, but I have to be sure when I hand him back to his mother.’

      ‘Of course. Let’s have a look.’

      After a thorough examination of Dong, he said, ‘I agree that it doesn’t look serious, but we’ll have an X-ray just to be on the safe side. The nurse will take him.’

      ‘Perhaps I should go too.’

      But Dong shook his head, informing her that he was grown up and didn’t need to be protected all the time. When he’d left with the nurse, the doctor switched to English to say, ‘Let’s see about your injuries.’

      ‘Thank you. But I really don’t need much done.’

      Smiling, he said gently, ‘Why don’t you let me decide that?’

      ‘Sorry,’ she groaned. ‘I just can’t help it. My aunt says if I’d shut up occasionally I might learn something.’

      He smiled again but didn’t answer directly. Then he frowned, saying, ‘It might be worse than you think.’

      Now she saw the true extent of the damage. The final slide against the bark of the tree had not merely scratched her flesh but torn the top of her sleeve so that it was barely hanging on.

      ‘I’m afraid I’ll need to remove your blouse,’ Dr Mitchell said. ‘The scratches seem to go further than your arm. Don’t worry, a nurse will be present.’

      He went to the door and called, ‘Nurse.’ A smiling young woman entered, removed Olivia’s blouse gently and remained while he studied her abrasions. He eased her arm this way and that with movements that were as neat as they were skilful. His hands were large and comforting, both gentle and powerful together.

      Disconcertingly she found herself becoming self-conscious. The blouse was high-necked and modest, even severe, as befitted a teacher, but beneath it she wore only a bra of fairly skimpy dimensions. She had breasts to be proud of, an unusual combination of dainty and luscious. Every bra she possessed had been designed to reveal them to one man, and although he was no longer part of her life she had never discarded them.

      It had briefly crossed her mind to substitute underwear that was more sober and serious, but she’d rejected the thought as a kind of sacrilege. Now she wished she’d heeded it. Her generous curves were designed to be celebrated by a lover, not viewed clinically by a man who seemed not to notice that they were beautiful.

      But that was as it should be, she reminded herself. The doctor was being splendidly professional, and deserved her respect for the scrupulous way he avoided touching her except when and where necessary. It was just disturbing that his restraint seemed to bring her physically alive in a way that only one man’s touch had before.

      He was cleaning her arm, swabbing it gently with cotton wool anointed with a healing spirit.

      ‘This will sting a little,’ he said. ‘I’m sorry, are you all right?’

      ‘Yes, I—’

      ‘You jumped. I guess it stings more than I thought. Don’t worry, I’ll soon be finished.’

      To her own dismay she’d sounded breathless. She hoped he didn’t

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