Promises to Keep. Linda Hudson-Smith

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Promises to Keep - Linda Hudson-Smith Mills & Boon Kimani

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status, he flirted openly with Courtney and it didn’t seem to bother him in the least. Someone had to keep a level head in this deal. It would be too easy for her to give in to the strong desire she had to be in his arms, but thoughts of the beautiful Candice always reined in her emotions. She wasn’t a man stealer or a home wrecker.

      Sliding out from behind the wheel of her dark blue Lexus, Courtney handed the valet key to the attendant who’d opened her door. In turn, he gave her a numbered ticket to retrieve her car later.

      As she stepped inside Club 21, Darius was the first person she saw. She liked that he was waiting for her to arrive. He came over to her and greeted her warmly, then directed her to a table he’d reserved for the evening.

      Darius pulled out a chair for Courtney. “We have a perfect view of the bandstand from here. We won’t miss a thing.”

      Courtney smiled. “You sure don’t miss a beat. I like how you handle your business.”

      He grinned as he claimed a chair. “Honey, for me, this is as much pleasure as it is business. I’m seated with a great-looking woman and if the band delivers all I’ve heard about them, this should be one magnificent night.”

      For all the fuss she’d made to play down her looks, Courtney knew she had failed at dampening Darius’s spirits. He seemed just as excited as he always did in her presence.

      “What would you like to drink, Courtney?”

      “I only drink wine, and sparingly. A glass of rosé, please.”

      Darius stood and then summoned a waitress. Courtney noticed that he was dressed more casually than she’d ever seen him and he still looked like a million bucks. The man wore his clothing as well as any male fashion model. Everything appeared to fit him to a tee. The dark sports coat worn over a soft pink, open-collar shirt made him look dashing, just as the dark designer jeans did.

      Ladies might glance at Darius’s expensive attire for a moment or two, but their eyes would no doubt linger on his handsome, clean-shaven face and sexy body. He was breathtaking in more ways than one. His intellect was also very stimulating to Courtney. They talked about anything and everything and she was impressed with how tuned in he was to current events. He also loved to talk politics.

      Courtney’s resolve weakened more and more every time she got together with Darius. She was glad the reception was close at hand. Once it was over, she’d never have to see him again. The thought pained her terribly, but their business would soon be concluded. If by chance he contracted her company to cater any other social events, she’d make sure to assign his account to another employee—anyone but herself.

      After their wine was delivered to the table, the club manager enthusiastically introduced the band. Glad that she was no longer the main focus of Darius’s attention, Courtney sat back in her chair, hoping she could relax. Being in his company kept her on pins and needles and she’d lost count of the number of times she’d wondered what it would be like to sample his luscious-looking mouth.

      The first number the band played brought Courtney up out of her seat. There was no way to sit still when such soul-stirring sounds got her going. Forgetting she was in the company of a client, she let her hair all the way down, dancing and gyrating right in front of her seat. Her sexy movements sent Darius’s imagination racing in a myriad of directions.

      As a man who’d confessed to seizing an opportunity when one presented itself, Darius took hold of Courtney’s hand and guided her onto the dance floor. There, in the middle of the room, he let the music seep into his soul and completely overtake him. The music was of the feel-good variety. All they had to do was open up their hearts to it and let it in.

      Courtney noticed that she and Darius weren’t the only ones who’d rushed to the dance floor. It appeared that practically everyone in the club was busy getting down. The music had the patrons in the groove and ready to rock away the entire night.

      Feeling totally relaxed and at ease with Darius, Courtney danced like she’d never danced before. No longer was she afraid of her feelings for her dance partner. If nothing else, Darius would make a wonderful friend. She’d rather have him as a friend than not have him in her life at all. She didn’t feel as if she were betraying Candice because that wasn’t in her plans. She and Darius just happened to be two decent people with a lot in common.

      Turning a wild attraction into a friendship wasn’t a criminal act.

      Who could fault them for being friends?

      As the fast-paced music changed to a much slower pace, couples slipped into each other’s arms. When Darius brought Courtney in closer to him, she didn’t back away. He kept their bodies at an acceptable, respectable distance, but that didn’t quell the fiery heat surging between them.

      Friends slow-danced, too, Courtney told herself.

      Darius came back to the table with the leader of the band and a couple of other band members. He immediately introduced the guys to Courtney and asked them to have a seat and join them for drinks on him. The band happily accepted his invitation.

      Terry played guitar, his sleek style lathering up the dancers, causing them to act maniacal. Mitchell was a genius on the saxophone, playing as though his very life depended on the sounds coming from his instrument. Richard could wail on the drums, making them communicate beautifully with the soulful rhythms. The bass guitarist, Stephen, seemed to completely lose himself in the sweet chords he played so well. Every single guy in the band was a superb musician.

      “You guys are really great! The music is so pure and sweet, yet funky and soulful,” Darius said.

      Terry nodded. “Yeah, it’s always like a big party when we get together. We’re truly blessed.”

      “I can see why,” Courtney contributed. “I’m kind of shy when it comes to dancing, but you guys had me letting it all hang out before I even knew what had hit me. Do any of you know J. R. Norman?”

      Everyone responded to J.R.’s name at the same time. It sounded to Courtney as if he were very much respected by his fellow musicians. They all had something positive to say about him. Terry even commented about how great Monica was, which had Courtney wondering why her friend had never mentioned this fabulous band to her.

      Darius set his wineglass down. “Guys, I know you have to get back to the bandstand in a few minutes, but I’d like to know if you can possibly play at a surprise engagement reception.”

      Terry stroked his chin. “If it’s a Friday or Saturday, we’re more than likely booked already. Our weekend and holiday dates fill up rather quickly. Spring and summer months are rough, too.”

      “Can you check it out during the next break and let me know?” Darius asked.

      Terry nodded in the affirmative.

      “We’ll never land them, at least not for the upcoming event,” Darius said to her after the band left the table. “How difficult would it be to change the event to a late-afternoon affair to accommodate their schedule?”

      “The invitations aren’t printed yet, so that shouldn’t be a problem. I might have to rework the staff schedules. All of my top coordinators are assigned to your reception. While everyone on my staff is great at what they do, there are those who’ve been with me a long time. These employees know exactly what my expectations are. Like you, I doubt the band will be free, but it never hurts to hope and pray for a miracle.”

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