Promises to Keep. Linda Hudson-Smith

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Promises to Keep - Linda Hudson-Smith Mills & Boon Kimani

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on him was profound, something he’d never experienced before. The view from behind was sexy, spellbinding and thrilling.

      Feeling someone’s presence, Courtney turned and saw Darius standing there.

      Impeccably dressed in a light gray, pinstriped suit, a pink silk shirt, with a complementary white, pink and gray silk tie, Darius exemplified a successful tycoon. The fashionable attire looked exquisite on his fine physique.

      Courtney smiled brightly. “Good evening, Darius. It’s nice to see you again.”

      Darius smiled gently. “The feeling is mutual. Would you like something to drink?”

      Courtney nodded her assent. “Cold water would be nice. Thank you.”

      Darius walked over to his desk and picked up the phone, punching in the red intercom button. “Jasmine, please bring in a few bottles of ice-cold water and a platter of fresh fruit. I’m starving and way past ready for my dinner order.”

      “Right away, Mr. Fairfax.”

      “Thanks, Jasmine. You’re the best.”

      Instead of sitting down in the swivel chair behind his desk, where he conducted most of his business, Darius opted for one of the plush microfiber sofas. He wanted to make Courtney feel at ease.

      She took a seat. One click of her thumb opened the brown leather briefcase. “I’m letting you call all the shots,” she reminded him, smiling softly.

      “In that case, we’re ready. Have you come up with any other inspiring ideas for the surprise engagement party?”

      “Based on the things we discussed yesterday, I think I have a couple of good ones. Since I can’t confer with Candice, I only have your brain to pick.” Reaching into her briefcase, she removed a few sheets of paper and handed them to him.

      “I sketched a few ideas for centerpieces to include the angels you mentioned.”

      A light knock came on the door before Darius could respond. The door opened and in walked Jasmine. She set a metal tray on the rectangular chrome table situated in one corner of the vast room.

      Jasmine was dressed beautifully. Courtney thought she was stunning; her attire had class and style. She imagined guys giving off shrill wolf whistles whenever Jasmine walked into a room or strolled by. Clad in a red silk blouse and slim navy skirt, the young woman was a looker. A wide red patent-leather belt spanned her slender waist.

      Getting to his feet, Darius was eager to introduce the two dynamic women.

      “Jasmine Parker has been my administrative assistant for the past couple of years. I can count on her when I can’t rely on anyone else. A one-of-a-kind employee, she’s loyal to me and committed to running the office to the best of her ability. I’d be lost without Jasmine,” he told Courtney. “She agreed to stay on until our meeting is done. This young, innovative lady has a great future ahead of her in film.”

      Courtney took Jasmine’s extended hand. “So nice to meet you, Jasmine.”

      “Same here,” Jasmine assured Courtney, smiling sweetly.

      A couple of light pleasantries were exchanged between the two women before Jasmine turned her attention back to her boss. “Do you need anything else before your dinner arrives, Mr. Fairfax?”

      “I’m good for now. Thanks, Jasmine.”

      “I’m just an intercom buzz away.” She smiled at her boss then quickly excused herself and hurried out of the room.

      Courtney’s eyes followed Jasmine until the door shut. The lady was intriguing.

      “It looks like you surround yourself with beautiful women.” Courtney wanted to swallow her tongue. What a provocative thing for her to say to a client. It was asinine.

      “I’m assuming you’re talking about Jasmine for one, but who else are you referring to?”

      Cheeks aflame with embarrassment, Courtney pointed at his desk. “The ladies in the photographs are also stunning.”

      “Ah, Candice and Mom. They are beautiful. Candice’s inner spirit matches her physical beauty.” He suddenly grew silent, his eyes misting. “Candice needs protecting. She’s very fragile. I try hard to make sure she’s always happy.”

      Courtney looked concerned for Darius. He looked so sad all of a sudden. “A surprise reception should make her happy. I’m sure she’ll be pleased.” She wanted to ask him more about his mother, but something told her not to. The fact he hadn’t offered any personal information about her, not even her name, was enough to deter Courtney from making any inquiries.

      “I’d do just about anything for Candice, including laying down my life. I’m her fiercest protector. Our relationship is immovably strong and refreshingly honest. I’m beyond certain that no one can ever come between us. We are in each other’s blood.”

      Darius’s comments gave Courtney chills and goose bumps. She’d never heard any man voice his feelings for someone in such an emotionally moving way. Whatever Candice had or didn’t have, she had a fiancé who loved her, a man who was willing to die for her. How many women were able to say that? Courtney could only imagine what it might be like to have someone communicate with her in such a profound way. That he hadn’t included his mother in his statement had Courtney thankful she hadn’t opened up what might be unpleasant for him. She just didn’t know what was what.

      Courtney thought about the one and only serious romantic relationship she’d had in her adult life. Unfortunately, the liaison had turned out to be a huge, painful disappointment and failure for her. She often thanked God for bailing her out of the toxic situation before she’d fallen hard for Michael Scottsdale, a corporate executive.

      Unwittingly, excruciating heartbreak had been waiting for Courtney around every corner. By the grace of God, she’d been led onto another path, but only after she’d taken an unfortunate detour to Michael’s cheating, unfeeling heart. Many women had fought hard in the trenches to become number one in the life of this successful man—in hopes of winning him over. Just as many ladies had lost the battle, including her. Yet losing had really turned out to be a win for her in the end.

      All the endless, lonely nights in Courtney’s life were as much her fault as anyone’s. Safeguarding her precious heart had become as important to her as breathing. She preferred to be alone than to have her leisure time filled with a meaningless relationship. Loneliness was sometimes a hard row for her to hoe, yet she had finally found peace in merely sharing her time with girlfriends and others with whom she’d forged mutual bonds.

      Courtney spread out on the coffee table several sheets of paper that outlined her plans for Darius’s special event. Everything had been illustrated in painstaking detail. “Please take a minute to look at what I’ve come up with.”

      “My time is yours. That’s why I asked you to meet me here in my office.”

      Courtney nodded. “In that case, I’ll wait for your comments.”

      A knock came on the door again. Just as before, it opened and Jasmine stepped inside. Walking across the room to the corner table, she set down the tray and left the domed top in place. “Can I get you something other than water to drink?”


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