Deception. Donna Hill

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Deception - Donna Hill Mills & Boon Kimani Arabesque

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that he turned and strode down the corridor, leaving her trembling.

      As she drifted off to sleep that night, her last conscious thought was that she’d have to do some serious checking on the devastating Mr. Steele.

      Chapter 4

      Rising early Monday morning, Terri completed her half hour of meditation, prepared her usual glass of carrot juice and took a quick shower.

      Searching through her closet she selected a brilliant green silk dress with fiery splashes of red and bold gold throughout. As an added accessory, she chose an oblong gold silk scarf that draped dramatically across her right shoulder. A small gold pin in the shape of Queen Nefertiti held the scarf in place. To take away from her girlish looks, she twisted her shoulder-length locks into an intricate twist on the top of her head, accentuating her sculpted features.

      Satisfied with her look, she completed her outfit by selecting a pair of green suede pumps. With shoes and purse in hand, she padded to the door in stockinged feet before slipping into her shoes.

      She checked her watch. It was almost ten o’clock. She wasn’t due in the office until after twelve. That would give her at least an hour of research time in the business library. She was going to dig up every article, news item and gossip clipping that she could find on Clinton Steele and Hightower Enterprises.

      Nearly two hours later, armed with a dossier full of information, Terri left the library, hailed a cab and headed for her office. She was stunned to discover the volumes of information that had been written about Clint over the past ten years. It would take days, maybe even weeks, to sort through it all. But she would—of that she was sure.

      She leaned back in the cab and considered her next step. As soon as she arrived at work, she’d give her friend Lisa Barrett a call. Lisa had worked as the head of proposals for the Gateway Foundation for fifteen years. Gateway solicited help from all of the major corporations in the United States to support charitable causes and community services. Any company worth its salt had contributed at some point. Powers, Inc., had made sizable contributions over the years, and Terri was sure that if anyone knew about the inner workings of the businesses in New York it would be Lisa.

      Arriving at her office, Terri quickly placed a call to Lisa.

      “Lis, hi, it’s Terri.”

      “Hey, hon, how are you? I haven’t heard from you in days. Are you back at work?”

      “In answer to your first question, I’m okay. And yes, I’m back at work, but I need a favor.”

      “Doesn’t everybody,” Lisa commented drolly. “What might yours be?”

      “I need you to check out Clinton Steele. He owns—”

      “Believe me, I know what he owns.” Her voice was filled with amazement. “You’re really moving into the big time. What do you want to know?”

      “Anything that you can find. He made a bid for us to do an ad campaign, but I don’t like what I’ve heard about him. Still, I’d like to give the man the benefit of the doubt.”

      “I’d like to give the man a lot of things, but doubt isn’t one of them,” Lisa quipped wistfully.

      “Lisa,” Terri moaned, “come on, this is serious.”

      “All right—all right. I’ll see what I can find out.”

      “Thanks, Lis. Call me when you do.”

      With that out of the way, Terri diligently tried to focus on the meeting with McPhearson ahead of her. She’d prepared her notes, gone over Stacy’s campaign strategy and had dressed the part of the executive to the hilt.

      Yet even with all of her preparation, she could not shake thoughts of Clint from her mind. Every free second for the past two days, visions of him assaulted her. She couldn’t count how many times she’d relived his kiss. Just the thought of it sent jolts of electricity whistling through her veins. Damn you, Clinton Steele! she thought. Why now, when my whole life is in a tailspin? And why you?

      Sighing deeply, she got up from her desk and smoothed her dress. She hadn’t heard from him since that night, and maybe it was just as well. Things were getting too complicated too fast.

      She checked the antique grandfather clock that stood against the wall. The representatives from McPhearson were due in her office any minute.

      Where was Mark? she wondered, her agitation building. He should have been here an hour ago. She crossed the room in long-legged strides and pressed the intercom.


      “Yes, Ms. Powers?”

      “Has Mark arrived yet?”

      “He just walked in.”

      “As soon as he’s ready, would the two of you come in? You’ll need to bring your Dictaphone, Andrea. I want every word recorded. And buzz Stacy also.”

      “Yes, Ms. Powers.”

      Terri returned to her desk just as her private line rang. “Terri Powers,” she answered.

      “Ms. Powers, this is Mr. McPhearson’s secretary.”

      “Oh, yes. I wasn’t expecting a call. Is there a delay in the meeting time?” She immediately flipped open her plan book, hugging the phone between her shoulder and her ear, pen poised and waiting.

      “Uh, Ms. Powers—Mr. McPhearson wants me to inform you that he’s changed his mind about the campaign.”

      “What?” She dropped the pen between the ivory pages. “I don’t understand. Everything was set.”

      “That’s all the information I have, Ms. Powers.”

      “Let me speak with Mr. McPhearson.” Her pulse pounded in her ears.

      “He’s in a meeting.”

      Terri would have laughed at the practiced line if she wasn’t so furious. “Would you have him call me as soon as he’s through?”

      “He’s leaving directly for the airport when the meeting concludes.”

      “I see.” Terri swallowed, her back stiffening. “Thank you.”

      Blindly she hung up the phone, a sinking feeling taking over. This deal was critical. She couldn’t believe that McPhearson would pull out, just like that. There had to be some explanation, and she was damn sure going to find out what it was.

      She paced the floor, her teeth biting her bottom lip, trying to contemplate a course of action.

      There was a light tap at the door.

      “Come in,” Terri said offhandedly.

      Stacy stepped in.

      “All ready for the big boys?” Stacy asked. She took a seat at the round conference table on the far side of the office.

      Terri blew out an exasperated breath.

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